A modded EditSaber for making beat saber maps.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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#pragma once
#include "ZipUtilityInterface.h"
#include "ZipOperation.h"
#include "ZipFileFunctionLibrary.generated.h"
enum ZipUtilityCompressionFormat
enum ZipUtilityCompressionLevel
class SevenZipCallbackHandler;
class UZipFileFunctionInternalCallback;
A blueprint function library encapsulating all zip operations for both C++ and blueprint use.
For some operations a UZipOperation object may be returned, if you're interested in it, ensure
you guard it from garbage collection by e.g. storing it as a UProperty, otherwise you may safely
ignore it.
UCLASS(ClassGroup = ZipUtility, Blueprintable)
class ZIPUTILITY_API UZipFileFunctionLibrary : public UBlueprintFunctionLibrary
/* Unzips file in archive containing Name via ListFilesInArchive/UnzipFiles. Automatically determines compression if unknown. Calls ZipUtilityInterface progress events. */
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = ZipUtility)
static bool UnzipFileNamed(const FString& archivePath, const FString& Name, UObject* ZipUtilityInterfaceDelegate, ZipUtilityCompressionFormat format = COMPRESSION_FORMAT_UNKNOWN);
/* Unzips file in archive containing Name at destination path via ListFilesInArchive/UnzipFilesTo. Automatically determines compression if unknown. Calls ZipUtilityInterface progress events. */
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = ZipUtility)
static bool UnzipFileNamedTo(const FString& archivePath, const FString& Name, const FString& destinationPath, UObject* ZipUtilityInterfaceDelegate, ZipUtilityCompressionFormat format = COMPRESSION_FORMAT_UNKNOWN);
/* Unzips the given file indexes in archive at destination path. Automatically determines compression if unknown. Calls ZipUtilityInterface progress events. */
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = ZipUtility)
static UZipOperation* UnzipFilesTo(const TArray<int32> fileIndices, const FString& archivePath, const FString& destinationPath, UObject* ZipUtilityInterfaceDelegate, ZipUtilityCompressionFormat format = COMPRESSION_FORMAT_UNKNOWN);
/* Unzips the given file indexes in archive at current path. Automatically determines compression if unknown. Calls ZipUtilityInterface progress events. */
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = ZipUtility)
static UZipOperation* UnzipFiles(const TArray<int32> fileIndices, const FString& ArchivePath, UObject* ZipUtilityInterfaceDelegate, ZipUtilityCompressionFormat format = COMPRESSION_FORMAT_UNKNOWN);
/* Unzips archive at current path. Automatically determines compression if unknown. Calls ZipUtilityInterface progress events. */
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = ZipUtility)
static UZipOperation* Unzip(const FString& ArchivePath, UObject* ZipUtilityInterfaceDelegate, ZipUtilityCompressionFormat Format = COMPRESSION_FORMAT_UNKNOWN);
/* Lambda C++ simple variant*/
static UZipOperation* UnzipWithLambda( const FString& ArchivePath,
TFunction<void()> OnDoneCallback,
TFunction<void(float)> OnProgressCallback = nullptr,
ZipUtilityCompressionFormat format = COMPRESSION_FORMAT_UNKNOWN);
/* Unzips archive at destination path. Automatically determines compression if unknown. Calls ZipUtilityInterface progress events. */
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = ZipUtility)
static UZipOperation* UnzipTo(const FString& ArchivePath, const FString& DestinationPath, UObject* ZipUtilityInterfaceDelegate, ZipUtilityCompressionFormat format = COMPRESSION_FORMAT_UNKNOWN);
/* Compresses the file or folder given at path and places the file in the same root folder. Calls ZipUtilityInterface progress events. Not all formats are supported for compression.*/
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = ZipUtility)
static UZipOperation* Zip( const FString& FileOrFolderPath,
UObject* ZipUtilityInterfaceDelegate,
ZipUtilityCompressionFormat Format = COMPRESSION_FORMAT_SEVEN_ZIP,
TEnumAsByte<ZipUtilityCompressionLevel> Level = COMPRESSION_LEVEL_NORMAL);
/* Lambda C++ simple variant*/
static UZipOperation* ZipWithLambda( const FString& ArchivePath,
TFunction<void()> OnDoneCallback,
TFunction<void(float)> OnProgressCallback = nullptr,
ZipUtilityCompressionFormat Format = COMPRESSION_FORMAT_UNKNOWN,
TEnumAsByte<ZipUtilityCompressionLevel> Level = COMPRESSION_LEVEL_NORMAL);
/*Queries Archive content list, calls ZipUtilityInterface list events (OnFileFound)*/
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = ZipUtility)
static bool ListFilesInArchive(const FString& ArchivePath, UObject* ZipUtilityInterfaceDelegate, ZipUtilityCompressionFormat format = COMPRESSION_FORMAT_UNKNOWN);
static FGraphEventRef RunLambdaOnGameThread(TFunction< void()> InFunction);