#nullable enable using IPA.Config; using IPA.Loader.Features; using IPA.Logging; using IPA.Utilities; using Mono.Cecil; using Newtonsoft.Json; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis; using System.Diagnostics; using IPA.AntiMalware; using Hive.Versioning; #if NET4 using Task = System.Threading.Tasks.Task; using TaskEx = System.Threading.Tasks.Task; #endif #if NET3 using Net3_Proxy; using Path = Net3_Proxy.Path; using File = Net3_Proxy.File; using Directory = Net3_Proxy.Directory; #endif namespace IPA.Loader { /// /// A type to manage the loading of plugins. /// internal partial class PluginLoader { internal static PluginMetadata SelfMeta = null!; internal static Task LoadTask() => TaskEx.Run(() => { YeetIfNeeded(); var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); LoadMetadata(); sw.Stop(); Logger.Loader.Info($"Loading metadata took {sw.Elapsed}"); sw.Reset(); sw.Start(); // Features contribute to load order considerations InitFeatures(); DoOrderResolution(); sw.Stop(); Logger.Loader.Info($"Calculating load order took {sw.Elapsed}"); }); internal static void YeetIfNeeded() { string pluginDir = UnityGame.PluginsPath; if (SelfConfig.YeetMods_ && UnityGame.IsGameVersionBoundary) { var oldPluginsName = Path.Combine(UnityGame.InstallPath, $"Old {UnityGame.OldVersion} Plugins"); var newPluginsName = Path.Combine(UnityGame.InstallPath, $"Old {UnityGame.GameVersion} Plugins"); if (Directory.Exists(oldPluginsName)) Directory.Delete(oldPluginsName, true); Directory.Move(pluginDir, oldPluginsName); if (Directory.Exists(newPluginsName)) Directory.Move(newPluginsName, pluginDir); else _ = Directory.CreateDirectory(pluginDir); } } internal static List PluginsMetadata = new(); internal static List DisabledPlugins = new(); private static readonly Regex embeddedTextDescriptionPattern = new(@"#!\[(.+)\]", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.Singleline); internal static void LoadMetadata() { string[] plugins = Directory.GetFiles(UnityGame.PluginsPath, "*.dll"); try { var selfMeta = new PluginMetadata { Assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(), File = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(UnityGame.InstallPath, "IPA.exe")), PluginType = null, IsSelf = true }; string manifest; using (var manifestReader = new StreamReader( selfMeta.Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(typeof(PluginLoader), "manifest.json") ?? throw new InvalidOperationException())) manifest = manifestReader.ReadToEnd(); var manifestObj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(manifest); selfMeta.Manifest = manifestObj ?? throw new InvalidOperationException("Deserialized manifest was null"); PluginsMetadata.Add(selfMeta); SelfMeta = selfMeta; } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Loader.Critical("Error loading own manifest"); Logger.Loader.Critical(e); } using var resolver = new CecilLibLoader(); resolver.AddSearchDirectory(UnityGame.LibraryPath); resolver.AddSearchDirectory(UnityGame.PluginsPath); foreach (var plugin in plugins) { var metadata = new PluginMetadata { File = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(UnityGame.PluginsPath, plugin)), IsSelf = false }; try { var scanResult = AntiMalwareEngine.Engine.ScanFile(metadata.File); if (scanResult is ScanResult.Detected) { Logger.Loader.Warn($"Scan of {plugin} found malware; not loading"); continue; } if (!SelfConfig.AntiMalware_.RunPartialThreatCode_ && scanResult is not ScanResult.KnownSafe and not ScanResult.NotDetected) { Logger.Loader.Warn($"Scan of {plugin} found partial threat; not loading. To load this, set AntiMalware.RunPartialThreatCode in the config."); continue; } var pluginModule = AssemblyDefinition.ReadAssembly(metadata.File.FullName, new ReaderParameters { ReadingMode = ReadingMode.Immediate, ReadWrite = false, AssemblyResolver = resolver }).MainModule; string pluginNs = ""; PluginManifest? pluginManifest = null; foreach (var resource in pluginModule.Resources) { const string manifestSuffix = ".manifest.json"; if (resource is not EmbeddedResource embedded || !embedded.Name.EndsWith(manifestSuffix, StringComparison.Ordinal)) continue; pluginNs = embedded.Name.Substring(0, embedded.Name.Length - manifestSuffix.Length); string manifest; using (var manifestReader = new StreamReader(embedded.GetResourceStream())) manifest = manifestReader.ReadToEnd(); pluginManifest = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(manifest); break; } if (pluginManifest == null) { #if DIRE_LOADER_WARNINGS Logger.loader.Error($"Could not find manifest.json for {Path.GetFileName(plugin)}"); #else Logger.Loader.Notice($"No manifest.json in {Path.GetFileName(plugin)}"); #endif continue; } if (pluginManifest.Id == null) { Logger.Loader.Warn($"Plugin '{pluginManifest.Name}' does not have a listed ID, using name"); pluginManifest.Id = pluginManifest.Name; } metadata.Manifest = pluginManifest; bool TryPopulatePluginType(TypeDefinition type, PluginMetadata meta) { if (!type.HasCustomAttributes) return false; var attr = type.CustomAttributes.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Constructor.DeclaringType.FullName == typeof(PluginAttribute).FullName); if (attr is null) return false; if (!attr.HasConstructorArguments) { Logger.Loader.Warn($"Attribute plugin found in {type.FullName}, but attribute has no arguments"); return false; } var args = attr.ConstructorArguments; if (args.Count != 1) { Logger.Loader.Warn($"Attribute plugin found in {type.FullName}, but attribute has unexpected number of arguments"); return false; } var rtOptionsArg = args[0]; if (rtOptionsArg.Type.FullName != typeof(RuntimeOptions).FullName) { Logger.Loader.Warn($"Attribute plugin found in {type.FullName}, but first argument is of unexpected type {rtOptionsArg.Type.FullName}"); return false; } var rtOptionsValInt = (int)rtOptionsArg.Value; // `int` is the underlying type of RuntimeOptions meta.RuntimeOptions = (RuntimeOptions)rtOptionsValInt; meta.PluginType = type; return true; } void TryGetNamespacedPluginType(string ns, PluginMetadata meta) { foreach (var type in pluginModule.Types) { if (type.Namespace != ns) continue; if (TryPopulatePluginType(type, meta)) return; } } var hint = metadata.Manifest.Misc?.PluginMainHint; if (hint != null) { var type = pluginModule.GetType(hint); if (type == null || !TryPopulatePluginType(type, metadata)) TryGetNamespacedPluginType(hint, metadata); } if (metadata.PluginType == null) TryGetNamespacedPluginType(pluginNs, metadata); if (metadata.PluginType == null) { Logger.Loader.Error($"No plugin found in the manifest {(hint != null ? $"hint path ({hint}) or " : "")}namespace ({pluginNs}) in {Path.GetFileName(plugin)}"); continue; } Logger.Loader.Debug($"Adding info for {Path.GetFileName(plugin)}"); PluginsMetadata.Add(metadata); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Loader.Error($"Could not load data for plugin {Path.GetFileName(plugin)}"); Logger.Loader.Error(e); ignoredPlugins.Add(metadata, new IgnoreReason(Reason.Error) { ReasonText = "An error occurred loading the data", Error = e }); } } IEnumerable bareManifests = Directory.GetFiles(UnityGame.PluginsPath, "*.json"); bareManifests = bareManifests.Concat(Directory.GetFiles(UnityGame.PluginsPath, "*.manifest")); foreach (var manifest in bareManifests) { try { var metadata = new PluginMetadata { File = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(UnityGame.PluginsPath, manifest)), IsSelf = false, IsBare = true, }; var manifestObj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(File.ReadAllText(manifest)); if (manifestObj is null) { Logger.Loader.Error($"Bare manifest {Path.GetFileName(manifest)} deserialized to null"); continue; } metadata.Manifest = manifestObj; if (metadata.Manifest.Files.Length < 