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#nullable enable
using IPA.Config;
using IPA.Loader.Features;
using IPA.Logging;
using IPA.Utilities;
using Mono.Cecil;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Diagnostics;
using IPA.AntiMalware;
using Hive.Versioning;
#if NET4
using Task = System.Threading.Tasks.Task;
using TaskEx = System.Threading.Tasks.Task;
#if NET3
using Net3_Proxy;
using Path = Net3_Proxy.Path;
using File = Net3_Proxy.File;
using Directory = Net3_Proxy.Directory;
namespace IPA.Loader
/// <summary>
/// A type to manage the loading of plugins.
/// </summary>
internal partial class PluginLoader
internal static PluginMetadata SelfMeta = null!;
internal static Task LoadTask() =>
TaskEx.Run(() =>
var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
Logger.Loader.Info($"Loading metadata took {sw.Elapsed}");
// Features contribute to load order considerations
Logger.Loader.Info($"Calculating load order took {sw.Elapsed}");
internal static void YeetIfNeeded()
string pluginDir = UnityGame.PluginsPath;
if (SelfConfig.YeetMods_ && UnityGame.IsGameVersionBoundary)
var oldPluginsName = Path.Combine(UnityGame.InstallPath, $"Old {UnityGame.OldVersion} Plugins");
var newPluginsName = Path.Combine(UnityGame.InstallPath, $"Old {UnityGame.GameVersion} Plugins");
if (Directory.Exists(oldPluginsName))
Directory.Delete(oldPluginsName, true);
Directory.Move(pluginDir, oldPluginsName);
if (Directory.Exists(newPluginsName))
Directory.Move(newPluginsName, pluginDir);
_ = Directory.CreateDirectory(pluginDir);
internal static List<PluginMetadata> PluginsMetadata = new();
internal static List<PluginMetadata> DisabledPlugins = new();
private static readonly Regex embeddedTextDescriptionPattern = new(@"#!\[(.+)\]", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.Singleline);
internal static void LoadMetadata()
string[] plugins = Directory.GetFiles(UnityGame.PluginsPath, "*.dll", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
var selfMeta = new PluginMetadata
Assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(),
File = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(UnityGame.InstallPath, "IPA.exe")),
PluginType = null,
IsSelf = true
string manifest;
using (var manifestReader =
new StreamReader(
selfMeta.Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(typeof(PluginLoader), "manifest.json") ??
throw new InvalidOperationException()))
manifest = manifestReader.ReadToEnd();
var manifestObj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<PluginManifest>(manifest);
selfMeta.Manifest = manifestObj ?? throw new InvalidOperationException("Deserialized manifest was null");
SelfMeta = selfMeta;
catch (Exception e)
Logger.Loader.Critical("Error loading own manifest");
using var resolver = new CecilLibLoader();
foreach (var libDirectory in Directory.GetDirectories(UnityGame.LibraryPath, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories).Where((x) => !x.Contains("Native")).Prepend(UnityGame.LibraryPath))
Logger.Loader.Debug($"Adding lib search directory: {libDirectory.Replace(UnityGame.InstallPath, "").TrimStart(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar)}");
foreach (var pluginDirectory in Directory.GetDirectories(UnityGame.PluginsPath, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories).Where((x) => !x.Contains(".cache")).Prepend(UnityGame.PluginsPath))
Logger.Loader.Debug($"Adding plugin search directory: {pluginDirectory.Replace(UnityGame.InstallPath, "").TrimStart(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar)}");
foreach (var plugin in plugins)
var metadata = new PluginMetadata
File = new FileInfo(plugin),
IsSelf = false
var pluginRelative = plugin.Replace(UnityGame.InstallPath, "").TrimStart(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar);
var scanResult = AntiMalwareEngine.Engine.ScanFile(metadata.File);
if (scanResult is ScanResult.Detected)
Logger.Loader.Warn($"Scan of {plugin} found malware; not loading");
if (!SelfConfig.AntiMalware_.RunPartialThreatCode_ && scanResult is not ScanResult.KnownSafe and not ScanResult.NotDetected)
Logger.Loader.Warn($"Scan of {plugin} found partial threat; not loading. To load this, set AntiMalware.RunPartialThreatCode in the config.");
var pluginModule = AssemblyDefinition.ReadAssembly(metadata.File.FullName, new ReaderParameters
