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Added flag to disable reverting during installations

Anairkoen Schno 4 years ago
3 changed files with 19 additions and 16 deletions
  1. +1
  2. +2
  3. +16

+ 1
- 1
IPA.Injector/GameVersionEarly.cs View File

@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ namespace IPA.Injector
internal static void Load()
// This exists for the same reason the wierdness in Injector.Main does
var unused = Type.GetType("SemVer.Version, SemVer", false);
_ = Type.GetType("SemVer.Version, SemVer", false);

+ 2
- 2
IPA.Injector/Injector.cs View File

@ -87,13 +87,13 @@ namespace IPA.Injector
loader.Debug("Prepping bootstrapper");
// updates backup

+ 16
- 13
IPA/Program.cs View File

@ -27,19 +27,19 @@ namespace IPA
public static Version Version => Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().GetName().Version;
public static readonly ArgumentFlag ArgHelp = new ArgumentFlag("--help", "-h") { DocString = "prints this message" };
public static readonly ArgumentFlag ArgWaitFor = new ArgumentFlag("--waitfor", "-w") { DocString = "waits for the specified PID to exit", ValueString = "PID" };
public static readonly ArgumentFlag ArgForce = new ArgumentFlag("--force", "-f") { DocString = "forces the operation to go through" };
public static readonly ArgumentFlag ArgRevert = new ArgumentFlag("--revert", "-r") { DocString = "reverts the IPA installation" };
public static readonly ArgumentFlag ArgNoWait = new ArgumentFlag("--nowait", "-n") { DocString = "doesn't wait for user input after the operation" };
public static readonly ArgumentFlag ArgStart = new ArgumentFlag("--start", "-s") { DocString = "uses value_ as arguments to start the game after the patch/unpatch", ValueString = "ARGUMENTS" };
public static readonly ArgumentFlag ArgLaunch = new ArgumentFlag("--launch", "-l") { DocString = "uses positional parameters as arguments to start the game after patch/unpatch" };
//public static readonly ArgumentFlag ArgDestructive = new ArgumentFlag("--destructive", "-d") { DocString = "patches the game using the now outdated destructive methods" };
public static readonly ArgumentFlag ArgHelp = new ArgumentFlag("--help", "-h") { DocString = "prints this message" };
public static readonly ArgumentFlag ArgWaitFor = new ArgumentFlag("--waitfor", "-w") { DocString = "waits for the specified PID to exit", ValueString = "PID" };
public static readonly ArgumentFlag ArgForce = new ArgumentFlag("--force", "-f") { DocString = "forces the operation to go through" };
public static readonly ArgumentFlag ArgRevert = new ArgumentFlag("--revert", "-r") { DocString = "reverts the IPA installation" };
public static readonly ArgumentFlag ArgNoRevert = new ArgumentFlag("--no-revert", "-R") { DocString = "prevents a normal installation from first reverting" };
public static readonly ArgumentFlag ArgNoWait = new ArgumentFlag("--nowait", "-n") { DocString = "doesn't wait for user input after the operation" };
public static readonly ArgumentFlag ArgStart = new ArgumentFlag("--start", "-s") { DocString = "uses the specified arguments to start the game after the patch/unpatch", ValueString = "ARGUMENTS" };
public static readonly ArgumentFlag ArgLaunch = new ArgumentFlag("--launch", "-l") { DocString = "uses positional parameters as arguments to start the game after patch/unpatch" };
public static void Main(string[] args)
Arguments.CmdLine.Flags(ArgHelp, ArgWaitFor, ArgForce, ArgRevert, ArgNoWait, ArgStart, ArgLaunch/*, ArgDestructive*/).Process();
Arguments.CmdLine.Flags(ArgHelp, ArgWaitFor, ArgForce, ArgRevert, ArgNoWait, ArgStart, ArgLaunch, ArgNoRevert).Process();
if (ArgHelp)
@ -159,10 +159,13 @@ namespace IPA
var backup = new BackupUnit(context);
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan;
Console.WriteLine("Restoring old version... ");
if (BackupManager.HasBackup(context))
if (!ArgNoRevert)
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan;
Console.WriteLine("Restoring old version... ");
if (BackupManager.HasBackup(context))
var nativePluginFolder = Path.Combine(context.DataPathDst, "Plugins");
bool isFlat = Directory.Exists(nativePluginFolder) &&