1) Logger.Loader.Warn($"Bare manifest {Path.GetFileName(manifest)} does not declare any files. " + $"Dependency resolution and verification cannot be completed."); Logger.Loader.Debug($"Adding info for bare manifest {Path.GetFileName(manifest)}"); PluginsMetadata.Add(metadata); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Loader.Error($"Could not load data for bare manifest {Path.GetFileName(manifest)}"); Logger.Loader.Error(e); } } foreach (var meta in PluginsMetadata) { // process description include var lines = meta.Manifest.Description.Split('\n'); var m = embeddedTextDescriptionPattern.Match(lines[0]); if (m.Success) { if (meta.IsBare) { Logger.Loader.Warn($"Bare manifest cannot specify description file"); meta.Manifest.Description = string.Join("\n", lines.Skip(1).StrJP()); // ignore first line continue; } var name = m.Groups[1].Value; string description; if (!meta.IsSelf) { // plugin type must be non-null for non-self plugins var resc = meta.PluginType!.Module.Resources.Select(r => r as EmbeddedResource) .NonNull() .FirstOrDefault(r => r.Name == name); if (resc == null) { Logger.Loader.Warn($"Could not find description file for plugin {meta.Name} ({name}); ignoring include"); meta.Manifest.Description = string.Join("\n", lines.Skip(1).StrJP()); // ignore first line continue; } using var reader = new StreamReader(resc.GetResourceStream()); description = reader.ReadToEnd(); } else { using var descriptionReader = new StreamReader(meta.Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(name)); description = descriptionReader.ReadToEnd(); } meta.Manifest.Description = description; } } } } #region Ignore stuff /// /// An enum that represents several categories of ignore reasons that the loader may encounter. /// /// public enum Reason { /// /// An error was thrown either loading plugin information from disk, or when initializing the plugin. /// /// /// When this is the set in an structure, the member /// will contain the thrown exception. /// Error, /// /// The plugin this reason is associated with has the same ID as another plugin whose information was /// already loaded. /// /// /// When this is the set in an structure, the member /// will contain the metadata of the already loaded plugin. /// Duplicate, /// /// The plugin this reason is associated with conflicts with another already loaded plugin. /// /// /// When this is the set in an structure, the member /// will contain the metadata of the plugin it conflicts with. /// Conflict, /// /// The plugin this reason is associated with is missing a dependency. /// /// /// Since this is only given when a dependency is missing, will /// not be set. /// Dependency, /// /// The plugin this reason is associated with was released for a game update, but is still considered /// present for the purposes of updating. /// Released, /// /// The plugin this reason is associated with was denied from loading by a /// that it marks. /// Feature, /// /// The plugin this reason is associated with is unsupported. /// /// /// Currently, there is no path in the loader that emits this , however there may /// be in the future. /// Unsupported, /// /// One of the files that a plugin declared in its manifest is missing. /// MissingFiles } /// /// A structure describing the reason that a plugin was ignored. /// public struct IgnoreReason : IEquatable { /// /// Gets the ignore reason, as represented by the enum. /// public Reason Reason { get; } /// /// Gets the textual description of the particular ignore reason. This will typically /// include details about why the plugin was ignored, if it is present. /// public string? ReasonText { get; internal set; } /// /// Gets the that caused this plugin to be ignored, if any. /// public Exception? Error { get; internal set; } /// /// Gets the metadata of the plugin that this ignore was related to, if any. /// public PluginMetadata? RelatedTo { get; internal set; } /// /// Initializes an with the provided data. /// /// the enum value that describes this reason /// the textual description of this ignore reason, if any /// the that caused this , if any /// the this reason is related to, if any public IgnoreReason(Reason reason, string? reasonText = null, Exception? error = null, PluginMetadata? relatedTo = null) { Reason = reason; ReasonText = reasonText; Error = error; RelatedTo = relatedTo; } /// public override bool Equals(object obj) => obj is IgnoreReason ir && Equals(ir); /// /// Compares this with for equality. /// /// the reason to compare to /// if the two reasons compare equal, otherwise public bool Equals(IgnoreReason other) => Reason == other.Reason && ReasonText == other.ReasonText && Error == other.Error && RelatedTo == other.RelatedTo; /// public override int GetHashCode() { int hashCode = 778404373; hashCode = (hashCode * -1521134295) + Reason.GetHashCode(); hashCode = (hashCode * -1521134295) + ReasonText?.GetHashCode() ?? 0; hashCode = (hashCode * -1521134295) + Error?.GetHashCode() ?? 0; hashCode = (hashCode * -1521134295) + RelatedTo?.GetHashCode() ?? 0; return hashCode; } /// /// Checks if two s are equal. /// /// the first to compare /// the second to compare /// if the two reasons compare equal, otherwise public static bool operator ==(IgnoreReason left, IgnoreReason right) => left.Equals(right); /// /// Checks if two s are not equal. /// /// the first to compare /// the second to compare /// if the two reasons are not equal, otherwise public static bool operator !=(IgnoreReason left, IgnoreReason right) => !(left == right); } #endregion internal partial class PluginLoader { // keep track of these for the updater; it should still be able to update mods not loaded // the thing -> the reason internal static Dictionary ignoredPlugins = new(); internal static void DoOrderResolution() { #if DEBUG // print starting order Logger.Loader.Debug(string.Join(", ", PluginsMetadata.StrJP())); #endif PluginsMetadata.Sort((a, b) => b.HVersion.CompareTo(a.HVersion)); #if DEBUG // print base resolution order Logger.Loader.Debug(string.Join(", ", PluginsMetadata.StrJP())); #endif var metadataCache = new Dictionary(PluginsMetadata.Count); var pluginsToProcess = new List(PluginsMetadata.Count); var disabledIds = DisabledConfig.Instance.DisabledModIds; var disabledPlugins = new List(); // build metadata cache foreach (var meta in PluginsMetadata) { if (!metadataCache.TryGetValue(meta.Id, out var existing)) { if (disabledIds.Contains(meta.Id)) { metadataCache.Add(meta.Id, (meta, false)); disabledPlugins.Add(meta); } else { metadataCache.Add(meta.Id, (meta, true)); pluginsToProcess.Add(meta); } } else { Logger.Loader.Warn($"Found duplicates of {meta.Id}, using newest"); ignoredPlugins.Add(meta, new(Reason.Duplicate) { ReasonText = $"Duplicate entry of same ID ({meta.Id})", RelatedTo = existing.Meta }); } } // preprocess LoadBefore into LoadAfter foreach (var (_, (meta, _)) in metadataCache) { // we iterate the metadata cache because it contains both disabled and enabled plugins var loadBefore = meta.Manifest.LoadBefore; foreach (var id in loadBefore) { if (metadataCache.TryGetValue(id, out var plugin)) { // if the id exists in our metadata cache, make sure it knows to load after the plugin in kvp _ = plugin.Meta.LoadsAfter.Add(meta); } } } // preprocess conflicts to be mutual foreach (var (_, (meta, _)) in metadataCache) { foreach (var (id, range) in meta.Manifest.Conflicts) { if (metadataCache.TryGetValue(id, out var plugin) && range.Matches(plugin.Meta.HVersion)) { // make sure that there's a mutual dependency var targetRange = VersionRange.ForVersion(meta.HVersion); var targetConflicts = plugin.Meta.Manifest.Conflicts; if (!targetConflicts.TryGetValue(meta.Id, out var realRange)) { // there's not already a listed conflict targetConflicts.Add(meta.Id, targetRange); } else