@ -0,0 +1,359 @@ |
<?xml version="1.0"?> |
<doc> |
<assembly> |
<name>BeatSaberCustomUI</name> |
</assembly> |
<members> |
<member name="M:CustomUI.BeatSaber.BeatSaberUI.DisplayKeyboard(System.String,System.String,System.Action{System.String},System.Action{System.String},System.Action)"> |
<summary> |
Display a keyboard interface to accept user input. |
</summary> |
<param name="title">The title to be displayed above the keyboard.</param> |
<param name="initialValue">The starting value of the keyboard.</param> |
<param name="TextChangedEvent">Callback when the text is modified by the user (when any key is pressed basically).</param> |
<param name="TextEntrySuccessEvent">Callback when the user successfully submits the changed text.</param> |
<param name="TextEntryCancelledEvent">Callback when the user presses the cancel button.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:CustomUI.BeatSaber.BeatSaberUI.CreateUIButton(UnityEngine.RectTransform,System.String,UnityEngine.Vector2,UnityEngine.Vector2,UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction,System.String,UnityEngine.Sprite)"> |
<summary> |
Creates a copy of a template button and returns it. |
</summary> |
<param name="parent">The transform to parent the button to.</param> |
<param name="buttonTemplate">The name of the button to make a copy of. Example: "QuitButton", "PlayButton", etc.</param> |
<param name="anchoredPosition">The position the button should be anchored to.</param> |
<param name="sizeDelta">The size of the buttons RectTransform.</param> |
<param name="onClick">Callback for when the button is pressed.</param> |
<param name="buttonText">The text that should be shown on the button.</param> |
<param name="icon">The icon that should be shown on the button.</param> |
<returns>The newly created button.</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:CustomUI.BeatSaber.BeatSaberUI.CreateUIButton(UnityEngine.RectTransform,System.String,UnityEngine.Vector2,UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction,System.String,UnityEngine.Sprite)"> |
<summary> |
Creates a copy of a template button and returns it. |
</summary> |
<param name="parent">The transform to parent the button to.</param> |
<param name="buttonTemplate">The name of the button to make a copy of. Example: "QuitButton", "PlayButton", etc.</param> |
<param name="anchoredPosition">The position the button should be anchored to.</param> |
<param name="onClick">Callback for when the button is pressed.</param> |
<param name="buttonText">The text that should be shown on the button.</param> |
<param name="icon">The icon that should be shown on the button.</param> |
<returns>The newly created button.</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:CustomUI.BeatSaber.BeatSaberUI.CreateUIButton(UnityEngine.RectTransform,System.String,UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction,System.String,UnityEngine.Sprite)"> |
<summary> |
Creates a copy of a template button and returns it. |
</summary> |
<param name="parent">The transform to parent the button to.</param> |
<param name="buttonTemplate">The name of the button to make a copy of. Example: "QuitButton", "PlayButton", etc.</param> |
<param name="onClick">Callback for when the button is pressed.</param> |
<param name="buttonText">The text that should be shown on the button.</param> |
<param name="icon">The icon that should be shown on the button.</param> |
<returns>The newly created button.</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:CustomUI.BeatSaber.BeatSaberUI.CreateBackButton(UnityEngine.RectTransform,UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction)"> |
<summary> |
Creates a copy of a back button. |
</summary> |
<param name="parent">The transform to parent the new button to.</param> |
<param name="onClick">Callback for when the button is pressed.</param> |
<returns>The newly created back button.</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:CustomUI.BeatSaber.BeatSaberUI.CreateViewController``1"> |
<summary> |
Creates a VRUIViewController of type T, and marks it to not be destroyed. |
</summary> |
<typeparam name="T">The variation of VRUIViewController you want to create.</typeparam> |
<returns>The newly created VRUIViewController of type T.</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:CustomUI.BeatSaber.BeatSaberUI.CreateCustomMenu``1(System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Creates a CustomMenu, which is basically a custom panel that handles UI transitions for you automatically. |
</summary> |
<typeparam name="T">The type of CustomMenu to instantiate.</typeparam> |
<param name="title">The title of the new CustomMenu.</param> |
<returns>The newly created CustomMenu of type T.</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:CustomUI.BeatSaber.BeatSaberUI.CreateLoadingSpinner(UnityEngine.Transform)"> |