ReadingMode = ReadingMode.Immediate,
ReadWrite = false,
AssemblyResolver = resolver
string pluginNs = "";
PluginManifest? pluginManifest = null;
foreach (var resource in pluginModule.Resources)
const string manifestSuffix = ".manifest.json";
if (resource is not EmbeddedResource embedded ||
!embedded.Name.EndsWith(manifestSuffix, StringComparison.Ordinal)) continue;
pluginNs = embedded.Name.Substring(0, embedded.Name.Length - manifestSuffix.Length);
string manifest;
using (var manifestReader = new StreamReader(embedded.GetResourceStream()))
manifest = manifestReader.ReadToEnd();
pluginManifest = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<PluginManifest?>(manifest);
if (pluginManifest == null)
Logger.loader.Error($"Could not find manifest.json for {pluginRelative}");
Logger.Loader.Notice($"No manifest.json in {pluginRelative}");
if (pluginManifest.Id == null)
Logger.Loader.Warn($"Plugin '{pluginManifest.Name}' does not have a listed ID, using name");
pluginManifest.Id = pluginManifest.Name;
metadata.Manifest = pluginManifest;
bool TryPopulatePluginType(TypeDefinition type, PluginMetadata meta)
if (!type.HasCustomAttributes)
return false;
var attr = type.CustomAttributes.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Constructor.DeclaringType.FullName == typeof(PluginAttribute).FullName);
if (attr is null)
return false;
if (!attr.HasConstructorArguments)
Logger.Loader.Warn($"Attribute plugin found in {type.FullName}, but attribute has no arguments");
return false;
var args = attr.ConstructorArguments;
if (args.Count != 1)
Logger.Loader.Warn($"Attribute plugin found in {type.FullName}, but attribute has unexpected number of arguments");
return false;
var rtOptionsArg = args[0];
if (rtOptionsArg.Type.FullName != typeof(RuntimeOptions).FullName)
Logger.Loader.Warn($"Attribute plugin found in {type.FullName}, but first argument is of unexpected type {rtOptionsArg.Type.FullName}");
return false;
var rtOptionsValInt = (int)rtOptionsArg.Value; // `int` is the underlying type of RuntimeOptions
meta.RuntimeOptions = (RuntimeOptions)rtOptionsValInt;
meta.PluginType = type;
return true;
void TryGetNamespacedPluginType(string ns, PluginMetadata meta)
foreach (var type in pluginModule.Types)
if (type.Namespace != ns) continue;
if (TryPopulatePluginType(type, meta))
var hint = metadata.Manifest.Misc?.PluginMainHint;
if (hint != null)
var type = pluginModule.GetType(hint);
if (type == null || !TryPopulatePluginType(type, metadata))
TryGetNamespacedPluginType(hint, metadata);
if (metadata.PluginType == null)
TryGetNamespacedPluginType(pluginNs, metadata);
if (metadata.PluginType == null)
Logger.Loader.Error($"No plugin found in the manifest {(hint != null ? $"hint path ({hint}) or " : "")}namespace ({pluginNs}) in {pluginRelative}");
Logger.Loader.Debug($"Adding info for {pluginRelative}");
catch (Exception e)
Logger.Loader.Error($"Could not load data for plugin {pluginRelative}");
ignoredPlugins.Add(metadata, new IgnoreReason(Reason.Error)
ReasonText = "An error occurred loading the data",
Error = e
IEnumerable<string> bareManifests = Directory.GetFiles(UnityGame.PluginsPath, "*.json", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
bareManifests = bareManifests.Concat(Directory.GetFiles(UnityGame.PluginsPath, "*.manifest", SearchOption.AllDirectories));
foreach (var manifest in bareManifests)
var metadata = new PluginMetadata
File = new FileInfo(manifest),
IsSelf = false,
IsBare = true,
var manifestRelative = manifest.Replace(UnityGame.InstallPath, "").TrimStart(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar);
var manifestObj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<PluginManifest>(File.ReadAllText(manifest));
if (manifestObj is null)
Logger.Loader.Error($"Bare manifest {manifestRelative} deserialized to null");
metadata.Manifest = manifestObj;
if (metadata.Manifest.Files.Length < 1)
Logger.Loader.Warn($"Bare manifest {manifestRelative} does not declare any files. " +
$"Dependency resolution and verification cannot be completed.");
Logger.Loader.Debug($"Adding info for bare manifest {manifestRelative}");
catch (Exception e)
Logger.Loader.Error($"Could not load data for bare manifest {Path.GetFileName(manifest)}");
foreach (var meta in PluginsMetadata)
{ // process description include
