@ -0,0 +1,548 @@ |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?> |
<doc> |
<members> |
<assembly> |
<name>UnityEngine.UIModule</name> |
</assembly> |
<member name="T:UnityEngine.AdditionalCanvasShaderChannels"> |
<summary> |
<para>Enum mask of possible shader channel properties that can also be included when the Canvas mesh is created.</para> |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:UnityEngine.AdditionalCanvasShaderChannels.None"> |
<summary> |
<para>No additional shader parameters are needed.</para> |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:UnityEngine.AdditionalCanvasShaderChannels.Normal"> |
<summary> |
<para>Include the normals on the mesh vertices.</para> |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:UnityEngine.AdditionalCanvasShaderChannels.Tangent"> |
<summary> |
<para>Include the Tangent on the mesh vertices.</para> |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:UnityEngine.AdditionalCanvasShaderChannels.TexCoord1"> |
<summary> |
<para>Include UV1 on the mesh vertices.</para> |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:UnityEngine.AdditionalCanvasShaderChannels.TexCoord2"> |
<summary> |
<para>Include UV2 on the mesh vertices.</para> |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:UnityEngine.AdditionalCanvasShaderChannels.TexCoord3"> |
<summary> |
<para>Include UV3 on the mesh vertices.</para> |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="T:UnityEngine.Canvas"> |
<summary> |
<para>Element that can be used for screen rendering.</para> |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:UnityEngine.Canvas.additionalShaderChannels"> |
<summary> |
<para>Get or set the mask of additional shader channels to be used when creating the Canvas mesh.</para> |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:UnityEngine.Canvas.cachedSortingLayerValue"> |
<summary> |
<para>Cached calculated value based upon SortingLayerID.</para> |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:UnityEngine.Canvas.isRootCanvas"> |
<summary> |
<para>Is this the root Canvas?</para> |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:UnityEngine.Canvas.normalizedSortingGridSize"> |
<summary> |
<para>The normalized grid size that the canvas will split the renderable area into.</para> |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:UnityEngine.Canvas.overridePixelPerfect"> |
<summary> |
<para>Allows for nested canvases to override pixelPerfect settings inherited from parent canvases.</para> |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:UnityEngine.Canvas.overrideSorting"> |
<summary> |
<para>Override the sorting of canvas.</para> |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:UnityEngine.Canvas.pixelPerfect"> |
<summary> |
<para>Force elements in the canvas to be aligned with pixels. Only applies with renderMode is Screen Space.</para> |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:UnityEngine.Canvas.pixelRect"> |
<summary> |
<para>Get the render rect for the Canvas.</para> |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:UnityEngine.Canvas.planeDistance"> |
<summary> |
<para>How far away from the camera is the Canvas generated.</para> |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:UnityEngine.Canvas.referencePixelsPerUnit"> |
<summary> |
<para>The number of pixels per unit that is considered the default.</para> |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:UnityEngine.Canvas.renderMode"> |
<summary> |
<para>Is the Canvas in World or Overlay mode?</para> |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:UnityEngine.Canvas.renderOrder"> |
<summary> |
<para>The render order in which the canvas is being emitted to the Scene. (Read Only)</para> |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:UnityEngine.Canvas.rootCanvas"> |
<summary> |
<para>Returns the Canvas closest to root, by checking through each parent and returning the last canvas found. If no other canvas is found then the canvas will return itself.</para> |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:UnityEngine.Canvas.scaleFactor"> |
<summary> |
<para>Used to scale the entire canvas, while still making it fit the screen. Only applies with renderMode is Screen Space.</para> |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:UnityEngine.Canvas.sortingGridNormalizedSize"> |
<summary> |
<para>The normalized grid size that the canvas will split the renderable area into.</para> |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:UnityEngine.Canvas.sortingLayerID"> |
<summary> |
<para>Unique ID of the Canvas' sorting layer.</para> |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:UnityEngine.Canvas.sortingLayerName"> |
<summary> |
<para>Name of the Canvas' sorting layer.</para> |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:UnityEngine.Canvas.sortingOrder"> |
