using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Runtime.Serialization; using System.Security.Cryptography; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Ionic.Zip; using IPA.Loader; using IPA.Utilities; using Newtonsoft.Json; using SemVer; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Networking; using static IPA.Loader.PluginManager; using Logger = IPA.Logging.Logger; using Version = SemVer.Version; namespace IPA.Updating.BeatMods { [SuppressMessage("ReSharper", "ClassNeverInstantiated.Global")] internal class Updater : MonoBehaviour { public static Updater Instance; public void Awake() { try { if (Instance != null) Destroy(this); else { Instance = this; CheckForUpdates(); } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.updater.Error(e); } } private void CheckForUpdates() { StartCoroutine(CheckForUpdatesCoroutine()); } private class DependencyObject { public string Name { get; set; } public Version Version { get; set; } public Version ResolvedVersion { get; set; } public Range Requirement { get; set; } public Range Conflicts { get; set; } // a range of versions that are not allowed to be downloaded public bool Resolved { get; set; } public bool Has { get; set; } public HashSet Consumers { get; set; } = new HashSet(); public bool MetaRequestFailed { get; set; } public PluginLoader.PluginInfo LocalPluginMeta { get; set; } public override string ToString() { return $"{Name}@{Version}{(Resolved ? $" -> {ResolvedVersion}" : "")} - ({Requirement} ! {Conflicts}) {(Has ? " Already have" : "")}"; } } private readonly Dictionary requestCache = new Dictionary(); private IEnumerator GetBeatModsEndpoint(string url, Ref result) { if (requestCache.TryGetValue(url, out string value)) { result.Value = value; } else { using (var request = UnityWebRequest.Get(ApiEndpoint.ApiBase + url)) { yield return request.SendWebRequest(); if (request.isNetworkError) { result.Error = new NetworkException($"Network error while trying to download: {request.error}"); yield break; } if (request.isHttpError) { if (request.responseCode == 404) { result.Error = new NetworkException("Not found"); yield break; } result.Error = new NetworkException($"Server returned error {request.error} while getting data"); yield break; } result.Value = request.downloadHandler.text; requestCache[url] = result.Value; } } } private readonly Dictionary modCache = new Dictionary(); private IEnumerator GetModInfo(string modName, string ver, Ref result) { var uri = string.Format(ApiEndpoint.GetModInfoEndpoint, Uri.EscapeUriString(modName), Uri.EscapeUriString(ver)); if (modCache.TryGetValue(uri, out ApiEndpoint.Mod value)) { result.Value = value; } else { Ref reqResult = new Ref(""); yield return GetBeatModsEndpoint(uri, reqResult); try { result.Value = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject>(reqResult.Value).First(); modCache[uri] = result.Value; } catch (Exception e) { result.Error = new Exception("Error decoding response", e); } } } private readonly Dictionary> modVersionsCache = new Dictionary>(); private IEnumerator GetModVersionsMatching(string modName, Range range, Ref> result) { var uri = string.Format(ApiEndpoint.GetModsByName, Uri.EscapeUriString(modName)); if (modVersionsCache.TryGetValue(uri, out List value)) { result.Value = value; } else { Ref reqResult = new Ref(""); yield return GetBeatModsEndpoint(uri, reqResult); try { result.Value = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject>(reqResult.Value) .Where(m => range.IsSatisfied(m.Version)).ToList(); modVersionsCache[uri] = result.Value; } catch (Exception e) { result.Error = new Exception("Error decoding response", e); } } } private IEnumerator CheckForUpdatesCoroutine() { var depList = new Ref>(new List()); foreach (var plugin in BSMetas) { // initialize with data to resolve (1.1) if (plugin.Metadata.Id != null) { // updatable var msinfo = plugin.Metadata; depList.Value.Add(new DependencyObject { Name = msinfo.Id, Version = msinfo.Version, Requirement = new Range($">={msinfo.Version}"), LocalPluginMeta = plugin }); } } foreach (var dep in