<summary> |
Creates a loading spinner. |
</summary> |
<param name="parent">The transform to parent the new loading spinner to.</param> |
<returns>The newly created loading spinner.</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:CustomUI.BeatSaber.BeatSaberUI.CreateText(UnityEngine.RectTransform,System.String,UnityEngine.Vector2)"> |
<summary> |
Creates a TextMeshProUGUI component. |
</summary> |
<param name="parent">Thet ransform to parent the new TextMeshProUGUI component to.</param> |
<param name="text">The text to be displayed.</param> |
<param name="anchoredPosition">The position the button should be anchored to.</param> |
<returns>The newly created TextMeshProUGUI component.</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:CustomUI.BeatSaber.BeatSaberUI.CreateText(UnityEngine.RectTransform,System.String,UnityEngine.Vector2,UnityEngine.Vector2)"> |
<summary> |
Creates a TextMeshProUGUI component. |
</summary> |
<param name="parent">Thet transform to parent the new TextMeshProUGUI component to.</param> |
<param name="text">The text to be displayed.</param> |
<param name="anchoredPosition">The position the text component should be anchored to.</param> |
<param name="sizeDelta">The size of the text components RectTransform.</param> |
<returns>The newly created TextMeshProUGUI component.</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:CustomUI.BeatSaber.BeatSaberUI.AddHintText(UnityEngine.RectTransform,System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Adds hint text to any component that handles pointer events. |
</summary> |
<param name="parent">Thet transform to parent the new HoverHint component to.</param> |
<param name="text">The text to be displayed on the HoverHint panel.</param> |
<returns>The newly created HoverHint component.</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:CustomUI.BeatSaber.BeatSaberUI.CreateUISlider(UnityEngine.Transform,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Boolean,UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction{System.Single})"> |
<summary> |
Creates a custom slider. |
</summary> |
<param name="parent">Thet transform to parent the new slider component to.</param> |
<param name="min">The minimum value of the slider.</param> |
<param name="max">The maximum value of the slider.</param> |
<param name="increment">The amount to increment the slider by.</param> |
<param name="intValues">True if the value represented by the slider is an int, false if it's a float.</param> |
<param name="onValueChanged">Callback when the sliders value changes.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:CustomUI.BeatSaber.BeatSaberUI.CreateColorPicker(UnityEngine.RectTransform,UnityEngine.Vector2,UnityEngine.Vector2)"> |
<summary> |
Creates a color picker. |
</summary> |
<param name="parent">Thet transform to parent the new color picker to.</param> |
<param name="anchoredPosition">The position the color picker should be anchored to.</param> |
<param name="sizeDelta">The size of the color picker's RectTransform.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="F:CustomUI.BeatSaber.CustomFlowCoordinator.parentFlowCoordinator"> |
<summary> |
The FlowCoordinator that presented this FlowCoordinator |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:CustomUI.BeatSaber.CustomFlowCoordinator.customPanel"> |
<summary> |
The CustomMenu this FlowCoordinator is representing. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:CustomUI.BeatSaber.CustomFlowCoordinator.Dismiss(System.Boolean)"> |
<summary> |
Back out to the previous flow coordinator. |
</summary> |
<param name="immediately">If set to true, no animation will be shown and the transition will be instant.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:CustomUI.BeatSaber.CustomFlowCoordinator.Dismiss"> |
<summary> |
Back out to the previous flow coordinator with an animation. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:CustomUI.BeatSaber.CustomListViewController.includePageButtons"> |
<summary> |
Whether or not to include a back button when the ViewController is activated. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:CustomUI.BeatSaber.CustomListViewController._pageUpButton"> |
<summary> |
A reference to the page up button, if it exists. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:CustomUI.BeatSaber.CustomListViewController._pageDownButton"> |
<summary> |
A reference to the page down button, if it exists. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:CustomUI.BeatSaber.CustomListViewController._customListTableView"> |
<summary> |
The TableView associated with the current CustomListViewController. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:CustomUI.BeatSaber.CustomListViewController.Data"> |