<summary> |
<para>Canvas' order within a sorting layer.</para> |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:UnityEngine.Canvas.targetDisplay"> |
<summary> |
<para>For Overlay mode, display index on which the UI canvas will appear.</para> |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="?:UnityEngine.Canvas.willRenderCanvases(UnityEngine.Canvas/WillRenderCanvases)"> |
<summary> |
<para>Event that is called just before Canvas rendering happens.</para> |
</summary> |
<param name="value"></param> |
</member> |
<member name="P:UnityEngine.Canvas.worldCamera"> |
<summary> |
<para>Camera used for sizing the Canvas when in Screen Space - Camera. Also used as the Camera that events will be sent through for a World Space [[Canvas].</para> |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:UnityEngine.Canvas.ForceUpdateCanvases"> |
<summary> |
<para>Force all canvases to update their content.</para> |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:UnityEngine.Canvas.GetDefaultCanvasMaterial"> |
<summary> |
<para>Returns the default material that can be used for rendering normal elements on the Canvas.</para> |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:UnityEngine.Canvas.GetDefaultCanvasTextMaterial"> |
<summary> |
<para>Returns the default material that can be used for rendering text elements on the Canvas.</para> |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:UnityEngine.Canvas.GetETC1SupportedCanvasMaterial"> |
<summary> |
<para>Gets or generates the ETC1 Material.</para> |
</summary> |
<returns> |
<para>The generated ETC1 Material from the Canvas.</para> |
</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="T:UnityEngine.CanvasGroup"> |
<summary> |
<para>A Canvas placable element that can be used to modify children Alpha, Raycasting, Enabled state.</para> |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:UnityEngine.CanvasGroup.alpha"> |
<summary> |
<para>Set the alpha of the group.</para> |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:UnityEngine.CanvasGroup.blocksRaycasts"> |
<summary> |
<para>Does this group block raycasting (allow collision).</para> |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:UnityEngine.CanvasGroup.ignoreParentGroups"> |
<summary> |
<para>Should the group ignore parent groups?</para> |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:UnityEngine.CanvasGroup.interactable"> |
<summary> |
<para>Is the group interactable (are the elements beneath the group enabled).</para> |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:UnityEngine.CanvasGroup.IsRaycastLocationValid(UnityEngine.Vector2,UnityEngine.Camera)"> |
<summary> |
<para>Returns true if the Group allows raycasts.</para> |
</summary> |
<param name="sp"></param> |
<param name="eventCamera"></param> |
</member> |
<member name="T:UnityEngine.CanvasRenderer"> |
<summary> |
<para>A component that will render to the screen after all normal rendering has completed when attached to a Canvas. Designed for GUI application.</para> |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:UnityEngine.CanvasRenderer.absoluteDepth"> |
<summary> |
<para>Depth of the renderer relative to the root canvas.</para> |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:UnityEngine.CanvasRenderer.cull"> |
<summary> |
<para>Indicates whether geometry emitted by this renderer is ignored.</para> |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:UnityEngine.CanvasRenderer.cullTransparentMesh"> |
<summary> |
<para>Indicates whether geometry emitted by this renderer can be ignored when the vertex color alpha is close to zero for every vertex of the mesh.</para> |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:UnityEngine.CanvasRenderer.hasMoved"> |
<summary> |
<para>True if any change has occured that would invalidate the positions of generated geometry.</para> |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:UnityEngine.CanvasRenderer.hasPopInstruction"> |
<summary> |
<para>Enable 'render stack' pop draw call.</para> |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:UnityEngine.CanvasRenderer.hasRectClipping"> |
<summary> |
<para>True if rect clipping has been enabled on this renderer. |
See Also: CanvasRenderer.EnableRectClipping, CanvasRenderer.DisableRectClipping.</para> |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:UnityEngine.CanvasRenderer.isMask"> |
<summary> |
<para>Is the UIRenderer a mask component.</para> |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:UnityEngine.CanvasRenderer.materialCount"> |
<summary> |
<para>The number of materials usable by this renderer.</para> |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:UnityEngine.CanvasRenderer.popMaterialCount"> |
<summary> |