depList.Value) Logger.updater.Debug($"Phantom Dependency: {dep}"); yield return DependencyResolveFirstPass(depList); foreach (var dep in depList.Value) Logger.updater.Debug($"Dependency: {dep}"); yield return DependencyResolveSecondPass(depList); foreach (var dep in depList.Value) Logger.updater.Debug($"Dependency: {dep}"); DependendyResolveFinalPass(depList); } private IEnumerator DependencyResolveFirstPass(Ref> list) { for (int i = 0; i < list.Value.Count; i++) { // Grab dependencies (1.2) var dep = list.Value[i]; var mod = new Ref(null); yield return GetModInfo(dep.Name, "", mod); try { mod.Verify(); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.updater.Error($"Error getting info for {dep.Name}"); Logger.updater.Error(e); dep.MetaRequestFailed = true; continue; } list.Value.AddRange(mod.Value.Dependencies.Select(m => new DependencyObject { Name = m.Name, Requirement = new Range($">={m.Version}"), Consumers = new HashSet { dep.Name } })); // currently no conflicts exist in BeatMods //list.Value.AddRange(mod.Value.Links.Dependencies.Select(d => new DependencyObject { Name = d.Name, Requirement = d.VersionRange, Consumers = new HashSet { dep.Name } })); //list.Value.AddRange(mod.Value.Links.Conflicts.Select(d => new DependencyObject { Name = d.Name, Conflicts = d.VersionRange, Consumers = new HashSet { dep.Name } })); } var depNames = new HashSet(); var final = new List(); foreach (var dep in list.Value) { // agregate ranges and the like (1.3) if (!depNames.Contains(dep.Name)) { // should add it depNames.Add(dep.Name); final.Add(dep); } else { var toMod = final.First(d => d.Name == dep.Name); if (dep.Requirement != null) { toMod.Requirement = toMod.Requirement.Intersect(dep.Requirement); foreach (var consume in dep.Consumers) toMod.Consumers.Add(consume); } else if (dep.Conflicts != null) { toMod.Conflicts = toMod.Conflicts == null ? dep.Conflicts : new Range($"{toMod.Conflicts} || {dep.Conflicts}"); } } } list.Value = final; } private IEnumerator DependencyResolveSecondPass(Ref> list) { foreach(var dep in list.Value) { dep.Has = dep.Version != null; // dep.Version is only not null if its already installed if (dep.MetaRequestFailed) { Logger.updater.Warn($"{dep.Name} info request failed, not trying again"); continue; } var modsMatching = new Ref>(null); yield return GetModVersionsMatching(dep.Name, dep.Requirement, modsMatching); try { modsMatching.Verify(); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.updater.Error($"Error getting mod list for {dep.Name}"); Logger.updater.Error(e); dep.MetaRequestFailed = true; continue; } var ver = modsMatching.Value .Where(nullCheck => nullCheck != null) // entry is not null //.Where(versionCheck => versionCheck.GameVersion.Version == BeatSaber.GameVersion) // game version matches .Where(approvalCheck => approvalCheck.Status == ApiEndpoint.Mod.ApprovedStatus) // version approved .Where(conflictsCheck => dep.Conflicts == null || !dep.Conflicts.IsSatisfied(conflictsCheck.Version)) // not a conflicting version .Select(mod => mod.Version).Max(); // (2.1) get the max version // ReSharper disable once AssignmentInConditionalExpression if (dep.Resolved = ver != null) dep.ResolvedVersion = ver; // (2.2) dep.Has = dep.Version == dep.ResolvedVersion && dep.Resolved; // dep.Version is only not null if its already installed } } private void DependendyResolveFinalPass(Ref> list) { // also starts download of mods var toDl = new List(); foreach (var dep in list.Value) { // figure out which ones need to be downloaded (3.1) if (dep.Resolved) { Logger.updater.Debug($"Resolved: {dep}"); if (!dep.Has) { Logger.updater.Debug($"To Download: {dep}"); toDl.Add(dep); } } else if (!dep.Has) { Logger.updater.Warn($"Could not resolve dependency {dep}"); } } Logger.updater.Debug($"To Download {string.Join(", ", toDl.Select(d => $"{d.Name}@{d.ResolvedVersion}"))}"); foreach (var item in toDl) StartCoroutine(UpdateModCoroutine(item)); } private IEnumerator UpdateModCoroutine(DependencyObject item) { // (3.2) Logger.updater.Debug($"Release: {BeatSaber.ReleaseType}"); var mod = new Ref(null); yield