- # Fork of a fork of a 3D beatsaber song editor
- ![alt text](https://i.imgur.com/zimA0I6.png)
- This is a "fork" of [EditSaberEnhanced by permissionBRICK](https://github.com/permissionBRICK/EditSaberEnhanced) which is a "fork" of [EditSaber by Ikeiwa](https://github.com/Ikeiwa/EditSaber). Previously assisting with EditSaberEnhanced, I made this mediocre thing as a set of feature additions on EditSaberEnanced.
- ## Next up:
- * Multiplayer
- * BPM/Offset Tapper
- * Metronome
- ## Update Mk2Rev1:
- * Custom Events fixed
- * Mirror Fixed
- * Temporary/read only song loading added
- * Copy-crash fixed
- * note sorting fixed
- * some other bugs fixed probably
- * buggy bookmarks
- * new bugs added
- ## Update Mk2:
- * Performance update: Number of notes/events/length of song no longer/lightly plays a role in performance
- * Ctrl + click selection overhauled to box select
- * Alt + scroll to adjust wall length
- * Walls now extend lower to show there is no accommodation for mid-level notes on crouch walls.
- * Slice sound timing adjusted(sorry quack mappers, not yet)
- * Sort songs by Name/Time
- * Search bar for song selection
- * Autoupdater
- * Companion plugin "MediocreLoader" to start songs within Beat Saber. Automatically installed from within editor.
- * Strobe lighting placement
- * RGB events added for ChromaToggle, consult in-editor manual for keybinds
- * More modes for ChromaToggle
- * Ctrl+F now correctly listed as fake walls hotkey
- * Editor scale works again
- * Nice Environment looks like Nice Environment
- * Esc opens menu in editor
- * a bunch of other bug fixes, i don't keep a good log of this stuff so it's hard to remember. it's like a game, an easter egg hunt, go find stuff i forgot to say here.
- ## Features not included from EditSaberEnhanced
- * Preview event on \[V]
- * Drag select with \[N]/\[L]
- * Option to disabled ghost event block
- ## Big changes and stuff that doesn't really fit too well with the below stuff. In otherwords, things I wanted to be at the top.
- * Editor supports ChromaToggle. A mod by Skykiwi, which offers up to 5 colors to be used in a map. [Discord Link for further details](https://discord.gg/xwrWzfj)
- * Settings are now persistent and are saved between editor closing/new map loading.
- * Variable BPM support with 3 decimals of accuracy. This is not compatible with the the "ModdedEditSaber" Variable BPM Editor.
- * Vision block detector now built into editor. If vision block exceeds 5% of the map, the editor will begin complaining.
- * Editor will complain upon placement of 2-wide center walls, or 3 wide walls.
- * Audio is no longer muted on window focus lost
- * Discord Rich Presence support.
- ## Map Selection Menu Changes
- * Songs from in-game-downloader are now filtered out.
- * Map selection screen now offers configuration for autosaves
- * Favorites added to Map Selection screen. Favorite maps are indicated by a cat and are automatically put at the top. Newly created songs are automatically favorited.
- * Guide by Awfulnaut now linked on the map selection page for starting mappers.
- * Reset song folder button now changed to clear settings.
- * One Saber Mode option now present in menu.
- * Note jump speed now editable from menu.
- * Map copying to other difficulties.
- ## Editing Menu Changes
- * Song and Note volume sliders on menu
- * New lighting panel on the right side \[Still uses tab to open]
- * Old lighting panel replaced with Error Checker \[Open with shift+tab]
- * Statistics panel added and opened from Error Checker
- * Timestamp added in top right, showing position in song.
- * Progress Timer in bottom right, showing approximate total time spent on song.
- ## Error Checker
- Min Time and Max Time specifies time of effect from a note.
- * Double Same direction checker (Intended for streams)
- * Time to look for a double same direction hit after each hit.
- * Vision Block Detector
- * Time vision blocks are detected after an eye-height level block.
- ## Hotkey additions and control changes
- * WASDF for lighting controls
- * Alt + WASD to edit hovered events
- * Alt + scrollwheel to change hovered laser speeds
- * Ctrl + Z for undo (undoes anything)
- * Walls are now placed with two left clicks
- * Shift + scroll for direction changes removed
- * **use WASDF or numpad to rotate notes**
- * shift + middle click to quick delete
- * Delete deletes all selected blocks
- * Arrow keys can move events
- * Notes now take priority over walls when deleting
- * Ctrl + click to select large sections
- * Middle mouse swaps red/blue for events
- * Ctrl + F to swap between normal, negative width and negative length walls
- ## ChromaToggle Controls
- * 1 - Red
- * 2 - Blue
- * Q - Magenta
- * E - Green
- * R - Grey
- ## Statistics Panel
- Offers the following data about your map, with defining tooltips and value suggestions
- * Note Count
- * Notes Per Second
- * Bomb Count
- * Wall Count
- * Lighting Count
- * Red/Blue Ratio
- * Vision Block Percentage
- * Aggressive Vision Block Percentage
- * % usage of each row.
- and uhhh some other stuff I probably forgot. I can't wait to make 50 commits to the repo just to update this h\*cking readme.
- ## Future plans
- * Overhaul box select.
- * Metronome
- * Hitsounds only on one color
- * Bad pattern detection
- * Timing Track
- * Lightmap Integration
- * Bookmarks for collaborations