A modded EditSaber for making beat saber maps.
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#pragma once
#include "AudioDecompress.h"
//#include "AudioDecompressWorker.generated.h"
class FAudioDecompressWorker : public FRunnable
// Singleton Instance, can access the Thread any time via static accessors
static FAudioDecompressWorker* Runnable;
// Thread to run the worker FRunnable on
FRunnableThread* Thread;
// Stop this thread? Uses Thread Safe Counter
FThreadSafeCounter StopTaskCounter;
// Bool to check if the thread is running
bool bIsFinished;
// Counter for the ThreadNames
static int32 ThreadCounter;
// Pointer to SoundWave Object we want to Decompress
class USoundWave* SoundWaveRef;
// Some Compressed Audio Information
ICompressedAudioInfo* AudioInfo;
// Constructor for my De-Compressor
FAudioDecompressWorker(class USoundWave* InSoundWaveRef);
// Custom Init function
static FAudioDecompressWorker* InitializeWorker(class USoundWave* InSoundWaveRef);
// Custom Shutdown function
static void ShutdownWorker();
// Start FRunnable Interface
virtual bool Init();
virtual uint32 Run();
virtual void Stop();
virtual void Exit();
// End FRunnable Interface
// Make sure Thread completed
void EnsureCompletion();
class USoundWave* GetSoundWaveRef() const {
return SoundWaveRef;
bool IsFinished() const {
return bIsFinished;