<summary> |
The data to be displayed in the table. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:CustomUI.BeatSaber.CustomListViewController.DidSelectRowEvent"> |
<summary> |
An event fired when the user selects a cell in the TableView. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:CustomUI.BeatSaber.CustomListViewController.reuseIdentifier"> |
<summary> |
The reuse identifier, which is used to recycle cells instead of instantiating new instances of them. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:CustomUI.BeatSaber.CustomListViewController._songListTableCellInstance"> |
<summary> |
The prefab used to instantiate new table cells. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:CustomUI.BeatSaber.CustomListViewController.GetTableCell(System.Int32,System.Boolean)"> |
<summary> |
Instantiates a new LevelListTableCell (or recycles an old one). |
</summary> |
<param name="row">This param does nothing, and was left in by mistake.</param> |
<param name="beatmapCharacteristicImages">If set to false, the BeatmapCharacteristicImages will be destroyed.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:CustomUI.BeatSaber.CustomListViewController.GetTableCell(System.Boolean)"> |
<summary> |
Instantiates a new LevelListTableCell (or recycles an old one). |
</summary> |
<param name="beatmapCharacteristicImages">If set to false, the BeatmapCharacteristicImages will be destroyed.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="P:CustomUI.BeatSaber.CustomMenu.customFlowCoordinator"> |
<summary> |
The CustomFlowCoordinator associated with this CustomMenu. This will not be populated if you have no main CustomViewController. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:CustomUI.BeatSaber.CustomMenu.mainViewController"> |
<summary> |
The main CustomViewController associated with this menu. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:CustomUI.BeatSaber.CustomMenu.leftViewController"> |
<summary> |
The left CustomViewController associated with this menu. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:CustomUI.BeatSaber.CustomMenu.rightViewController"> |
<summary> |
The right CustomViewController associated with this menu. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:CustomUI.BeatSaber.CustomMenu.bottomViewController"> |
<summary> |
The bottom CustomViewController associated with this menu. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:CustomUI.BeatSaber.CustomMenu.SetMainViewController(CustomUI.BeatSaber.CustomViewController,System.Boolean,System.Action{System.Boolean,VRUI.VRUIViewController.ActivationType},System.Action{VRUI.VRUIViewController.DeactivationType})"> |
<summary> |
Sets up the main CustomViewController. |
</summary> |
<param name="viewController">The viewcontroller to set.</param> |
<param name="includeBackButton">Whether or not to generate a back button.</param> |
<param name="DidActivate">Optional, a callback when the ViewController becomes active (when you open it).</param> |
<param name="DidDeactivate">Optional, a callback when the ViewController becomes inactive (when you close it).</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:CustomUI.BeatSaber.CustomMenu.SetLeftViewController(CustomUI.BeatSaber.CustomViewController,System.Boolean,System.Action{System.Boolean,VRUI.VRUIViewController.ActivationType},System.Action{VRUI.VRUIViewController.DeactivationType})"> |
<summary> |
Sets up the left CustomViewController. |
</summary> |
<param name="viewController">The viewcontroller to set.</param> |
<param name="includeBackButton">Whether or not to generate a back button.</param> |
<param name="DidActivate">Optional, a callback when the ViewController becomes active (when you open it).</param> |
<param name="DidDeactivate">Optional, a callback when the ViewController becomes inactive (when you close it).</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:CustomUI.BeatSaber.CustomMenu.SetRightViewController(CustomUI.BeatSaber.CustomViewController,System.Boolean,System.Action{System.Boolean,VRUI.VRUIViewController.ActivationType},System.Action{VRUI.VRUIViewController.DeactivationType})"> |
<summary> |
Sets up the right CustomViewController. |
</summary> |
<param name="viewController">The viewcontroller to set.</param> |
<param name="includeBackButton">Whether or not to generate a back button.</param> |
<param name="DidActivate">Optional, a callback when the ViewController becomes active (when you open it).</param> |
<param name="DidDeactivate">Optional, a callback when the ViewController becomes inactive (when you close it).</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:CustomUI.BeatSaber.CustomMenu.SetBottomViewController(CustomUI.BeatSaber.CustomViewController,System.Boolean,System.Action{System.Boolean,VRUI.VRUIViewController.ActivationType},System.Action{VRUI.VRUIViewController.DeactivationType})"> |
