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  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 or later (2017 may work, no guarantees)
  • Tools for C/C++ (MSVC) v141
  • .NET 4.6.1 SDK and .NET 4.7.2 SDK
  • Beat Saber (if developing for .NET 4.5+)
  • Muse Dash (if developing for .NET 3.5)


  1. Clone with git clone --recursive

  2. Create a file, bsinstalldir.txt in the solution root. Do NOT create this in Visual Studio; VS adds a BOM at the begginning of the file that the tools used cannot read. It should contain the path to your Beat Saber installation, using forward slashes with a trailing slash. e.g.

    C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Beat Saber/

    If you intend to be doing .NET 3.5 centric development, you must put your Muse Dash installation folder in a file named mdinstalldir.txt that is otherwise identical to bsinstalldir.txt.

  3. Open BSIPA.sln in Visual Studio.

  4. Choose the configuration that you intend to target during development.

  5. Rebuild all.

    When you make a change somewhere in BSIPA itself, right click on BSIPA-Meta and click Build or Rebuild. This sets up the output in path/to/solution/BSIPA-Meta/bin/<Configuration> to be what should be copied to the game directory.

    When making a change to Mod List, you only need to build Mod List itself. Install by copying everything in path/to/solution/BSIPA-ModList/bin/<Configuration> to your game directory.

When building a Debug build, all referenced assemblies from Beat Saber will be copied from the install directory provided in bsinstalldir.txt into Refs/. Any new references should reference the copy in there. When building for Release, it just uses the files already in Refs/.