using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.Concurrent; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Threading; using IPA.Utilities; using IPA.Utilities.Async; using System.IO; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using IPA.Logging; namespace IPA.Config { internal static class ConfigRuntime { private class DirInfoEqComparer : IEqualityComparer { public bool Equals(DirectoryInfo x, DirectoryInfo y) => x?.FullName == y?.FullName; public int GetHashCode(DirectoryInfo obj) => obj?.GetHashCode() ?? 0; } private static readonly ConcurrentBag configs = new ConcurrentBag(); private static readonly AutoResetEvent configsChangedWatcher = new AutoResetEvent(false); private static readonly ConcurrentDictionary watchers = new ConcurrentDictionary(new DirInfoEqComparer()); private static readonly ConcurrentDictionary> watcherTrackConfigs = new ConcurrentDictionary>(); private static SingleThreadTaskScheduler loadScheduler = null; private static TaskFactory loadFactory = null; private static Thread saveThread = null; private static void TryStartRuntime() { if (loadScheduler == null || !loadScheduler.IsRunning) { loadFactory = null; loadScheduler = new SingleThreadTaskScheduler(); loadScheduler.Start(); } if (loadFactory == null) loadFactory = new TaskFactory(loadScheduler); if (saveThread == null || !saveThread.IsAlive) { saveThread = new Thread(SaveThread); saveThread.Start(); } } public static void RegisterConfig(Config cfg) { lock (configs) { // we only lock this segment, so that this only waits on other calls to this if (configs.ToArray().Contains(cfg)) throw new InvalidOperationException("Config already registered to runtime!"); configs.Add(cfg); } configsChangedWatcher.Set(); TryStartRuntime(); AddConfigToWatchers(cfg); } public static void ConfigChanged() { configsChangedWatcher.Set(); } private static void AddConfigToWatchers(Config config) { var dir = config.File.Directory; if (!watchers.TryGetValue(dir, out var watcher)) { // create the watcher watcher = new FileSystemWatcher(dir.FullName, ""); var newWatcher = watchers.GetOrAdd(dir, watcher); if (watcher != newWatcher) { // if someone else beat us to adding, delete ours and switch to that new one watcher.Dispose(); watcher = newWatcher; } watcher.NotifyFilter = NotifyFilters.FileName | NotifyFilters.LastWrite; watcher.Changed += FileChangedEvent; watcher.Created += FileChangedEvent; watcher.Renamed += FileChangedEvent; watcher.Deleted += FileChangedEvent; } TryStartRuntime(); watcher.EnableRaisingEvents = false; // disable while we do shit var bag = watcherTrackConfigs.GetOrAdd(watcher, w => new ConcurrentBag()); // we don't need to check containment because this function will only be called once per config ever bag.Add(config); watcher.EnableRaisingEvents = true; } private static void FileChangedEvent(object sender, FileSystemEventArgs e) { var watcher = sender as FileSystemWatcher; if (!watcherTrackConfigs.TryGetValue(watcher, out var bag)) return; var config = bag.FirstOrDefault(c => c.File.FullName == e.FullPath); if (config != null) TriggerFileLoad(config); } public static Task TriggerFileLoad(Config config) => loadFactory.StartNew(() => LoadTask(config)); public static Task TriggerLoadAll() => #if NET3 TaskEx #else Task #endif .WhenAll(configs.Select(TriggerFileLoad)); /// /// this is synchronous, unlike /// /// public static void Save(Config config) { var store = config.Store; try { using var readLock = Synchronization.LockRead(store.WriteSyncObject); lock (config.Provider) { config.Provider.File = config.File; store.WriteTo(config.Provider); } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.config.Error($"{nameof(IConfigStore)} for {config.File} errored while writing to disk"); Logger.config.Error(e); } } /// /// this is synchronous, unlike /// public static void SaveAll() { foreach (var config in configs) Save(config); } private static void LoadTask(Config config) { // these tasks will always be running in the same thread as each other try { var store = config.Store; using var writeLock = Synchronization.LockWrite(store.WriteSyncObject); lock (config.Provider) { config.Provider.File = config.File; store.ReadFrom(config.Provider); } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.config.Error($"{nameof(IConfigStore)} for {config.File} errored while reading from the {nameof(IConfigProvider)}"); Logger.config.Error(e); } } private static void SaveThread() { while (true) { var configArr = configs.Where(c => c.Store != null).ToArray(); int index = -1; try { var waitHandles = configArr.Select(c => c.Store.SyncObject) .Prepend(configsChangedWatcher) .ToArray(); index = WaitHandle.WaitAny(waitHandles); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.config.Error($"Error waiting for in-memory updates"); Logger.config.Error(e); Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)); } if (index <= 0) { // we got a signal that the configs collection changed, loop around, or errored continue; } // otherwise, we have a thing that changed in a store Save(configArr[index - 1]); } } } }