This is a "fork" of [EditSaberEnhanced by permissionBRICK]( which is a "fork" of [EditSaber by Ikeiwa]( Previously assisting with EditSaberEnhanced, I made this mediocre thing as a set of feature additions on EditSaberEnanced.
## Next up:
* Lightmap integration
* Variable division beats
* Metronome
* Variable NJS
* BPM/Offset Tapper
* BPM/Offset Tapper (maybe)
* Light track improvements
* Audio-based auto lighting
* secrets.
## Update Mk4
### New Stuff
* **Lightmap** v2 integration
* **Cat** mode. swirly eyed cats are dot notes. Comes with cat hit sounds
* **Metronome** use BPM blocks to configure downbeat
* **Bongo Cat** companion that tests your songs
* **No lighting mode** so you can actually load giant event files
* **Mapping Extensions** support, minus precision walls. But it's got 6 lane, precision placement and angles.