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using System;
using System.Linq;
using HVersion = Hive.Versioning.Version;
namespace SemVer
[Obsolete("Use Hive.Versioning.Version instead.")]
public class Version : IComparable<Version>, IComparable<HVersion>, IComparable, IEquatable<Version>, IEquatable<HVersion>
public HVersion UnderlyingVersion { get; }
private Version(HVersion real) => UnderlyingVersion = real;
public static Version ForHiveVersion(HVersion real) => new(real);
public Version(string input, bool loose = false) : this(new HVersion(input))
=> _ = loose; // specifically unused because Hive has no equivalent (by design)
public Version(int major, int minor, int patch, string? preRelease = null, string? build = null)
: this(new HVersion(major, minor, patch,
preRelease is null ? Enumerable.Empty<string>() : preRelease.Split('.'),
build is null ? Enumerable.Empty<string>() : build.Split('.')))
public int Major => (int)UnderlyingVersion.Major;
public int Minor => (int)UnderlyingVersion.Minor;
public int Patch => (int)UnderlyingVersion.Patch;
public string PreRelease => string.Join(".", UnderlyingVersion.PreReleaseIds);
public string Build => string.Join(".", UnderlyingVersion.BuildIds);
public Version BaseVersion() => new(new(UnderlyingVersion.Major, UnderlyingVersion.Minor, UnderlyingVersion.Patch));
public override string ToString() => UnderlyingVersion.ToString();
public string Clean() => ToString(); // normally this is the other way around kek
public override int GetHashCode() => UnderlyingVersion.GetHashCode();
public bool Equals(Version? other) => UnderlyingVersion.Equals(other?.UnderlyingVersion);
public bool Equals(HVersion? other) => UnderlyingVersion.Equals(other);
public override bool Equals(object? obj)
=> obj switch
Version v => Equals(v),
HVersion h => Equals(h),
_ => false
public int CompareTo(Version? other) => UnderlyingVersion.CompareTo(other?.UnderlyingVersion);
public int CompareTo(HVersion? other) => UnderlyingVersion.CompareTo(other);
public int CompareTo(object? obj)
=> obj switch
null => 1,
Version v => CompareTo(v),
HVersion h => CompareTo(h),
_ => throw new ArgumentException("Object is not a Version")
public static bool operator ==(Version? a, Version? b)
=> a?.UnderlyingVersion == b?.UnderlyingVersion;
public static bool operator !=(Version? a, Version? b)
=> a?.UnderlyingVersion != b?.UnderlyingVersion;
public static bool operator >(Version? a, Version? b)
=> a is null ? b is not null && b.CompareTo(a) < 0 : a.CompareTo(b) > 0;
public static bool operator >=(Version? a, Version? b)
=> !(a < b);
public static bool operator <(Version? a, Version? b)
=> a is null ? b is not null && b.CompareTo(a) > 0 : a.CompareTo(b) < 0;
public static bool operator <=(Version? a, Version? b)
=> !(a > b);