A modded EditSaber for making beat saber maps.
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5 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago
6 years ago
  1. # Fork of a fork of a fork of a 3D beatsaber song editor
  2. ![alt text](https://i.imgur.com/87zY9Te.png)
  3. This is a "fork" of [MediocreMapper by squeaksies](https://github.com/squeaksies/MediocreMapper) which is a "fork" of [EditSaberEnhanced by permissionBRICK](https://github.com/permissionBRICK/EditSaberEnhanced) which is a "fork" of [EditSaber by Ikeiwa](https://github.com/Ikeiwa/EditSaber). Previously assisting with EditSaberEnhanced, I made this mediocre thing as a set of feature additions on EditSaberEnanced.
  4. ## Supports the new BeatSaver schema
  5. # MediocreMapper changelog
  6. ## No longer maintained
  7. ## Update Mk4
  8. ### New Stuff
  9. * **Lightmap** v2 integration
  10. * **Cat** mode. swirly eyed cats are dot notes. Comes with cat hit sounds
  11. * **Metronome** use BPM blocks to configure downbeat
  12. * **Bongo Cat** companion that tests your songs
  13. * **No lighting mode** so you can actually load giant event files
  14. * **Mapping Extensions** support, minus precision walls. But it's got 6 lane, precision placement and angles.
  15. * **Song Loader Fields** `contributors`, `noteJumpSpawnBeatOffset`, `requirements`, `suggestions`, `information`, `warnings`, `characteristics`, `customEnvironment`, `difficultyLabel`
  16. * **OSU Importer** place an .osz file in your song folder before loading the song to import BPM Changes
  17. * **Redo** it's on ctrl+shift+z, i didn't want ctrl+y
  18. * **Unlock Strobe/Laser Limits** note: i'll hate you forever if you press this
  19. * **Edit lock** it's like holding alt, but all the time. Mainly for mapping extensions
  20. * **BPM Overhaul** now adjustable placement to the millisecond and offers beat division modifiers
  21. * **Stacked Notes Detector** i don't even know how you people make these, but here's a detector
  22. * **Autosave Recovery** Now in editor
  23. * **Automatic Square Image** detector and corrector
  24. * **WIP Folder** Automatic swap over to WIP folder. If you had previously manually done this. you'll need to swap back to normal.
  25. ### Fixes and improvements
  26. * **In place note editing** No more need to scroll to a note to move it. Alt+RMB
  27. * **Camera Speed** No longer tied to framerate
  28. * **Editor Settings** No longer only saves on song exit.
  29. * **Play and Revert** Hold space and let go. no need to press the stop button anymore.
  30. * **Bookmark Creation** No longer hijacks your cursor when you place them. Also esc cancels bookmarks now
  31. * **More Bookmark fixes** Bookmarks no longer get screwed on editor scale changes
  32. * **Milliseconds** now added to song time
  33. * **Selection counter** shows how many items are selected
  34. * **Copy-Paste** While song playing
  35. * **Strobes** now obey BPM and work while song is playing
  36. * **Stats Panel** will now either apply to the whole map, or selected notes/events
  37. * **Autoupdater** is now able to update itself. This is the last manual update.
  38. * **Wiping all your songs** should now no longer happen occasionally.
  39. * **Freeek** no longer haunts the bottom of your screen in portrait/square orientations
  40. ### Other stuff, and bad things
  41. * **ChromaToggle/ChromaLite** support dropped. Still accessible via beta setting, but will not be maintained further.
  42. * **MediocreLoader** support dropped. use fpfc to explore your mapping in game. Will look into fixing this later, but it's broken for now.
  43. * **No more source updates** due to sensitive-ish code, the source will no longer be updated.
  44. * **New Icon** since we're not ChromaToggle anymore, we have a new icon. All hail our cat eared overlords.
  45. * **Donation page** I have one now, bottom of settings.
  46. Now go find me some bugs. Also there's a bunch of stuff i probably left out. i don't log it well.
  47. ## Update MC3Rev1:
  48. * Audio now stops playing if disconnected from MMMM server abruptly
  49. * Backups of difficulty .json files are made upon joining an MMMM server
  50. * Surprise for the 22nd to the 28th
  51. ## Update Mk3
  52. * Mediocre Mapper Multi-Mapper (multiplayer) (henceforth referred to as MMMM)
  53. * [Readme for MMMM server](https://github.com/squeaksies/MediocreMapper/blob/master/ServerReadme.md)
  54. * Trackpad support
  55. * Warnings for common file name/type errors
  56. * Swap waveform to lighting track
  57. * Open song folder button
  58. * Copy-crash fixed (again)
  59. * New slice sounds
  60. * Middle-mouse now usable while song is being played
  61. * MediocreLoader updated to Beat Saber version 0.12.1
  62. * Waveform now 1/2 the length for performance reasons
  63. * bookmarks now less buggy (kinda, some have reported not being able to interact with bookmarks)
  64. * on that note, pressing [B] or creating a new bookmark while on top of one deletes it.
  65. * backspace isn't retarded anymore
  66. * some other bugs fixed probably
  67. * I have like 10 real friends on snapchat, 20 followers on insta, and I strictly use my Facebook for telling randos to kill themselves. They all fucking love me, do the 300 friends you have on Facebook even message u? How many have you met irl? If its over 10 I guess you win.
