"use strict"; const fs = require("fs"); var clients = []; var net = require('net'); try{ var request = require('request'); } catch(err){ console.log(err); console.log('Go read the damn readme. Run "npm install" or install the request module in some other way.'); process.exit() } var https = require('https'); var config = {}; var diff; var fileSize; var diffIndex; var charIndex; var diffFound = false; var charFound = false; var changesMade = false; var downloadURL = ""; console.log("\n\n\n"); // Loading up json files and such that you need try{ config = require('./config.json'); } catch(err){ } process.argv.shift(); process.argv.shift(); var type = ""; while(process.argv.length > 0) { var input = process.argv.shift() if (input.startsWith("--")) { type = input.replace('--',''); } else { if (type == "") { console.log('you fucked up'); process.exit() } else { config[type] = input; } } } // Check and display relevant info try{ if(config.folder !== "" && config.folder !== undefined){ console.log(' Song folder: ' + config.folder); } else{ console.log('\nError: Fill in folder field'); process.exit() } if(config.difficulty !== "" && config.characteristic !== undefined){ console.log(' Song characteristic: ' + config.characteristic); } else{ console.log(' Song characteristic: Standard'); } if(config.difficulty !== "" && config.difficulty !== undefined){ console.log(' Song difficulty: ' + config.difficulty); } else{ console.log('\nError: Fill in difficulty field'); process.exit() } if(config.port !== "" && config.port !== undefined){ console.log(' Port: ' + config.port); } else{ console.log('\nError: Fill in port field'); process.exit() } if(config.password != "" && config.password !== undefined){ console.log(' Password: ' + config.password); } else{ config.password = ""; console.log(' Password: no password being used'); } if(config.download !== "" && config.download !== undefined){ console.log(' Song download: ' + config.download); downloadURL = config.download; } } catch(err){ console.log('config file is not formatted correctly'); process.exit() } var data = fs.readFileSync('./Songs/' + config.folder + '/info.dat'); // Loading stuff try{ var info = loadJSON('./Songs/' + config.folder + '/info.dat'); } catch(err){ console.log('Could not find file: Songs/' + config.folder + '/info.dat'); process.exit() } if (!config.characteristic) { config.characteristic = "Standard"; } for (var i = 0; i < info._difficultyBeatmapSets.length; i++) { if (info._difficultyBeatmapSets[i]._beatmapCharacteristicName == config.characteristic) { for(var j = 0; j < info._difficultyBeatmapSets[i]._difficultyBeatmaps.length; j++) { if (info._difficultyBeatmapSets[i]._difficultyBeatmaps[j]._difficulty == config.difficulty) { diff = loadJSON('./Songs/' + config.folder + '/' + info._difficultyBeatmapSets[i]._difficultyBeatmaps[j]._beatmapFilename); try{ fileSize = fs.statSync('./Songs/' + config.folder + '/' + info._songFilename); }catch(err) { //console.log('\nFailed to find '+info.difficultyLevels[i].audioPath+'. now using fileSize argument'); if(!config.hasOwnProperty('fileSize')) { //console.log('could not use fileSize argument, finding from download URL'); request({ url: downloadURL, method: "HEAD" }, function(err, response, body) { var downloadResponse = response.headers; if (downloadResponse.hasOwnProperty('content-length')) { fileSize = downloadResponse['content-length']; } else { console.log('Unable to get file size. Please specify fileSize in config.json or as an argument'); process.exit(); } }); } fileSize = config['content-length']; } diffIndex = j; charIndex = i; diffFound = true; break; } } } } if (diff === null) { console.log('No proper difficulty found.'); process.exit(); } if (diffFound == false) { console.log('Difficulty/Characteristic not found'); process.exit(); } setInterval(saveFile, 300000);//save every 5 minutes // if(config.download === "") // { // config.download = 'none'; // } var server = net.createServer(function(socket){ socket.name = "wait"; socket.send = false; //add new client to the list clients.push(socket); // Handle incoming messages from clients. socket.on('data', function (data) { if(socket.name == "wait") { if (config.password !