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238 lines
9.4 KiB

// BEGIN: section ignore
#nullable enable
using IPA.Logging;
using IPA.Config.Stores;
using IPA.Config.Stores.Attributes;
using IPA.Config.Stores.Converters;
// END: section ignore
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace IPA.Config
internal class SelfConfig
// This is to allow the doc generation to parse this file and use Newtonsoft to generate a JSON schema
// BEGIN: section ignore
public static Config LoaderConfig { get; set; } = null!; // this is set before used
public static SelfConfig Instance = new();
public static void Load()
LoaderConfig = Config.GetConfigFor(IPAName, "json");
Instance = LoaderConfig.Generated<SelfConfig>();
protected virtual void CopyFrom(SelfConfig cfg) { }
protected internal virtual void OnReload()
if (Regenerate)
CopyFrom(new SelfConfig { Regenerate = false });
protected internal virtual void Changed()
Logger.Default.Debug("SelfConfig Changed called");
public static void ReadCommandLine(string[] args)
foreach (var arg in args)
switch (arg)
case "--debug":
case "--mono-debug":
CommandLineValues.Debug.ShowDebug = true;
CommandLineValues.Debug.ShowCallSource = true;
case "--no-yeet":
CommandLineValues.YeetMods = false;
case "--no-logs":
CommandLineValues.WriteLogs = false;
case "--darken-message":
CommandLineValues.Debug.DarkenMessages = true;
case "--condense-logs":
CommandLineValues.Debug.CondenseModLogs = true;
case "--plugin-logs":
CommandLineValues.Debug.CreateModLogs = true;
#if false
case "--no-updates":
CommandLineValues.Updates.AutoCheckUpdates = false;
CommandLineValues.Updates.AutoUpdate = false;
case "--trace":
CommandLineValues.Debug.ShowTrace = true;
public void CheckVersionBoundary()
if (ResetGameAssebliesOnVersionChange && Utilities.UnityGame.IsGameVersionBoundary)
GameAssemblies = GetDefaultGameAssemblies();
internal const string IPAName = "Beat Saber IPA";
internal const string IPAVersion = "";
// uses Updates.AutoUpdate, Updates.AutoCheckUpdates, YeetMods, Debug.ShowCallSource, Debug.ShowDebug,
// Debug.CondenseModLogs
internal static SelfConfig CommandLineValues = new();
// For readability's sake, I want the default values to be visible in source.
#pragma warning disable CA1805 // Do not initialize unnecessarily
// END: section ignore
public virtual bool Regenerate { get; set; } = true;
#if false
public class Updates_
public virtual bool AutoUpdate { get; set; } = true;
// LINE: ignore 2
public static bool AutoUpdate_ => (Instance?.Updates?.AutoUpdate ?? true)
&& CommandLineValues.Updates.AutoUpdate;
public virtual bool AutoCheckUpdates { get; set; } = true;
// LINE: ignore 2
public static bool AutoCheckUpdates_ => (Instance?.Updates?.AutoCheckUpdates ?? true)
&& CommandLineValues.Updates.AutoCheckUpdates;
// LINE: ignore
public virtual Updates_ Updates { get; set; } = new Updates_();
public class Debug_
public virtual bool ShowCallSource { get; set; } = false;
// LINE: ignore 2
public static bool ShowCallSource_ => (Instance?.Debug?.ShowCallSource ?? false)
|| CommandLineValues.Debug.ShowCallSource;
public virtual bool ShowDebug { get; set; } = false;
// LINE: ignore 2
public static bool ShowDebug_ => (Instance?.Debug?.ShowDebug ?? false)
|| CommandLineValues.Debug.ShowDebug;
// This option only takes effect after a full game restart, unless new logs are created again
public virtual bool CondenseModLogs { get; set; } = false;
// LINE: ignore 2