<para>The number of materials usable by this renderer. Used internally for masking.</para> |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:UnityEngine.CanvasRenderer.relativeDepth"> |
<summary> |
<para>Depth of the renderer realative to the parent canvas.</para> |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:UnityEngine.CanvasRenderer.AddUIVertexStream(System.Collections.Generic.List`1<UnityEngine.UIVertex>,System.Collections.Generic.List`1<UnityEngine.Vector3>,System.Collections.Generic.List`1<UnityEngine.Color32>,System.Collections.Generic.List`1<UnityEngine.Vector2>,System.Collections.Generic.List`1<UnityEngine.Vector2>,System.Collections.Generic.List`1<UnityEngine.Vector3>,System.Collections.Generic.List`1<UnityEngine.Vector4>)"> |
<summary> |
<para>Take the Vertex steam and split it corrisponding arrays (positions, colors, uv0s, uv1s, normals and tangents).</para> |
</summary> |
<param name="verts">The UIVertex list to split.</param> |
<param name="positions">The destination list for the verts positions.</param> |
<param name="colors">The destination list for the verts colors.</param> |
<param name="uv0S">The destination list for the verts uv0s.</param> |
<param name="uv1S">The destination list for the verts uv1s.</param> |
<param name="normals">The destination list for the verts normals.</param> |
<param name="tangents">The destination list for the verts tangents.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:UnityEngine.CanvasRenderer.Clear"> |
<summary> |
<para>Remove all cached vertices.</para> |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:UnityEngine.CanvasRenderer.CreateUIVertexStream(System.Collections.Generic.List`1<UnityEngine.UIVertex>,System.Collections.Generic.List`1<UnityEngine.Vector3>,System.Collections.Generic.List`1<UnityEngine.Color32>,System.Collections.Generic.List`1<UnityEngine.Vector2>,System.Collections.Generic.List`1<UnityEngine.Vector2>,System.Collections.Generic.List`1<UnityEngine.Vector3>,System.Collections.Generic.List`1<UnityEngine.Vector4>,System.Collections.Generic.List`1<System.Int32>)"> |
<summary> |
<para>Convert a set of vertex components into a stream of UIVertex.</para> |
</summary> |
<param name="verts"></param> |
<param name="positions"></param> |
<param name="colors"></param> |
<param name="uv0S"></param> |
<param name="uv1S"></param> |
<param name="normals"></param> |
<param name="tangents"></param> |
<param name="indices"></param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:UnityEngine.CanvasRenderer.DisableRectClipping"> |
<summary> |
<para>Disables rectangle clipping for this CanvasRenderer.</para> |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:UnityEngine.CanvasRenderer.EnableRectClipping(UnityEngine.Rect)"> |
<summary> |
<para>Enables rect clipping on the CanvasRendered. Geometry outside of the specified rect will be clipped (not rendered).</para> |
</summary> |
<param name="rect"></param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:UnityEngine.CanvasRenderer.GetAlpha"> |
<summary> |
<para>Get the current alpha of the renderer.</para> |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:UnityEngine.CanvasRenderer.GetColor"> |
<summary> |
<para>Get the current color of the renderer.</para> |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:UnityEngine.CanvasRenderer.GetInheritedAlpha"> |
<summary> |
<para>Get the final inherited alpha calculated by including all the parent alphas from included parent CanvasGroups.</para> |
</summary> |
<returns> |
<para>The calculated inherited alpha.</para> |
</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:UnityEngine.CanvasRenderer.GetMaterial(System.Int32)"> |
<summary> |
<para>Gets the current Material assigned to the CanvasRenderer.</para> |
</summary> |
<param name="index">The material index to retrieve (0 if this parameter is omitted).</param> |
<returns> |
<para>Result.</para> |
</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:UnityEngine.CanvasRenderer.GetMaterial"> |
<summary> |
<para>Gets the current Material assigned to the CanvasRenderer.</para> |
</summary> |
<param name="index">The material index to retrieve (0 if this parameter is omitted).</param> |
<returns> |
<para>Result.</para> |
</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:UnityEngine.CanvasRenderer.GetPopMaterial(System.Int32)"> |
<summary> |
<para>Gets the current Material assigned to the CanvasRenderer. Used internally for masking.</para> |
</summary> |
<param name="index"></param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:UnityEngine.CanvasRenderer.SetAlpha(System.Single)"> |
<summary> |
<para>Set the alpha of the renderer. Will be multiplied with the UIVertex alpha and the Canvas alpha.</para> |
</summary> |
<param name="alpha">Alpha.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:UnityEngine.CanvasRenderer.SetAlphaTexture(UnityEngine.Texture)"> |
<summary> |