== "" && data.toString().includes(";|;")) { console.log("attempted connection: " + data.toString().split(";|;")[1] + "\nPassword: " +data.toString().split(";|;")[0]); if (config.password == data.toString().split(";|;")[0]) { for (var i = 0; i < clients.length; i++) { if (clients[i].name == data.toString().split(";|;")[1] || "wait" == data.toString().split(";|;")[1]) { if (socket.address == clients[i].address) { console.log('duplicate from same client. Destroying old client.') clients[i].destroy(); clients.splice(i, 1); } else { socket.write('dc:duplicate name'); clients.splice(clients.indexOf(socket), 1); socket.destroy(); return; } } } socket.name = data.toString().split(";|;")[1]; // Send a nice welcome message and announce socket.write(config.folder.split('/').pop()+"::"+diffIndex*100+ charIndex+";;;"); //0 socket.write(JSON.stringify(info)+";;;"); //1 socket.write(info._difficultyBeatmapSets[charIndex]._difficultyBeatmaps[diffIndex]._beatmapFilename+";;;"); //2 socket.write(JSON.stringify(diff)+";;;");//3 socket.write(info._songFilename+";;;"+fileSize+";;;");//4 & 5 socket.write(downloadURL +";;;" );//6 socket.send = true; } else { socket.write('dc:wrong password'); clients.splice(clients.indexOf(socket), 1); socket.destroy(); return; } } else if (config.password === "") { if(data.toString().includes(";|;")) { data = data.toString().split(";|;")[1]; } console.log("attempted connection: " + data); for (var i = 0; i < clients.length; i++) { if (clients[i].name == data || "wait" == data) { socket.write('dc:duplicate name'); clients.splice(clients.indexOf(socket), 1); socket.destroy(); return; } } socket.name = data.toString(); // Send a nice welcome message and announce socket.write(config.folder.split('/').pop()+"::"+diffIndex*100+ charIndex+";;;"); //0 socket.write(JSON.stringify(info)+";;;"); //1 socket.write(info._difficultyBeatmapSets[charIndex]._difficultyBeatmaps[diffIndex]._beatmapFilename+";;;"); //2 socket.write(JSON.stringify(diff)+";;;");//3 socket.write(info._songFilename+";;;"+fileSize+";;;");//4 & 5 socket.write(downloadURL +";;;" );//6 socket.send = true; } else if (config.password !== "" && !data.toString().includes(";|;")) { socket.write('dc:password required'); clients.splice(clients.indexOf(socket), 1); socket.destroy(); return; } else { socket.write('dc:uhhh something else'); clients.splice(clients.indexOf(socket), 1); socket.destroy(); return; } console.log(socket.name + " joined the session."); broadcast("System:,:sy:,:"+ socket.name + " joined the session.;:;"); } else { broadcast(data.toString(), socket); var commands = data.toString().split(";:;"); for (var i = 0; i < commands.length; i++) { readMessage(commands[i]); } } }); // Remove the client from the list when it leaves socket.on('end', function () { try { clients.splice(clients.indexOf(socket), 1); console.log(socket.name + " left the session."); broadcast("System:,:sy:,:"+ socket.name + " left the session.;:;"); broadcast(socket.name + ":,:rc;:;"); } catch(err) { console.log(err); } }); socket.on('error',function () { try { clients.splice(clients.indexOf(socket), 1); broadcast("System:,:sy:,:"+ socket.name + " left the session.;:;"); broadcast(socket.name + ":,:rc;:;"); } catch(err) { console.log(err); } }); // Send a message to all clients function broadcast(message, sender) { clients.forEach(function (client) { // Don't want to send it to sender if (client === sender) { return; } if (client.send == false) { return; } client.write(message); }); } }); //Get IP address console.log('\n\n\n'); if (downloadURL === undefined || downloadURL === "") { var req = request.post('https://catbox.moe/user/api.php', function (err, resp, body) { if (err) { console.log(err); } else { // var downloadInfo = JSON.parse(body) downloadURL = body; console.log('Download URL generated: ' + body); https.get('https://ifconfig.co/ip', function(res){ res.setEncoding('utf8'); res.on('data', function(chunk){ server.listen(config.port, ''); process.stdout.write("Server Started on IP address: ") console.log(chunk); }); res.on('error', function(err) { server.listen(config.port, ''); process.stdout.write("Server Started"); }); }); } }); var form = req.form(); form.append('reqtype', 'fileupload'); form.append('fileToUpload', fs.createReadStream('./Songs/'+config.folder+'/'+info._songFilename)); }else { https.get('https://ifconfig.co/ip', function(res){ res.setEncoding('utf8'); res.on('data', function(chunk){ server.listen(config.port, ''); process.stdout.write("Server Started on IP address: ") console.log(chunk); }); res.on('error', function(err) { server.listen(config.port, ''); process.stdout.write("Server Started"); }); }); } function readMessage(message) { changesMade = true; var type = message.split(":,:")[1]; switch(type) { case 'an': try{ addNote(message.split(':,:')[2].split(" ")); } catch(err){ } break; case 'rn': try{ removeNote(message.split(':,:')[2].split(" ")); } catch(err){ } break; case 'ae': try{ addEvent(message.split(':,:')[2].split(" ")); } catch(err){ } break; case 're': try{ removeEvent(message.split(':,:')[2].split(" ")); } catch(err){ } break; case 'aw': try{ addWall(message.split(':,:')[2].split(" ")); } catch(err){ } break; case 'rw': try{ removeWall(message.split(':,:')[2].split(" ")); } catch(err){ } break; case 'ab': try{ addBookmark(message.split(':,:')[2].split("|||")); } catch(err){ } break; case 'rb': try{ removeBookmark(message.split(':,:')[2].split(" ")); } catch(err){ } break; default: //console.log(message); break; } } function addNote(data) { var note = stringToNote(data) if (!hasNull(note)) { diff._notes.push(note); } } function removeNote(data) { for (var j = diff._notes.length -1 ; j >= 0; j--) { if (sameNote(diff._notes[j],stringToNote(data))) { diff._notes.splice(j,1); break; } } } function stringToNote(data) { return {_time: parseFloat(data[0]), _lineIndex: parseInt(data[1]), _lineLayer: parseInt(data[2]), _type: parseInt(data[3]), _cutDirection: parseInt(data[4])}; } function sameNote(note1,note2) { if (Math.abs(note1._time - note2._time) > 0.001) return false; if (note1._lineIndex != note2._lineIndex) return false; if (note1._lineLayer != note2._lineLayer) return false; if (note1._type != note2._type) return false; if (note1._cutDirection != note2._cutDirection) return false; return true; } function addEvent(data) { if (data.length == 3) { var event = stringToEvent(data) if (!hasNull(event)) { diff._events.push(event); } } else { var event = stringToEvent(data) if (!hasNull(event)) { diff._BPMChanges.push(stringToBPM(data)); } } } function removeEvent(data) { if (data.length == 3) { for (var j = diff._events.length -1 ; j >= 0; j--) { if (sameEvent(diff._events[j],stringToEvent(data))) { diff._events.splice(j,1); break; } } } else { for (var j = diff._BPMChanges.length -1 ; j >= 0; j--) { if (sameBPM(stringToBPM(data), diff._BPMChanges[j])) { diff._BPMChanges.splice(j,1); } } } } function sameEvent(event1,event2) { if (Math.abs(event1._time - event2._time) > 0.001) return false; if (event1._type != event2._type) return false; if (event1._value != event2._value) return false; return true; } function sameBPM(event1,event2) { if (Math.abs(event1._BPM - event2._BPM) > 0.02) return false; if (Math.abs(event1._time - event2._time) > 0.001) return false; return true; } function stringToEvent(data) { return { _time: parseFloat(data[0]), _type: parseInt(data[1]), _value: parseInt(data[2]) }; } function stringToBPM(data) { return { _BPM:parseFloat(data[0]), _time:parseFloat(data[1]), _beatsPerBar:parseFloat(data[2]), _metronomeOffset:parseFloat(data[3])} } function addWall(data) { var wall = stringToWall(data) if (!hasNull(wall)) { diff._obstacles.push(wall); } } function removeWall(data) { for (var j = diff._obstacles.length -1 ; j >= 0; j--) { if (sameWall(diff._obstacles[j],stringToWall(data))) { diff._obstacles.splice(j,1); break; } } } function stringToWall(data) { return {_time: parseFloat(data[0]), _lineIndex: parseInt(data[1]), _type: parseInt(data[2]), _duration: parseFloat(data[3]), _width: parseInt(data[4]) }; } function sameWall(wall1,wall2) { if (Math.abs(wall1._time - wall2._time) > 0.001) return false; if (wall1._lineIndex != wall2._lineIndex) return false; if (wall1._type != wall2._type) return false; if (Math.abs(wall1._duration - wall2._duration) > 0.001) return false; if (wall1._width != wall2._width) return false; return true; } function addBookmark(data) { diff._bookmarks.push(stringToBookmark(data)); } function removeBookmark(data) { for (var j = diff._bookmarks.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) { if (Math.abs(diff._bookmarks[j]._time - stringToBookmark(data)._time) < 0.001) { diff._bookmarks.splice(j,1); break; } } } function stringToBookmark(data) { return { _time: parseFloat(data[0]), _name: data[1] }; } function saveFile() { if (changesMade) { fs.writeFile('./Songs/' + config.folder + '/' + info._difficultyBeatmapSets[charIndex]._difficultyBeatmaps[diffIndex]._beatmapFilename, JSON.stringify(diff), function(err) { if (err) console.log(err); else { console.log ("file successfully saved.\nNote Count: "+ diff._notes.length+"\nEvent Count: "+diff._events.length); } }); } changesMade = false; } // server.getConnections(function(err,count){ // console.log(count); // }); function disconnectSoon(socket) { if(socket.name == "wait" || socket.name.length > 30) { clients.splice(clients.indexOf(socket), 1); socket.destroy(); return; } } function hasNull(object) { for(var key in object) { if (object[key] === null) { try { console.log("null object detected at :" + object._time); } catch(err) { console.log("null object detected") } return true; } } } function loadJSON(file) { var data = fs.readFileSync(file); return JSON.parse(data); }