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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using IPA.Logging;
namespace IPA.Utilities
/// <summary>
/// Provides utilities for managing various critical sections.
/// </summary>
public static class CriticalSection
internal static void Configure()
Logger.log.Debug("Configuring exit handlers");
AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit -= Reset;
AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit += Reset;
private static void Reset(object sender, EventArgs e)
Win32.SetConsoleCtrlHandler(registeredHandler, false);
#region Execute section
private static readonly Win32.ConsoleCtrlDelegate registeredHandler = HandleExit;
internal static void ResetExitHandlers()
Win32.SetConsoleCtrlHandler(registeredHandler, false);
Win32.SetConsoleCtrlHandler(registeredHandler, true);
private static class WinHttp
public delegate bool PeekMessageHook(
bool isW,
uint result,
in Win32.MSG message,
IntPtr hwnd,
uint filterMin,
uint filterMax,
ref Win32.PeekMessageParams removeMsg);
public static extern void SetPeekMessageHook(
PeekMessageHook hook);
private static Win32.ConsoleCtrlDelegate _handler = null;
private static volatile bool isInExecuteSection = false;
// returns true to continue looping and calling PeekMessage
private static bool PeekMessageHook(
bool isW,
uint result,
in Win32.MSG message,
IntPtr hwnd,
uint filterMin,
uint filterMax,
ref Win32.PeekMessageParams removeMsg)
if (isInExecuteSection)
if (result == 0) return false;
switch (message.message)
case Win32.WM.CLOSE:
if (removeMsg != Win32.PeekMessageParams.PM_REMOVE)
removeMsg = Win32.PeekMessageParams.PM_REMOVE;
exitRecieved = true;
return true;
removeMsg = Win32.PeekMessageParams.PM_NOREMOVE;
return true;
return false;
return false;
private static bool HandleExit(Win32.CtrlTypes type)
if (_handler != null)
return _handler(type);
return false;
private static volatile bool exitRecieved = false;
/// <summary>
/// Enters a critical execution section. Does not nest.
/// </summary>
/// <note>
/// During a critical execution section, the program must execute until the end of the section before
/// exiting. If an exit signal is recieved during the section, it will be canceled, and the process
/// will terminate at the end of the section.
/// </note>
public static void EnterExecuteSection()
exitRecieved = false;
_handler = sig => exitRecieved = true;
isInExecuteSection = true;
/// <summary>
/// Exits a critical execution section. Does not nest.
/// </summary>
/// <note>
/// During a critical execution section, the program must execute until the end of the section before
/// exiting. If an exit signal is recieved during the section, it will be canceled, and the process
/// will terminate at the end of the section.
/// </note>
public static void ExitExecuteSection()
_handler = null;
isInExecuteSection = false;
if (exitRecieved)
#region GC section
// i wish i could reference GC_enable and GC_disable directly
private static extern void mono_unity_gc_enable();
private static extern void mono_unity_gc_disable();
/// <summary>
/// Enters a GC critical section. Each call to this must be paired with a call to <see cref="ExitGCSection"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <note>
/// During a GC critical section, no GCs will occur.
/// This may throw an <see cref="EntryPointNotFoundException"/> if the build of Mono the game is running on does
/// not have `mono_unity_gc_disable` exported. Use with caution.
/// </note>
public static void EnterGCSection()
/// <summary>
/// Exits a GC critical section. Each call to this must have a preceding call to <see cref="EnterGCSection"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <note>
/// During a GC critical section, no GCs will occur.
/// This may throw an <see cref="EntryPointNotFoundException"/> if the build of Mono the game is running on does
/// not have `mono_unity_gc_enable` exported. Use with caution.
/// </note>
public static void ExitGCSection()