<para>The Alpha Texture that will be passed to the Shader under the _AlphaTex property.</para> |
</summary> |
<param name="texture">The Texture to be passed.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:UnityEngine.CanvasRenderer.SetColor(UnityEngine.Color)"> |
<summary> |
<para>Set the color of the renderer. Will be multiplied with the UIVertex color and the Canvas color.</para> |
</summary> |
<param name="color">Renderer multiply color.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:UnityEngine.CanvasRenderer.SetMaterial(UnityEngine.Material,System.Int32)"> |
<summary> |
<para>Set the material for the canvas renderer. If a texture is specified then it will be used as the 'MainTex' instead of the material's 'MainTex'. |
See Also: CanvasRenderer.SetMaterialCount, CanvasRenderer.SetTexture.</para> |
</summary> |
<param name="material">Material for rendering.</param> |
<param name="texture">Material texture overide.</param> |
<param name="index">Material index.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:UnityEngine.CanvasRenderer.SetMaterial(UnityEngine.Material,UnityEngine.Texture)"> |
<summary> |
<para>Set the material for the canvas renderer. If a texture is specified then it will be used as the 'MainTex' instead of the material's 'MainTex'. |
See Also: CanvasRenderer.SetMaterialCount, CanvasRenderer.SetTexture.</para> |
</summary> |
<param name="material">Material for rendering.</param> |
<param name="texture">Material texture overide.</param> |
<param name="index">Material index.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:UnityEngine.CanvasRenderer.SetMesh(UnityEngine.Mesh)"> |
<summary> |
<para>Sets the Mesh used by this renderer.</para> |
</summary> |
<param name="mesh"></param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:UnityEngine.CanvasRenderer.SetPopMaterial(UnityEngine.Material,System.Int32)"> |
<summary> |
<para>Set the material for the canvas renderer. Used internally for masking.</para> |
</summary> |
<param name="material"></param> |
<param name="index"></param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:UnityEngine.CanvasRenderer.SetTexture(UnityEngine.Texture)"> |
<summary> |
<para>Sets the texture used by this renderer's material.</para> |
</summary> |
<param name="texture"></param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:UnityEngine.CanvasRenderer.SetVertices(System.Collections.Generic.List`1<UnityEngine.UIVertex>)"> |
<summary> |
<para>Set the vertices for the UIRenderer.</para> |
</summary> |
<param name="vertices">Array of vertices to set.</param> |
<param name="size">Number of vertices to set.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:UnityEngine.CanvasRenderer.SetVertices(UnityEngine.UIVertex[],System.Int32)"> |
<summary> |
<para>Set the vertices for the UIRenderer.</para> |
</summary> |
<param name="vertices">Array of vertices to set.</param> |
<param name="size">Number of vertices to set.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:UnityEngine.CanvasRenderer.SplitUIVertexStreams(System.Collections.Generic.List`1<UnityEngine.UIVertex>,System.Collections.Generic.List`1<UnityEngine.Vector3>,System.Collections.Generic.List`1<UnityEngine.Color32>,System.Collections.Generic.List`1<UnityEngine.Vector2>,System.Collections.Generic.List`1<UnityEngine.Vector2>,System.Collections.Generic.List`1<UnityEngine.Vector3>,System.Collections.Generic.List`1<UnityEngine.Vector4>,System.Collections.Generic.List`1<System.Int32>)"> |
<summary> |
<para>Given a list of UIVertex, split the stream into it's component types.</para> |
</summary> |
<param name="verts"></param> |
<param name="positions"></param> |
<param name="colors"></param> |
<param name="uv0S"></param> |
<param name="uv1S"></param> |
<param name="normals"></param> |
<param name="tangents"></param> |
<param name="indices"></param> |
</member> |
<member name="?:UnityEngine.ICanvasRaycastFilter"> |
<summary> |
<para>This element can filter raycasts. If the top level element is hit it can further 'check' if the location is valid.</para> |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:UnityEngine.ICanvasRaycastFilter.IsRaycastLocationValid(UnityEngine.Vector2,UnityEngine.Camera)"> |
<summary> |
<para>Given a point and a camera is the raycast valid.</para> |
</summary> |
<param name="sp">Screen position.</param> |
<param name="eventCamera">Raycast camera.</param> |
<returns> |
<para>Valid.</para> |
</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="T:UnityEngine.RectTransformUtility"> |
<summary> |
<para>Utility class containing helper methods for working with RectTransform.</para> |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:UnityEngine.RectTransformUtility.FlipLayoutAxes(UnityEngine.RectTransform,System.Boolean,System.Boolean)"> |
<summary> |
