--- uid: articles.start.dev title: Making your own mod --- # Making a mod ## Overview What follows is a *very* barebones, and frankly not very useful plugin class, even as a starting point, but it should be enough to give a decent idea of how to do quick upgrades of existing mods for those who want to. [!code-cs[Plugin.cs](./dev-resources/Plugin.cs?range=1-3,6-8,12-16,29-37,39,44-45,46-49,54-57,59-)] There are basically 4 major concepts here: 1. , the logging system. 2. , which declares that this class is a plugin and how it should behave. 3. , which declares the constructor (and optionally other methods) as being used for initialization. 4. The lifecycle event attributes and . Read the docs at those links for a better idea of what they do. TODO: expand this to explain more, and expand on the base example