var lines = meta.Manifest.Description.Split('\n');
var m = embeddedTextDescriptionPattern.Match(lines[0]);
if (m.Success)
if (meta.IsBare)
Logger.Loader.Warn($"Bare manifest cannot specify description file");
meta.Manifest.Description = string.Join("\n", lines.Skip(1).StrJP()); // ignore first line
var name = m.Groups[1].Value;
string description;
if (!meta.IsSelf)
// plugin type must be non-null for non-self plugins
var resc = meta.PluginType!.Module.Resources.Select(r => r as EmbeddedResource)
.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Name == name);
if (resc == null)
Logger.Loader.Warn($"Could not find description file for plugin {meta.Name} ({name}); ignoring include");
meta.Manifest.Description = string.Join("\n", lines.Skip(1).StrJP()); // ignore first line
using var reader = new StreamReader(resc.GetResourceStream());
description = reader.ReadToEnd();
using var descriptionReader = new StreamReader(meta.Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(name));
description = descriptionReader.ReadToEnd();
meta.Manifest.Description = description;
#region Ignore stuff
/// <summary>
/// An enum that represents several categories of ignore reasons that the loader may encounter.
/// </summary>
/// <seealso cref="IgnoreReason"/>
public enum Reason
/// <summary>
/// An error was thrown either loading plugin information from disk, or when initializing the plugin.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// When this is the set <see cref="Reason"/> in an <see cref="IgnoreReason"/> structure, the member
/// <see cref="IgnoreReason.Error"/> will contain the thrown exception.
/// </remarks>
/// <summary>
/// The plugin this reason is associated with has the same ID as another plugin whose information was
/// already loaded.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// When this is the set <see cref="Reason"/> in an <see cref="IgnoreReason"/> structure, the member
/// <see cref="IgnoreReason.RelatedTo"/> will contain the metadata of the already loaded plugin.
/// </remarks>
/// <summary>
/// The plugin this reason is associated with conflicts with another already loaded plugin.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// When this is the set <see cref="Reason"/> in an <see cref="IgnoreReason"/> structure, the member
/// <see cref="IgnoreReason.RelatedTo"/> will contain the metadata of the plugin it conflicts with.
/// </remarks>
/// <summary>
/// The plugin this reason is associated with is missing a dependency.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Since this is only given when a dependency is missing, <see cref="IgnoreReason.RelatedTo"/> will
/// not be set.
/// </remarks>
/// <summary>
/// The plugin this reason is associated with was released for a game update, but is still considered
/// present for the purposes of updating.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// The plugin this reason is associated with was denied from loading by a <see cref="Features.Feature"/>
/// that it marks.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// The plugin this reason is associated with is unsupported.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Currently, there is no path in the loader that emits this <see cref="Reason"/>, however there may
/// be in the future.
/// </remarks>
/// <summary>
/// One of the files that a plugin declared in its manifest is missing.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// A structure describing the reason that a plugin was ignored.
/// </summary>
public struct IgnoreReason : IEquatable<IgnoreReason>
/// <summary>
/// Gets the ignore reason, as represented by the <see cref="Loader.Reason"/> enum.
/// </summary>
public Reason Reason { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets the textual description of the particular ignore reason. This will typically
/// include details about why the plugin was ignored, if it is present.
/// </summary>
public string? ReasonText { get; internal set; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets the <see cref="Exception"/> that caused this plugin to be ignored, if any.
/// </summary>
public Exception? Error { get; internal set; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets the metadata of the plugin that this ignore was related to, if any.
/// </summary>
public PluginMetadata? RelatedTo { get; internal set; }
/// <summary>
/// Initializes an <see cref="IgnoreReason"/> with the provided data.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="reason">the <see cref="Loader.Reason"/> enum value that describes this reason</param>
/// <param name="reasonText">the textual description of this ignore reason, if any</param>
/// <param name="error">the <see cref="Exception"/> that caused this <see cref="IgnoreReason"/>, if any</param>
/// <param name="relatedTo">the <see cref="PluginMetadata"/> this reason is related to, if any</param>
public IgnoreReason(Reason reason, string? reasonText = null, Exception? error = null, PluginMetadata? relatedTo = null)
Reason = reason;
ReasonText = reasonText;
Error = error;
RelatedTo = relatedTo;
/// <inheritdoc/>
public override bool Equals(object obj)
=> obj is IgnoreReason ir && Equals(ir);
/// <summary>
/// Compares this <see cref="IgnoreReason"/> with <paramref name="other"/> for equality.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="other">the reason to compare to</param>
/// <returns><see langword="true"/> if the two reasons compare equal, <see langword="false"/> otherwise</returns>
public bool Equals(IgnoreReason other)
=> Reason == other.Reason && ReasonText == other.ReasonText
&& Error == other.Error && RelatedTo == other.RelatedTo;
/// <inheritdoc/>
public override int GetHashCode()
int hashCode = 778404373;
hashCode = (hashCode * -1521134295) + Reason.GetHashCode();
hashCode = (hashCode * -1521134295) + ReasonText?.GetHashCode() ?? 0;
hashCode = (hashCode * -1521134295) + Error?.GetHashCode() ?? 0;
hashCode = (hashCode * -1521134295) + RelatedTo?.GetHashCode() ?? 0;
return hashCode;
/// <summary>
/// Checks if two <see cref="IgnoreReason"/>s are equal.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="left">the first <see cref="IgnoreReason"/> to compare</param>
/// <param name="right">the second <see cref="IgnoreReason"/> to compare</param>
/// <returns><see langword="true"/> if the two reasons compare equal, <see langword="false"/> otherwise</returns>
public static bool operator ==(IgnoreReason left, IgnoreReason right)
=> left.Equals(right);
/// <summary>
/// Checks if two <see cref="IgnoreReason"/>s are not equal.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="left">the first <see cref="IgnoreReason"/> to compare</param>
/// <param name="right">the second <see cref="IgnoreReason"/> to compare</param>
/// <returns><see langword="true"/> if the two reasons are not equal, <see langword="false"/> otherwise</returns>
public static bool operator !=(IgnoreReason left, IgnoreReason right)
=> !(left == right);
internal partial class PluginLoader
// keep track of these for the updater; it should still be able to update mods not loaded
// the thing -> the reason
internal static Dictionary<PluginMetadata, IgnoreReason> ignoredPlugins = new();
internal static void DoOrderResolution()
// print starting order
Logger.Loader.Debug(string.Join(", ", PluginsMetadata.StrJP()));
PluginsMetadata.Sort((a, b) => b.HVersion.CompareTo(a.HVersion));
// print base resolution order
Logger.Loader.Debug(string.Join(", ", PluginsMetadata.StrJP()));
var metadataCache = new Dictionary<string, (PluginMetadata Meta, bool Enabled)>(PluginsMetadata.Count);
var pluginsToProcess = new List<PluginMetadata>(PluginsMetadata.Count);
var disabledIds = DisabledConfig.Instance.DisabledModIds;
var disabledPlugins = new List<PluginMetadata>();
// build metadata cache
foreach (var meta in PluginsMetadata)
if (!metadataCache.TryGetValue(meta.Id, out var existing))
if (disabledIds.Contains(meta.Id))
metadataCache.Add(meta.Id, (meta, false));
metadataCache.Add(meta.Id, (meta, true));
$"{meta.Name}@{meta.HVersion} ({meta.File.ToString().Replace(UnityGame.InstallPath, "").TrimStart(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar)}) --- " +
$"Used plugin: {existing.Meta.File.ToString().Replace(UnityGame.InstallPath, "").TrimStart(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar)}@{existing.Meta.HVersion}");
ignoredPlugins.Add(meta, new(Reason.Duplicate)
ReasonText = $"Duplicate entry of same ID ({meta.Id})",
RelatedTo = existing.Meta
// preprocess LoadBefore into LoadAfter
foreach (var (_, (meta, _)) in metadataCache)
{ // we iterate the metadata cache because it contains both disabled and enabled plugins
var loadBefore = meta.Manifest.LoadBefore;
foreach (var id in loadBefore)
if (metadataCache.TryGetValue(id, out var plugin))
// if the id exists in our metadata cache, make sure it knows to load after the plugin in kvp
_ = plugin.Meta.LoadsAfter.Add(meta);
// preprocess conflicts to be mutual
foreach (var (_, (meta, _)) in metadataCache)
foreach (var (id, range) in meta.Manifest.Conflicts)
if (metadataCache.TryGetValue(id, out var plugin)
&& range.Matches(plugin.Meta.HVersion))
// make sure that there's a mutual dependency
var targetRange = VersionRange.ForVersion(meta.HVersion);
var targetConflicts = plugin.Meta.Manifest.Conflicts;
if (!targetConflicts.TryGetValue(meta.Id, out var realRange))
// there's not already a listed conflict
targetConflicts.Add(meta.Id, targetRange);
else if (!realRange.Matches(meta.HVersion))
// there is already a listed conflict that isn't mutual
targetRange = realRange | targetRange;
targetConflicts[meta.Id] = targetRange;
var loadedPlugins = new Dictionary<string, (PluginMetadata Meta, bool Disabled, bool Ignored)>();
var outputOrder = new List<PluginMetadata>(PluginsMetadata.Count);
var isProcessing = new HashSet<PluginMetadata>();
bool TryResolveId(string id, [MaybeNullWhen(false)] out PluginMetadata meta, out bool disabled, out bool ignored, bool partial = false)
meta = null;
disabled = false;
ignored = true;
Logger.Loader.Trace($"Trying to resolve plugin '{id}' partial:{partial}");
if (loadedPlugins.TryGetValue(id, out var foundMeta))
meta = foundMeta.Meta;
disabled = foundMeta.Disabled;
ignored = foundMeta.Ignored;
Logger.Loader.Trace($"- Found already processed");
return true;
if (metadataCache.TryGetValue(id, out var plugin))
Logger.Loader.Trace($"- In metadata cache");
if (partial)
Logger.Loader.Trace($" - but requested in a partial lookup");
return false;
disabled = !plugin.Enabled;
meta = plugin.Meta;
ignored = false;
if (!disabled)
Resolve(plugin.Meta, ref disabled, out ignored);
catch (Exception e)
if (e is not DependencyResolutionLoopException)
Logger.Loader.Error($"While performing load order resolution for {id}:");
if (!ignored)
ignoredPlugins.Add(plugin.Meta, new(Reason.Error)
Error = e
ignored = true;
if (!loadedPlugins.ContainsKey(id))
// this condition is specifically for when we fail resolution because of a graph loop
Logger.Loader.Trace($"- '{id}' resolved as ignored:{ignored},disabled:{disabled}");
loadedPlugins.Add(id, (plugin.Meta, disabled, ignored));
return true;
Logger.Loader.Trace($"- Not found");
return false;
void Resolve(PluginMetadata plugin, ref bool disabled, out bool ignored)
Logger.Loader.Trace($">Resolving '{plugin.Name}'");
// first we need to check for loops in the resolution graph to prevent stack overflows
if (isProcessing.Contains(plugin))
Logger.Loader.Error($"Loop detected while processing '{plugin.Name}'; flagging as ignored");
throw new DependencyResolutionLoopException();
using var _removeProcessing = Utils.ScopeGuard(() => isProcessing.Remove(plugin));
// if this method is being called, this is the first and only time that it has been called for this plugin.
ignored = false;
// perform file existence check before attempting to load dependencies
foreach (var file in plugin.AssociatedFiles)
if (!file.Exists)
ignoredPlugins.Add(plugin, new IgnoreReason(Reason.MissingFiles)
ReasonText = $"File {Utils.GetRelativePath(file.FullName, UnityGame.InstallPath)} does not exist"
Logger.Loader.Warn($"File {Utils.GetRelativePath(file.FullName, UnityGame.InstallPath)}" +
$" (declared by '{plugin.Name}') does not exist! Mod installation is incomplete, not loading it.");
ignored = true;
// first load dependencies
var dependsOnSelf = false;
foreach (var (id, range) in plugin.Manifest.Dependencies)
if (id == SelfMeta.Id)
dependsOnSelf = true;
if (!TryResolveId(id, out var depMeta, out var depDisabled, out var depIgnored)
|| !range.Matches(depMeta.HVersion))
Logger.Loader.Warn($"'{plugin.Id}' is missing dependency '{id}@{range}'; ignoring");
ignoredPlugins.Add(plugin, new(Reason.Dependency)
ReasonText = $"Dependency '{id}@{range}' not found",
ignored = true;
// make a point to propagate ignored
if (depIgnored)
Logger.Loader.Warn($"Dependency '{id}' for '{plugin.Id}' previously ignored; ignoring '{plugin.Id}'");
ignoredPlugins.Add(plugin, new(Reason.Dependency)
ReasonText = $"Dependency '{id}' ignored",
RelatedTo = depMeta
ignored = true;
// make a point to propagate disabled
if (depDisabled)
Logger.Loader.Warn($"Dependency '{id}' for '{plugin.Id}' disabled; disabling");
disabled = true;
// we found our dep, lets save the metadata and keep going
_ = plugin.Dependencies.Add(depMeta);
// make sure the plugin depends on the loader (assuming it actually needs to)
if (!dependsOnSelf && !plugin.IsSelf && !plugin.IsBare)
Logger.Loader.Warn($"Plugin '{plugin.Id}' does not depend on any particular loader version; assuming its incompatible");
ignoredPlugins.Add(plugin, new(Reason.Dependency)
ReasonText = "Does not depend on any loader version, so it is assumed to be incompatible",
RelatedTo = SelfMeta
ignored = true;
// exit early if we've decided we need to be disabled
if (disabled)
// handle LoadsAfter populated by Features processing
foreach (var loadAfter in plugin.LoadsAfter)
if (TryResolveId(loadAfter.Id, out _, out _, out _))
// do nothing, because the plugin is already in the LoadsAfter set
// then handle loadafters
foreach (var id in plugin.Manifest.LoadAfter)
if (TryResolveId(id, out var meta, out var depDisabled, out var depIgnored))
// we only want to make sure to loadafter if its not ignored
// if its disabled, we still wanna track it where possible
_ = plugin.LoadsAfter.Add(meta);
// after we handle dependencies and loadafters, then check conflicts
foreach (var (id, range) in plugin.Manifest.Conflicts)
Logger.Loader.Trace($">- Checking conflict '{id}' {range}");
// this lookup must be partial to prevent loadBefore/conflictsWith from creating a recursion loop
if (TryResolveId(id, out var meta, out var conflDisabled, out var conflIgnored, partial: true)
&& range.Matches(meta.HVersion)
&& !conflIgnored && !conflDisabled) // the conflict is only *actually* a problem if it is both not ignored and not disabled
Logger.Loader.Warn($"Plugin '{plugin.Id}' conflicts with {meta.Id}@{meta.HVersion}; ignoring '{plugin.Id}'");
ignoredPlugins.Add(plugin, new(Reason.Conflict)
ReasonText = $"Conflicts with {meta.Id}@{meta.HVersion}",
RelatedTo = meta
ignored = true;
// specifically check if some strange stuff happened (like graph loops) causing this to be ignored
// from some other invocation
if (!ignoredPlugins.ContainsKey(plugin))
// we can now load the current plugin
Logger.Loader.Trace($"->'{plugin.Name}' loads here");
// loadbefores have already been preprocessed into loadafters
Logger.Loader.Trace($">Processed '{plugin.Name}'");
// run TryResolveId over every plugin, which recursively calculates load order
foreach (var plugin in pluginsToProcess)
_ = TryResolveId(plugin.Id, out _, out _, out _);
// by this point, outputOrder contains the full load order
DisabledPlugins = disabledPlugins;
PluginsMetadata = outputOrder;
internal static void InitFeatures()
foreach (var meta in PluginsMetadata)
foreach (var feature in meta.Manifest.Features
.SelectMany(f => f.Value.Select(o => (f.Key, o)))
.Select(t => new Feature.Instance(meta, t.Key, t.o)))
if (feature.TryGetDefiningPlugin(out var plugin) && plugin == null)
{ // this is a DefineFeature, so we want to initialize it early
if (!feature.TryCreate(out var inst))
Logger.Features.Error($"Error evaluating {feature.Name}: {inst.InvalidMessage}");
{ // this is literally any other feature, so we want to delay its initialization
_ = meta.UnloadedFeatures.Add(feature);
// at this point we have pre-initialized all features, so we can go ahead and use them to add stuff to the dep resolver
foreach (var meta in PluginsMetadata)
foreach (var feature in meta.UnloadedFeatures)
if (feature.TryGetDefiningPlugin(out var plugin))
if (plugin != meta && plugin != null)
{ // if the feature is not applied to the defining feature
_ = meta.LoadsAfter.Add(plugin);
if (plugin != null)
Logger.Features.Warn($"No such feature {feature.Name}");
internal static void ReleaseAll(bool full = false)
if (full)
ignoredPlugins = new();
foreach (var m in PluginsMetadata)
ignoredPlugins.Add(m, new IgnoreReason(Reason.Released));
foreach (var m in ignoredPlugins.Keys)
{ // clean them up so we can still use the metadata for updates
m.PluginType = null;
m.Assembly = null!;
PluginsMetadata = new List<PluginMetadata>();
DisabledPlugins = new List<PluginMetadata>();
internal static void Load(PluginMetadata meta)
if (meta is { Assembly: null, PluginType: not null })
meta.Assembly = Assembly.LoadFrom(meta.File.FullName);
internal static PluginExecutor? InitPlugin(PluginMetadata meta, IEnumerable<PluginMetadata> alreadyLoaded)
if (meta.Manifest.GameVersion is { } gv && gv != UnityGame.GameVersion)
Logger.Loader.Warn($"Mod {meta.Name} developed for game version {gv}, so it may not work properly.");
if (meta.IsSelf)
return new PluginExecutor(meta, PluginExecutor.Special.Self);
foreach (var dep in meta.Dependencies)
if (alreadyLoaded.Contains(dep)) continue;
// otherwise...
if (ignoredPlugins.TryGetValue(dep, out var reason))
{ // was added to the ignore list
ignoredPlugins.Add(meta, new IgnoreReason(Reason.Dependency)
ReasonText = $"Dependency was ignored at load time: {reason.ReasonText}",
RelatedTo = dep
{ // was not added to ignore list
ignoredPlugins.Add(meta, new IgnoreReason(Reason.Dependency)
ReasonText = $"Dependency was not already loaded at load time, but was also not ignored",
RelatedTo = dep
return null;
if (meta.IsBare)
return new PluginExecutor(meta, PluginExecutor.Special.Bare);
PluginExecutor exec;
exec = new PluginExecutor(meta);
catch (Exception e)
Logger.Loader.Error($"Error creating executor for {meta.Name}");
return null;
foreach (var feature in meta.Features)
catch (Exception e)
Logger.Loader.Critical($"Feature errored in {nameof(Feature.BeforeInit)}:");
catch (Exception e)
Logger.Loader.Error($"Could not init plugin {meta.Name}");
ignoredPlugins.Add(meta, new IgnoreReason(Reason.Error)
ReasonText = "Error occurred while initializing",
Error = e
return null;
// TODO: make this new features system behave better wrt DynamicInit plugins
foreach (var feature in meta.CreateFeaturesWhenLoaded)
if (!feature.TryCreate(out var inst))
Logger.Features.Warn($"Could not create instance of feature {feature.Name}: {inst.InvalidMessage}");
_ = feature.AppliedTo.UnloadedFeatures.Remove(feature);
meta.CreateFeaturesWhenLoaded.Clear(); // if a plugin is loaded twice, for the moment, we don't want to create the feature twice
foreach (var feature in meta.Features)
feature.AfterInit(meta, exec.Instance);
catch (Exception e)
Logger.Loader.Critical($"Feature errored in {nameof(Feature.AfterInit)}:");
return exec;
internal static bool IsFirstLoadComplete { get; private set; }
internal static List<PluginExecutor> LoadPlugins()
DisabledPlugins.ForEach(Load); // make sure they get loaded into memory so their metadata and stuff can be read more easily
var list = new List<PluginExecutor>();
var loaded = new HashSet<PluginMetadata>();
foreach (var meta in PluginsMetadata)
var exec = InitPlugin(meta, loaded);
if (exec != null)
_ = loaded.Add(meta);
catch (Exception e)
Logger.Default.Critical($"Uncaught exception while loading plugin {meta.Name}:");
// TODO: should this be somewhere else?
IsFirstLoadComplete = true;
return list;