if (!realRange.Matches(meta.HVersion)) { // there is already a listed conflict that isn't mutual targetRange = realRange | targetRange; targetConflicts[meta.Id] = targetRange; } } } } var loadedPlugins = new Dictionary(); var outputOrder = new List(PluginsMetadata.Count); var isProcessing = new HashSet(); { bool TryResolveId(string id, [MaybeNullWhen(false)] out PluginMetadata meta, out bool disabled, out bool ignored, bool partial = false) { meta = null; disabled = false; ignored = true; Logger.Loader.Trace($"Trying to resolve plugin '{id}' partial:{partial}"); if (loadedPlugins.TryGetValue(id, out var foundMeta)) { meta = foundMeta.Meta; disabled = foundMeta.Disabled; ignored = foundMeta.Ignored; Logger.Loader.Trace($"- Found already processed"); return true; } if (metadataCache!.TryGetValue(id, out var plugin)) { Logger.Loader.Trace($"- In metadata cache"); if (partial) { Logger.Loader.Trace($" - but requested in a partial lookup"); return false; } disabled = !plugin.Enabled; meta = plugin.Meta; if (!disabled) { try { ignored = false; Resolve(plugin.Meta, ref disabled, out ignored); } catch (Exception e) { if (e is not DependencyResolutionLoopException) { Logger.Loader.Error($"While performing load order resolution for {id}:"); Logger.Loader.Error(e); } if (!ignored) { ignoredPlugins.Add(plugin.Meta, new(Reason.Error) { Error = e }); } ignored = true; } } if (!loadedPlugins.ContainsKey(id)) { // this condition is specifically for when we fail resolution because of a graph loop Logger.Loader.Trace($"- '{id}' resolved as ignored:{ignored},disabled:{disabled}"); loadedPlugins.Add(id, (plugin.Meta, disabled, ignored)); } return true; } Logger.Loader.Trace($"- Not found"); return false; } void Resolve(PluginMetadata plugin, ref bool disabled, out bool ignored) { Logger.Loader.Trace($">Resolving '{plugin.Name}'"); // first we need to check for loops in the resolution graph to prevent stack overflows if (isProcessing.Contains(plugin)) { Logger.Loader.Error($"Loop detected while processing '{plugin.Name}'; flagging as ignored"); throw new DependencyResolutionLoopException(); } isProcessing.Add(plugin); using var _removeProcessing = Utils.ScopeGuard(() => isProcessing.Remove(plugin)); // if this method is being called, this is the first and only time that it has been called for this plugin. ignored = false; // perform file existence check before attempting to load dependencies foreach (var file in plugin.AssociatedFiles) { if (!file.Exists) { ignoredPlugins.Add(plugin, new IgnoreReason(Reason.MissingFiles) { ReasonText = $"File {Utils.GetRelativePath(file.FullName, UnityGame.InstallPath)} does not exist" }); Logger.Loader.Warn($"File {Utils.GetRelativePath(file.FullName, UnityGame.InstallPath)}" + $" (declared by '{plugin.Name}') does not exist! Mod installation is incomplete, not loading it."); ignored = true; return; } } // first load dependencies var dependsOnSelf = false; foreach (var (id, range) in plugin.Manifest.Dependencies) { if (id == SelfMeta.Id) dependsOnSelf = true; if (!TryResolveId(id, out var depMeta, out var depDisabled, out var depIgnored) || !range.Matches(depMeta.HVersion)) { Logger.Loader.Warn($"'{plugin.Id}' is missing dependency '{id}@{range}'; ignoring"); ignoredPlugins.Add(plugin, new(Reason.Dependency) { ReasonText = $"Dependency '{id}@{range}' not found", }); ignored = true; return; } // make a point to propagate ignored if (depIgnored) { Logger.Loader.Warn($"Dependency '{id}' for '{plugin.Id}' previously ignored; ignoring '{plugin.Id}'"); ignoredPlugins.Add(plugin, new(Reason.Dependency) { ReasonText = $"Dependency '{id}' ignored", RelatedTo = depMeta }); ignored = true; return; } // make a point to propagate disabled if (depDisabled) { Logger.Loader.Warn($"Dependency '{id}' for '{plugin.Id}' disabled; disabling"); disabledPlugins!.Add(plugin); _ = disabledIds!.Add(plugin.Id); disabled = true; } // we found our dep, lets save the metadata and keep going _ = plugin.Dependencies.Add(depMeta); } // make sure the plugin depends on the loader (assuming it actually needs to) if (!dependsOnSelf && !plugin.IsSelf && !plugin.IsBare) { Logger.Loader.Warn($"Plugin '{plugin.Id}' does not depend on any particular loader version; assuming its incompatible"); ignoredPlugins.Add(plugin, new(Reason.Dependency) { ReasonText = "Does not depend on any loader version, so it is assumed to be incompatible", RelatedTo = SelfMeta }); ignored = true; return; } // exit early if we've decided we need to be disabled if (disabled) return; // handle LoadsAfter populated by Features processing foreach (var loadAfter in plugin.LoadsAfter) { if (TryResolveId(loadAfter.Id, out _, out _, out _)) { // do nothing, because the plugin is already in the LoadsAfter set } } // then handle loadafters foreach (var id in plugin.Manifest.LoadAfter) { if (TryResolveId(id, out var meta, out var depDisabled, out var depIgnored)) { // we only want to make sure to loadafter if its not ignored // if its disabled, we still wanna track it where possible _ = plugin.LoadsAfter.Add(meta); } } // after we handle dependencies and loadafters, then check conflicts foreach (var (id, range) in plugin.Manifest.Conflicts) { Logger.Loader.Trace($">- Checking conflict '{id}' {range}"); // this lookup must be partial to prevent loadBefore/conflictsWith from creating a recursion loop if (TryResolveId(id, out var meta, out var conflDisabled, out var conflIgnored, partial: true) && range.Matches(meta.HVersion) && !conflIgnored && !conflDisabled) // the conflict is only *actually* a problem if it is both not ignored and not disabled { Logger.Loader.Warn($"Plugin '{plugin.Id}' conflicts with {meta.Id}@{meta.HVersion}; ignoring '{plugin.Id}'"); ignoredPlugins.Add(plugin, new(Reason.Conflict) { ReasonText = $"Conflicts with {meta.Id}@{meta.HVersion}", RelatedTo = meta }); ignored = true; return; } } // specifically check if some strange stuff happened (like graph loops) causing this to be ignored // from some other invocation if (!ignoredPlugins.ContainsKey(plugin)) { // we can now load the current plugin Logger.Loader.Trace($"->'{plugin.Name}' loads here"); outputOrder!.Add(plugin); } // loadbefores have already been preprocessed into loadafters Logger.Loader.Trace($">Processed '{plugin.Name}'"); } // run TryResolveId over every plugin, which recursively calculates load order foreach (var plugin in pluginsToProcess) { _ = TryResolveId(plugin.Id, out _, out _, out _); } // by this point, outputOrder contains the full load order } DisabledConfig.Instance.Changed(); DisabledPlugins = disabledPlugins; PluginsMetadata = outputOrder; } internal static void InitFeatures() { foreach (var meta in PluginsMetadata) { foreach (var feature in meta.Manifest.Features .SelectMany(f => f.Value.Select(o => (f.Key, o))) .Select(t => new Feature.Instance(meta, t.Key, t.o))) { if (feature.TryGetDefiningPlugin(out var plugin) && plugin == null) { // this is a DefineFeature, so we want to initialize it early if (!feature.TryCreate(out var inst)) { Logger.Features.Error($"Error evaluating {feature.Name}: {inst.InvalidMessage}"); } else { meta.InternalFeatures.Add(inst); } } else { // this is literally any other feature, so we want to delay its initialization _ = meta.UnloadedFeatures.Add(feature); } } } // at this point we have pre-initialized all features, so we can go ahead and use them to add stuff to the dep resolver foreach (var meta in PluginsMetadata) { foreach (var feature in meta.UnloadedFeatures) { if (feature.TryGetDefiningPlugin(out var plugin)) { if (plugin != meta && plugin != null) { // if the feature is not applied to the defining feature _ = meta.LoadsAfter.Add(plugin); } if (plugin != null) { plugin.CreateFeaturesWhenLoaded.Add(feature); } } else { Logger.Features.Warn($"No