- // Copyright 1998-2018 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
- #pragma once
- /*
- Long duration lambda wrapper, which are generally not supported by the taskgraph system. New thread per lambda and they will auto-delete upon
- completion.
- */
- class WINDOWSFILEUTILITY_API WFULambdaRunnable : public FRunnable
- {
- private:
- /** Thread to run the worker FRunnable on */
- FRunnableThread* Thread;
- // Used to give each thread a unique stat group
- static uint64 ThreadNumber;
- //Lambda function pointer
- TFunction< void()> FunctionPointer;
- // A queued threadpool used to run lambda's in the background. This has lazy initialization and is meant to be used with
- // - AddLambdaToQueue
- // - RemoveLAmbdaFromQueue
- static FQueuedThreadPool* ThreadPool;
- public:
- //Constructor / Destructor
- WFULambdaRunnable(TFunction< void()> InFunction);
- virtual ~WFULambdaRunnable();
- // Begin FRunnable interface.
- virtual uint32 Run() override;
- virtual void Exit() override;
- // End FRunnable interface
- // Initializes the queued thread pool. This is called lazily when the first task is added to the queue
- // but can also be called by hand to initialize with a specific number of threads. The default number
- // of threads is FPlatformMisc::NumberOfIOWorkerThreadsToSpawn() which last I checked was hard-coded
- // at 4. <NOTE> that if you want to call this by hand, you need to do so before ever calling AddLambdaToQueue.
- static void InitThreadPool(int32 NumberOfThreads);
- /** Makes sure this thread has stopped properly */
- void EnsureCompletion();
- // Runs the passed lambda on the background thread, new thread per call
- static WFULambdaRunnable* RunLambdaOnBackGroundThread(TFunction< void()> InFunction);
- // Adds a lambda to be ran on the queued thread pool. Returns a pointer to IQueuedWork which
- // can be used to later remove the queued job from the pool assuming it hasn't been processed.
- static IQueuedWork* AddLambdaToQueue(TFunction< void()> InFunction);
- // Removes a lambda from the thread queue
- static bool RemoveLambdaFromQueue(IQueuedWork* Work);
- // Runs a short lambda on the game thread via task graph system
- static FGraphEventRef RunShortLambdaOnGameThread(TFunction< void()> InFunction);
- private:
- // This was yanked from Engine/Source/Runtime/Core/Public/Async/Async.h (originally called AsyncPool(..)). FQueuedThreadPool doesn't have
- // much documentation, so using the engine code as reference, pretty much everyone seems to use this templated function to queue up work.
- // It was modified to return an IQueuedWork instead of a TFuture to be more convenient for actually removing items from the queue.
- template<typename ResultType>
- static IQueuedWork* AsyncLambdaPool(FQueuedThreadPool& ThreadPool, TFunction<ResultType()> Function, TFunction<void()> CompletionCallback = TFunction<void()>())
- {
- TPromise<ResultType> Promise(MoveTemp(CompletionCallback));
- TFuture<ResultType> Future = Promise.GetFuture();
- IQueuedWork* Work = new TAsyncQueuedWork<ResultType>(MoveTemp(Function), MoveTemp(Promise));
- ThreadPool.AddQueuedWork(Work);
- return Work;
- }
- };