<summary> |
Sets up the bottom CustomViewController. |
</summary> |
<param name="viewController">The viewcontroller to set.</param> |
<param name="includeBackButton">Whether or not to generate a back button.</param> |
<param name="DidActivate">Optional, a callback when the ViewController becomes active (when you open it).</param> |
<param name="DidDeactivate">Optional, a callback when the ViewController becomes inactive (when you close it).</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:CustomUI.BeatSaber.CustomMenu.Present(System.Boolean)"> |
<summary> |
Opens the menu. |
</summary> |
<param name="immediately">If set to true, no animation will be shown and the transition will be instant.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:CustomUI.BeatSaber.CustomMenu.Present"> |
<summary> |
Opens the menu with an animation. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:CustomUI.BeatSaber.CustomMenu.Dismiss(System.Boolean)"> |
<summary> |
Closes the menu. |
</summary> |
<param name="immediately">If set to true, no animation will be shown and the transition will be instant.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:CustomUI.BeatSaber.CustomMenu.Dismiss"> |
<summary> |
Closes the menu with an animation. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:CustomUI.BeatSaber.CustomViewController.backButtonPressed"> |
<summary> |
The event that's fired when the back button is pressed. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:CustomUI.BeatSaber.CustomViewController._backButton"> |
<summary> |
A reference to the current back button, if it exists. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:CustomUI.BeatSaber.CustomViewController.includeBackButton"> |
<summary> |
When set to true, a back button will be automatically generated. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:CustomUI.BeatSaber.CustomViewController.DidActivateEvent"> |
<summary> |
The event that's fired when the CustomViewController is activated (when you open it). |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:CustomUI.BeatSaber.CustomViewController.DidDeactivateEvent"> |
<summary> |
The event that's fired when the CustomViewController is deactivated (when you close it). |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:CustomUI.BeatSaber.CustomViewController.ClearBackButtonCallbacks"> |
<summary> |
Clears any back button callbacks. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:CustomUI.UIElements.ColorPicker.SetPreviewColor(UnityEngine.Color)"> |
<summary> |
Sets the <see cref="F:CustomUI.UIElements.ColorPicker.ColorPickerPreview"/> color while also updating all associated <see cref="T:CustomUI.UIElements.CustomSlider"/> components. |
</summary> |
<param name="color">The <see cref="T:UnityEngine.Color"/> to set the preview image</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:CustomUI.UIElements.ColorPicker.GetSelectedColorFromImage(UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData,HMUI.Image)"> |
<summary> |
Get the color of a sprite contained in an <see cref="T:HMUI.Image"/> on pointer click |
</summary> |
<param name="pointerData">The <see cref="T:UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData"/> given by OnPointerDown</param> |
<param name="image">The <see cref="T:HMUI.Image"/> instance</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:CustomUI.UIElements.ColorPickerCore.Initialize(System.Action{UnityEngine.Color})"> |
<summary> |
Initialize the <see cref="T:CustomUI.UIElements.ColorPickerCore"/> (should be called after assigning the <see cref="F:CustomUI.UIElements.ColorPickerCore.ColorPickerPreview"/> variable) |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:CustomUI.UIElements.ColorPickerCore.OnPointerDown(UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData)"> |
<summary> |
Method called when the pointer is clicked inside the <see cref="T:CustomUI.UIElements.ColorPickerCore"/> |
</summary> |
<param name="eventData">Some informations about the pointer</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:CustomUI.UIElements.ColorPickerCore.OnPointerUp(UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData)"> |
<summary> |
Method called when the pointer is released inside the <see cref="T:CustomUI.UIElements.ColorPickerCore"/> |
</summary> |
<param name="eventData">Some informations about the pointer</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:CustomUI.UIElements.ColorPickerCore.OnPointerExit(UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData)"> |
<summary> |
Method called when the pointer is exiting the <see cref="T:CustomUI.UIElements.ColorPickerCore"/> |
</summary> |
<param name="eventData">Some informations about the pointer</param> |
</member> |
</members> |
</doc> |