return GetModInfo(item.Name, item.ResolvedVersion.ToString(), mod); try { mod.Verify(); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.updater.Error($"Error occurred while trying to get information for {item}"); Logger.updater.Error(e); yield break; } /* ApiEndpoint.Mod.DownloadsObject platformFile; if (BeatSaber.ReleaseType == BeatSaber.Release.Steam || mod.Value.Files.Oculus == null) platformFile = mod.Value.Files.Steam; else platformFile = mod.Value.Files.Oculus;*/ var releaseName = BeatSaber.ReleaseType == BeatSaber.Release.Steam ? ApiEndpoint.Mod.DownloadsObject.TypeSteam : ApiEndpoint.Mod.DownloadsObject.TypeOculus; var platformFile = mod.Value.Downloads.First(f => f.Type == ApiEndpoint.Mod.DownloadsObject.TypeUniversal || f.Type == releaseName); string url = ApiEndpoint.BeatModBase + platformFile.Path; Logger.updater.Debug($"URL = {url}"); const int maxTries = 3; int tries = maxTries; while (tries > 0) { if (tries-- != maxTries) Logger.updater.Debug("Re-trying download..."); using (var stream = new MemoryStream()) using (var request = UnityWebRequest.Get(url)) using (var taskTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource()) { var dlh = new StreamDownloadHandler(stream); request.downloadHandler = dlh; Logger.updater.Debug("Sending request"); //Logger.updater.Debug(request?.downloadHandler?.ToString() ?? "DLH==NULL"); yield return request.SendWebRequest(); Logger.updater.Debug("Download finished"); if (request.isNetworkError) { Logger.updater.Error("Network error while trying to update mod"); Logger.updater.Error(request.error); taskTokenSource.Cancel(); continue; } if (request.isHttpError) { Logger.updater.Error("Server returned an error code while trying to update mod"); Logger.updater.Error(request.error); taskTokenSource.Cancel(); continue; } stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); // reset to beginning var downloadTask = Task.Run(() => { // use slightly more multi threaded approach than co-routines // ReSharper disable once AccessToDisposedClosure ExtractPluginAsync(stream, item, platformFile); }, taskTokenSource.Token); while (!(downloadTask.IsCompleted || downloadTask.IsCanceled || downloadTask.IsFaulted)) yield return null; // pause co-routine until task is done if (downloadTask.IsFaulted) { if (downloadTask.Exception != null && downloadTask.Exception.InnerExceptions.Any(e => e is BeatmodsInterceptException)) { // any exception is an intercept exception Logger.updater.Error($"Modsaber did not return expected data for {item.Name}"); } Logger.updater.Error($"Error downloading mod {item.Name}"); Logger.updater.Error(downloadTask.Exception); continue; } break; } } if (tries == 0) Logger.updater.Warn($"Plugin download failed {maxTries} times, not re-trying"); else Logger.updater.Debug("Download complete"); } internal class StreamDownloadHandler : DownloadHandlerScript { public MemoryStream Stream { get; set; } public StreamDownloadHandler(MemoryStream stream) { Stream = stream; } protected override void ReceiveContentLength(int contentLength) { Stream.Capacity = contentLength; Logger.updater.Debug($"Got content length: {contentLength}"); } protected override void CompleteContent() { Logger.updater.Debug("Download complete"); } protected override bool ReceiveData(byte[] rData, int dataLength) { if (rData == null || rData.Length < 1) { Logger.updater.Debug("CustomWebRequest :: ReceiveData - received a null/empty buffer"); return false; } Stream.Write(rData, 0, dataLength); return true; } protected override byte[] GetData() { return null; } protected override float GetProgress() { return 0f; } public override string ToString() { return $"{base.ToString()} ({Stream})"; } } private void ExtractPluginAsync(MemoryStream stream, DependencyObject item, ApiEndpoint.Mod.DownloadsObject fileInfo) { // (3.3) Logger.updater.Debug($"Extracting ZIP file for {item.Name}"); /*var data = stream.GetBuffer(); SHA1 sha = new SHA1CryptoServiceProvider(); var hash = sha.ComputeHash(data); if (!Utils.UnsafeCompare(hash, fileInfo.Hash)) throw new Exception("The hash for the file doesn't match what is defined");*/ var targetDir = Path.Combine(BeatSaber.InstallPath, "IPA", Path.GetRandomFileName() + "_Pending"); Directory.CreateDirectory(targetDir); var eventualOutput = Path.Combine(BeatSaber.InstallPath, "IPA", "Pending"); if (!Directory.Exists(eventualOutput)) Directory.CreateDirectory(eventualOutput); try { bool shouldDeleteOldFile = !