public static bool CondenseModLogs_ => (Instance?.Debug?.CondenseModLogs ?? false)
|| CommandLineValues.Debug.CondenseModLogs;
// This option only takes effect after a full game restart, unless new logs are created again
public virtual bool CreateModLogs { get; set; } = false;
// LINE: ignore 2
public static bool CreateModLogs_ => (Instance?.Debug?.CreateModLogs ?? false)
|| CommandLineValues.Debug.CreateModLogs;
public virtual bool ShowHandledErrorStackTraces { get; set; } = false;
// LINE: ignore
public static bool ShowHandledErrorStackTraces_ => Instance?.Debug?.ShowHandledErrorStackTraces ?? false;
public virtual bool HideMessagesForPerformance { get; set; } = true;
// LINE: ignore
public static bool HideMessagesForPerformance_ => Instance?.Debug?.HideMessagesForPerformance ?? true;
public virtual int HideLogThreshold { get; set; } = 512;
// LINE: ignore
public static int HideLogThreshold_ => Instance?.Debug?.HideLogThreshold ?? 512;
public virtual bool ShowTrace { get; set; } = false;
// LINE: ignore 2
public static bool ShowTrace_ => (Instance?.Debug?.ShowTrace ?? false)
|| CommandLineValues.Debug.ShowTrace;
public virtual bool SyncLogging { get; set; } = false;
// LINE: ignore
public static bool SyncLogging_ => Instance?.Debug?.SyncLogging ?? false;
public virtual bool DarkenMessages { get; set; } = false;
// LINE: ignore 2
public static bool DarkenMessages_ => (Instance?.Debug?.DarkenMessages ?? false)
|| CommandLineValues.Debug.DarkenMessages;
// LINE: ignore
public virtual Debug_ Debug { get; set; } = new();
public class AntiMalware_
public virtual bool UseIfAvailable { get; set; } = true;
// LINE: ignore
public static bool UseIfAvailable_ => Instance?.AntiMalware?.UseIfAvailable ?? true;
public virtual bool RunPartialThreatCode { get; set; } = false;
// LINE: ignore
public static bool RunPartialThreatCode_ => Instance?.AntiMalware?.RunPartialThreatCode ?? true;
// LINE: ignore
public virtual AntiMalware_ AntiMalware { get; set; } = new();
public virtual bool YeetMods { get; set; } = true;
// LINE: ignore 2
public static bool YeetMods_ => (Instance?.YeetMods ?? true)
&& CommandLineValues.YeetMods;
public bool WriteLogs { get; set; } = true;
public virtual bool ResetGameAssebliesOnVersionChange { get; set; } = true;
// LINE: ignore
[NonNullable, UseConverter(typeof(CollectionConverter<string, HashSet<string?>>))]
public virtual HashSet<string> GameAssemblies { get; set; } = GetDefaultGameAssemblies();
// BEGIN: section ignore
public static HashSet<string> GetDefaultGameAssemblies()
=> new()
#if BeatSaber // provide these defaults only for Beat Saber builds
"Main.dll", "Core.dll", "HMLib.dll", "HMUI.dll", "HMRendering.dll", "VRUI.dll",
"BeatmapCore.dll", "GameplayCore.dll", "HMLibAttributes.dll", "BeatmapEditor3D.dll"
#else // otherwise specify Assembly-CSharp.dll
// END: section ignore
// LINE: ignore
#if false // used to make schema gen happy
private static HashSet<string> GetDefaultGameAssemblies() => null;
// LINE: ignore
// LINE: ignore
public static HashSet<string> GameAssemblies_ => Instance?.GameAssemblies ?? new HashSet<string> { "Assembly-CSharp.dll" };
// LINE: ignore
#if false // Used for documentation schema generation
[JsonProperty(Required = Required.DisallowNull)]
public virtual string LastGameVersion { get; set; } = null;
// LINE: ignore 2
public virtual string? LastGameVersion { get; set; } = null;
// LINE: ignore
public static string? LastGameVersion_ => Instance?.LastGameVersion;