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using Mono.Cecil;
using Mono.Cecil.Rocks;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
namespace IPA.Injector
internal class VirtualizedModule : IDisposable
private readonly FileInfo file;
private ModuleDefinition module;
public static VirtualizedModule Load(string engineFile)
return new VirtualizedModule(engineFile);
private VirtualizedModule(string assemblyFile)
file = new FileInfo(assemblyFile);
private void LoadModules()
module = ModuleDefinition.ReadModule(file.FullName, new ReaderParameters
ReadWrite = false,
InMemory = true,
ReadingMode = ReadingMode.Immediate
public void Virtualize(AssemblyName selfName, Action beforeChangeCallback = null)
var changed = false;
var virtualize = true;
foreach (var r in module.AssemblyReferences)
if (r.Name == selfName.Name)
virtualize = false;
if (r.Version != selfName.Version)
r.Version = selfName.Version;
changed = true;
if (virtualize)
changed = true;
module.AssemblyReferences.Add(new AssemblyNameReference(selfName.Name, selfName.Version));
foreach (var type in module.Types)
if (changed)
private TypeReference inModreqRef;
// private TypeReference outModreqRef;
private void VirtualizeType(TypeDefinition type)
// Unseal
type.IsSealed = false;
if (type.IsNestedPrivate)
type.IsNestedPrivate = false;
type.IsNestedPublic = true;
if (type.IsInterface) return;
if (type.IsAbstract) return;
// These two don't seem to work.
if (type.Name == "SceneControl" || type.Name == "ConfigUI") return;
// Take care of sub types
foreach (var subType in type.NestedTypes)
foreach (var method in type.Methods)
if (method.IsManaged
&& method.IsIL
&& !method.IsStatic
&& (!method.IsVirtual || method.IsFinal)
&& !method.IsAbstract
&& !method.IsAddOn
&& !method.IsConstructor
&& !method.IsSpecialName
&& !method.IsGenericInstance
&& !method.HasOverrides)
// fix In parameters to have the modreqs required by the compiler
foreach (var param in method.Parameters)
if (param.IsIn)
inModreqRef ??= module.ImportReference(typeof(System.Runtime.InteropServices.InAttribute));
param.ParameterType = AddModreqIfNotExist(param.ParameterType, inModreqRef);
// Breaks override methods if modreq is applied to `out` parameters
//if (param.IsOut)
// outModreqRef ??= module.ImportReference(typeof(System.Runtime.InteropServices.OutAttribute));
// param.ParameterType = AddModreqIfNotExist(param.ParameterType, outModreqRef);
method.IsVirtual = true;
method.IsFinal = false;
method.IsPublic = true;
method.IsPrivate = false;
method.IsNewSlot = true;
method.IsHideBySig = true;
foreach (var field in type.Fields)
if (field.IsPrivate) field.IsFamily = true;
private TypeReference AddModreqIfNotExist(TypeReference type, TypeReference mod)
var (element, opt, req) = GetDecomposedModifiers(type);
if (!req.Contains(mod))
return BuildModifiedType(element, opt, req);
private (TypeReference Element, List<TypeReference> ModOpt, List<TypeReference> ModReq) GetDecomposedModifiers(TypeReference type)
var opt = new List<TypeReference>();
var req = new List<TypeReference>();
while (type is IModifierType modif)
if (type.IsOptionalModifier)
if (type.IsRequiredModifier)
type = modif.ElementType;
return (type, opt, req);
private TypeReference BuildModifiedType(TypeReference type, IEnumerable<TypeReference> opt, IEnumerable<TypeReference> req)
foreach (var mod in req)
type = type.MakeRequiredModifierType(mod);
foreach (var mod in opt)
type = type.MakeOptionalModifierType(mod);
return type;
#region IDisposable Support
private bool disposedValue = false; // To detect redundant calls
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (!disposedValue)
if (disposing)
disposedValue = true;
// Do not change this code. Put cleanup code in Dispose(bool disposing) above.
// This code added to correctly implement the disposable pattern.
public void Dispose()
// Do not change this code. Put cleanup code in Dispose(bool disposing) above.