(item.LocalPluginMeta?.Metadata.IsSelf).Unwrap(); using (var zipFile = ZipFile.Read(stream)) { Logger.updater.Debug("Streams opened"); foreach (var entry in zipFile) { if (entry.IsDirectory) { Logger.updater.Debug($"Creating directory {entry.FileName}"); Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(targetDir, entry.FileName)); } else { using (var ostream = new MemoryStream((int)entry.UncompressedSize)) { entry.Extract(ostream); ostream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); var md5 = new MD5CryptoServiceProvider(); var fileHash = md5.ComputeHash(ostream); try { if (!Utils.UnsafeCompare(fileHash, fileInfo.Hashes.Where(h => h.File == entry.FileName).Select(h => h.Hash).First())) throw new Exception("The hash for the file doesn't match what is defined"); } catch (KeyNotFoundException) { throw new BeatmodsInterceptException("BeatMods did not send the hashes for the zip's content!"); } ostream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); FileInfo targetFile = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(targetDir, entry.FileName)); Directory.CreateDirectory(targetFile.DirectoryName ?? throw new InvalidOperationException()); if (Utils.GetRelativePath(targetFile.FullName, targetDir) == Utils.GetRelativePath(item.LocalPluginMeta?.Metadata.File.FullName, BeatSaber.InstallPath)) shouldDeleteOldFile = false; // overwriting old file, no need to delete /*if (targetFile.Exists) backup.Add(targetFile); else newFiles.Add(targetFile);*/ Logger.updater.Debug($"Extracting file {targetFile.FullName}"); targetFile.Delete(); using (var fstream = targetFile.Create()) ostream.CopyTo(fstream); } } } } if (shouldDeleteOldFile && item.LocalPluginMeta != null) File.AppendAllLines(Path.Combine(targetDir, SpecialDeletionsFile), new[] { Utils.GetRelativePath(item.LocalPluginMeta?.Metadata.File.FullName, BeatSaber.InstallPath) }); } catch (Exception) { // something failed; restore /*foreach (var file in newFiles) file.Delete(); backup.Restore(); backup.Delete();*/ Directory.Delete(targetDir, true); // delete extraction site throw; } if ((item.LocalPluginMeta?.Metadata.IsSelf).Unwrap()) { // currently updating self, so copy to working dir and update Utils.CopyAll(new DirectoryInfo(targetDir), new DirectoryInfo(BeatSaber.InstallPath)); var deleteFile = Path.Combine(BeatSaber.InstallPath, SpecialDeletionsFile); if (File.Exists(deleteFile)) File.Delete(deleteFile); Process.Start(new ProcessStartInfo { // will never actually be null FileName = item.LocalPluginMeta?.Metadata.File.FullName ?? throw new InvalidOperationException(), Arguments = $"-nw={Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id}", UseShellExecute = false }); } else Utils.CopyAll(new DirectoryInfo(targetDir), new DirectoryInfo(eventualOutput), SpecialDeletionsFile); Directory.Delete(targetDir, true); // delete extraction site Logger.updater.Debug("Extractor exited"); } internal const string SpecialDeletionsFile = "$$delete"; } [Serializable] internal class NetworkException : Exception { public NetworkException() { } public NetworkException(string message) : base(message) { } public NetworkException(string message, Exception innerException) : base(message, innerException) { } protected NetworkException(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) : base(info, context) { } } [Serializable] internal class BeatmodsInterceptException : Exception { public BeatmodsInterceptException() { } public BeatmodsInterceptException(string message) : base(message) { } public BeatmodsInterceptException(string message, Exception innerException) : base(message, innerException) { } protected BeatmodsInterceptException(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) : base(info, context) { } } }