// Fill out your copyright notice in the Description page of Project Settings. #pragma once #include "WFUFolderWatchInterface.generated.h" UINTERFACE(MinimalAPI) class UWFUFolderWatchInterface : public UInterface { GENERATED_UINTERFACE_BODY() }; class WINDOWSFILEUTILITY_API IWFUFolderWatchInterface { GENERATED_IINTERFACE_BODY() public: /** * Called when a file inside the folder has changed * @param FilePath Path of the file that has changed */ UFUNCTION(BlueprintNativeEvent, Category = FolderWatchEvent) void OnFileChanged(const FString& FileName, const FString& FilePath); /** * Called when a directory inside the folder has changed * @param FilePath Path of the file that has changed */ UFUNCTION(BlueprintNativeEvent, Category = FolderWatchEvent) void OnDirectoryChanged(const FString& DirectoryName, const FString& DirectoryPath); };