<para>Flips the horizontal and vertical axes of the RectTransform size and alignment, and optionally its children as well.</para> |
</summary> |
<param name="rect">The RectTransform to flip.</param> |
<param name="keepPositioning">Flips around the pivot if true. Flips within the parent rect if false.</param> |
<param name="recursive">Flip the children as well?</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:UnityEngine.RectTransformUtility.FlipLayoutOnAxis(UnityEngine.RectTransform,System.Int32,System.Boolean,System.Boolean)"> |
<summary> |
<para>Flips the alignment of the RectTransform along the horizontal or vertical axis, and optionally its children as well.</para> |
</summary> |
<param name="rect">The RectTransform to flip.</param> |
<param name="keepPositioning">Flips around the pivot if true. Flips within the parent rect if false.</param> |
<param name="recursive">Flip the children as well?</param> |
<param name="axis">The axis to flip along. 0 is horizontal and 1 is vertical.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:UnityEngine.RectTransformUtility.PixelAdjustPoint(UnityEngine.Vector2,UnityEngine.Transform,UnityEngine.Canvas)"> |
<summary> |
<para>Convert a given point in screen space into a pixel correct point.</para> |
</summary> |
<param name="point"></param> |
<param name="elementTransform"></param> |
<param name="canvas"></param> |
<returns> |
<para>Pixel adjusted point.</para> |
</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:UnityEngine.RectTransformUtility.PixelAdjustRect(UnityEngine.RectTransform,UnityEngine.Canvas)"> |
<summary> |
<para>Given a rect transform, return the corner points in pixel accurate coordinates.</para> |
</summary> |
<param name="rectTransform"></param> |
<param name="canvas"></param> |
<returns> |
<para>Pixel adjusted rect.</para> |
</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:UnityEngine.RectTransformUtility.RectangleContainsScreenPoint(UnityEngine.RectTransform,UnityEngine.Vector2,UnityEngine.Camera)"> |
<summary> |
<para>Does the RectTransform contain the screen point as seen from the given camera?</para> |
</summary> |
<param name="rect">The RectTransform to test with.</param> |
<param name="screenPoint">The screen point to test.</param> |
<param name="cam">The camera from which the test is performed from. (Optional)</param> |
<returns> |
<para>True if the point is inside the rectangle.</para> |
</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:UnityEngine.RectTransformUtility.ScreenPointToLocalPointInRectangle(UnityEngine.RectTransform,UnityEngine.Vector2,UnityEngine.Camera,UnityEngine.Vector2&)"> |
<summary> |
<para>Transform a screen space point to a position in the local space of a RectTransform that is on the plane of its rectangle.</para> |
</summary> |
<param name="rect">The RectTransform to find a point inside.</param> |
<param name="cam">The camera associated with the screen space position.</param> |
<param name="screenPoint">Screen space position.</param> |
<param name="localPoint">Point in local space of the rect transform.</param> |
<returns> |
<para>Returns true if the plane of the RectTransform is hit, regardless of whether the point is inside the rectangle.</para> |
</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:UnityEngine.RectTransformUtility.ScreenPointToWorldPointInRectangle(UnityEngine.RectTransform,UnityEngine.Vector2,UnityEngine.Camera,UnityEngine.Vector3&)"> |
<summary> |
<para>Transform a screen space point to a position in world space that is on the plane of the given RectTransform.</para> |
</summary> |
<param name="rect">The RectTransform to find a point inside.</param> |
<param name="cam">The camera associated with the screen space position.</param> |
<param name="screenPoint">Screen space position.</param> |
<param name="worldPoint">Point in world space.</param> |
<returns> |
<para>Returns true if the plane of the RectTransform is hit, regardless of whether the point is inside the rectangle.</para> |
</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="T:UnityEngine.RenderMode"> |
<summary> |
<para>RenderMode for the Canvas.</para> |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:UnityEngine.RenderMode.ScreenSpaceCamera"> |
<summary> |
<para>Render using the Camera configured on the Canvas.</para> |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:UnityEngine.RenderMode.ScreenSpaceOverlay"> |
<summary> |
<para>Render at the end of the Scene using a 2D Canvas.</para> |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:UnityEngine.RenderMode.WorldSpace"> |
<summary> |
<para>Render using any Camera in the Scene that can render the layer.</para> |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="A:UnityEngine.UIModule"> |
<summary> |
<para>The UI module implements basic components required for Unity's UI system</para> |
</summary> |
</member> |
</members> |
</doc> |