  68. ## Update Mk2Rev1:
  69. * Custom Events fixed
  70. * Mirror Fixed
  71. * Temporary/read only song loading added
  72. * Copy-crash fixed
  73. * note sorting fixed
  74. * some other bugs fixed probably
  75. * buggy bookmarks
  76. * new bugs added
  77. ## Update Mk2:
  78. * Performance update: Number of notes/events/length of song no longer/lightly plays a role in performance
  79. * Ctrl + click selection overhauled to box select
  80. * Alt + scroll to adjust wall length
  81. * Walls now extend lower to show there is no accommodation for mid-level notes on crouch walls.
  82. * Slice sound timing adjusted(sorry quack mappers, not yet)
  83. * Sort songs by Name/Time
  84. * Search bar for song selection
  85. * Autoupdater
  86. * Companion plugin "MediocreLoader" to start songs within Beat Saber. Automatically installed from within editor.
  87. * Strobe lighting placement
  88. * RGB events added for ChromaToggle, consult in-editor manual for keybinds
  89. * More modes for ChromaToggle
  90. * Ctrl+F now correctly listed as fake walls hotkey
  91. * Editor scale works again
  92. * Nice Environment looks like Nice Environment
  93. * Esc opens menu in editor
  94. * a bunch of other bug fixes, i don't keep a good log of this stuff so it's hard to remember. it's like a game, an easter egg hunt, go find stuff i forgot to say here.
  95. ## Features not included from EditSaberEnhanced
  96. * Preview event on \[V]
  97. * Drag select with \[N]/\[L]
  98. * Option to disabled ghost event block
  99. ## Big changes and stuff that doesn't really fit too well with the below stuff. In otherwords, things I wanted to be at the top.
  100. * Editor supports ChromaToggle. A mod by Skykiwi, which offers up to 5 colors to be used in a map. [Discord Link for further details](https://discord.gg/xwrWzfj)
  101. * Settings are now persistent and are saved between editor closing/new map loading.
  102. * Variable BPM support with 3 decimals of accuracy. This is not compatible with the the "ModdedEditSaber" Variable BPM Editor.
  103. * Vision block detector now built into editor. If vision block exceeds 5% of the map, the editor will begin complaining.
  104. * Editor will complain upon placement of 2-wide center walls, or 3 wide walls.
  105. * Audio is no longer muted on window focus lost
  106. * Discord Rich Presence support.
  107. ## Map Selection Menu Changes
  108. * Songs from in-game-downloader are now filtered out.
  109. * Map selection screen now offers configuration for autosaves
  110. * Favorites added to Map Selection screen. Favorite maps are indicated by a cat and are automatically put at the top. Newly created songs are automatically favorited.
  111. * Guide by Awfulnaut now linked on the map selection page for starting mappers.
  112. * Reset song folder button now changed to clear settings.
  113. * One Saber Mode option now present in menu.
  114. * Note jump speed now editable from menu.
  115. * Map copying to other difficulties.
  116. ## Editing Menu Changes
  117. * Song and Note volume sliders on menu
  118. * New lighting panel on the right side \[Still uses tab to open]
  119. * Old lighting panel replaced with Error Checker \[Open with shift+tab]
  120. * Statistics panel added and opened from Error Checker
  121. * Timestamp added in top right, showing position in song.
  122. * Progress Timer in bottom right, showing approximate total time spent on song.
  123. ## Error Checker
  124. Min Time and Max Time specifies time of effect from a note.
  125. * Double Same direction checker (Intended for streams)
  126. * Time to look for a double same direction hit after each hit.
  127. * Vision Block Detector
  128. * Time vision blocks are detected after an eye-height level block.
  129. ## Hotkey additions and control changes
  130. * WASDF for lighting controls
  131. * Alt + WASD to edit hovered events
  132. * Alt + scrollwheel to change hovered laser speeds
  133. * Ctrl + Z for undo (undoes anything)
  134. * Walls are now placed with two left clicks
  135. * Shift + scroll for direction changes removed
  136. * **use WASDF or numpad to rotate notes**
  137. * shift + middle click to quick delete
  138. * Delete deletes all selected blocks
  139. * Arrow keys can move events
  140. * Notes now take priority over walls when deleting
  141. * Ctrl + click to select large sections
  142. * Middle mouse swaps red/blue for events
  143. * Ctrl + F to swap between normal, negative width and negative length walls
  144. ## ChromaToggle Controls
  145. * 1 - Red
  146. * 2 - Blue
  147. * Q - Magenta
  148. * E - Green
  149. * R - Grey
  150. ## Statistics Panel
  151. Offers the following data about your map, with defining tooltips and value suggestions
  152. * Note Count
  153. * Notes Per Second
  154. * Bomb Count
  155. * Wall Count
  156. * Lighting Count
  157. * Red/Blue Ratio
  158. * Vision Block Percentage
  159. * Aggressive Vision Block Percentage
  160. * % usage of each row.
  161. and uhhh some other stuff I probably forgot. I can't wait to make 50 commits to the repo just to update this h\*cking readme.
  162. ## Future plans
  163. * Overhaul box select.
  164. * Metronome
  165. * Hitsounds only on one color
  166. * Bad pattern detection
  167. * Timing Track
  168. * Lightmap Integration
  169. * Bookmarks for collaborations