such feature {feature.Name}"); } } } } internal static void ReleaseAll(bool full = false) { if (full) { ignoredPlugins = new(); } else { foreach (var m in PluginsMetadata) ignoredPlugins.Add(m, new IgnoreReason(Reason.Released)); foreach (var m in ignoredPlugins.Keys) { // clean them up so we can still use the metadata for updates m.InternalFeatures.Clear(); m.PluginType = null; m.Assembly = null!; } } PluginsMetadata = new List(); DisabledPlugins = new List(); Feature.Reset(); GC.Collect(); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); } internal static void Load(PluginMetadata meta) { if (meta is { Assembly: null, PluginType: not null }) meta.Assembly = Assembly.LoadFrom(meta.File.FullName); } internal static PluginExecutor? InitPlugin(PluginMetadata meta, IEnumerable alreadyLoaded) { if (meta.Manifest.GameVersion is { } gv && gv != UnityGame.GameVersion) Logger.Loader.Warn($"Mod {meta.Name} developed for game version {gv}, so it may not work properly."); if (meta.IsSelf) return new PluginExecutor(meta, PluginExecutor.Special.Self); foreach (var dep in meta.Dependencies) { if (alreadyLoaded.Contains(dep)) continue; // otherwise... if (ignoredPlugins.TryGetValue(dep, out var reason)) { // was added to the ignore list ignoredPlugins.Add(meta, new IgnoreReason(Reason.Dependency) { ReasonText = $"Dependency was ignored at load time: {reason.ReasonText}", RelatedTo = dep }); } else { // was not added to ignore list ignoredPlugins.Add(meta, new IgnoreReason(Reason.Dependency) { ReasonText = $"Dependency was not already loaded at load time, but was also not ignored", RelatedTo = dep }); } return null; } if (meta.IsBare) return new PluginExecutor(meta, PluginExecutor.Special.Bare); Load(meta); PluginExecutor exec; try { exec = new PluginExecutor(meta); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Loader.Error($"Error creating executor for {meta.Name}"); Logger.Loader.Error(e); return null; } foreach (var feature in meta.Features) { try { feature.BeforeInit(meta); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Loader.Critical($"Feature errored in {nameof(Feature.BeforeInit)}:"); Logger.Loader.Critical(e); } } try { exec.Create(); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Loader.Error($"Could not init plugin {meta.Name}"); Logger.Loader.Error(e); ignoredPlugins.Add(meta, new IgnoreReason(Reason.Error) { ReasonText = "Error occurred while initializing", Error = e }); return null; } // TODO: make this new features system behave better wrt DynamicInit plugins foreach (var feature in meta.CreateFeaturesWhenLoaded) { if (!feature.TryCreate(out var inst)) { Logger.Features.Warn($"Could not create instance of feature {feature.Name}: {inst.InvalidMessage}"); } else { feature.AppliedTo.InternalFeatures.Add(inst); _ = feature.AppliedTo.UnloadedFeatures.Remove(feature); } } meta.CreateFeaturesWhenLoaded.Clear(); // if a plugin is loaded twice, for the moment, we don't want to create the feature twice foreach (var feature in meta.Features) try { feature.AfterInit(meta, exec.Instance); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Loader.Critical($"Feature errored in {nameof(Feature.AfterInit)}:"); Logger.Loader.Critical(e); } return exec; } internal static bool IsFirstLoadComplete { get; private set; } internal static List LoadPlugins() { DisabledPlugins.ForEach(Load); // make sure they get loaded into memory so their metadata and stuff can be read more easily var list = new List(); var loaded = new HashSet(); foreach (var meta in PluginsMetadata) { try { var exec = InitPlugin(meta, loaded); if (exec != null) { list.Add(exec); _ = loaded.Add(meta); } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Default.Critical($"Uncaught exception while loading plugin {meta.Name}:"); Logger.Default.Critical(e); } } // TODO: should this be somewhere else? IsFirstLoadComplete = true; return list; } } }