--- title: BSIPA - Home uid: home --- # ![BSIPA](images/banner_dark.svg) [![Build status](https://ci.appveyor.com/api/projects/status/1ruhnnfeudrrd097?svg=true)](https://ci.appveyor.com/project/nike4613/beatsaber-ipa-reloaded-9smsb) BSIPA - The Unity mod injector for the new age (pending confirmation). Assuming, that is, that Unity 2017 is "new age". ## How To Install See [Installing](xref:articles.start.user) ## How To Uninstall See [Uninstalling](xref:articles.start.user#uninstalling) ## