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using IPA.Config;
using IPA.Config.Stores;
using IPA.Config.Stores.Attributes;
using IPA.Config.Stores.Converters;
using IPA.Logging;
using IPA.Utilities;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
#if NET4
using Task = System.Threading.Tasks.Task;
using TaskEx = System.Threading.Tasks.Task;
#if NET3
using Net3_Proxy;
namespace IPA.Loader
internal class DisabledConfig
public static Config.Config Disabled { get; set; }
public static DisabledConfig Instance;
public static void Load()
Disabled = Config.Config.GetConfigFor("Disabled Mods", "json");
Instance = Disabled.Generated<DisabledConfig>();
public virtual bool Reset { get; set; } = true;
[UseConverter(typeof(CollectionConverter<string, HashSet<string>>))]
public virtual HashSet<string> DisabledModIds { get; set; } = new HashSet<string>();
protected internal virtual void Changed() { }
protected internal virtual IDisposable ChangeTransaction() => null;
private Task disableUpdateTask = null;
private int updateState = 0;
protected virtual void OnReload()
if (DisabledModIds == null || Reset)
DisabledModIds = new HashSet<string>();
Reset = false;
if (!PluginLoader.IsFirstLoadComplete) return; // if the first load isn't complete, skip all of this
var referToState = unchecked(++updateState);
var copy = DisabledModIds.ToArray();
if (disableUpdateTask == null || disableUpdateTask.IsCompleted)
disableUpdateTask = UpdateDisabledMods(copy);
disableUpdateTask = disableUpdateTask.ContinueWith(t =>
// skip if another got here before the last finished
if (referToState != updateState) return TaskEx.WhenAll();
else return UpdateDisabledMods(copy);
private Task UpdateDisabledMods(string[] updateWithDisabled)
using var transaction = PluginManager.PluginStateTransaction();
var disabled = transaction.DisabledPlugins.ToArray();
foreach (var plugin in disabled)
transaction.Enable(plugin, autoDeps: true);
var all = transaction.EnabledPlugins.ToArray();
foreach (var plugin in all.Where(m => updateWithDisabled.Contains(m.Id)))
transaction.Disable(plugin, autoDependents: true);
if (transaction.WillNeedRestart)
Logger.loader.Warn("Runtime disabled config reload will need game restart to apply");
return transaction.Commit().ContinueWith(t =>
if (t.IsFaulted)
Logger.loader.Error("Error changing disabled plugins");
catch (InvalidOperationException)
while (true);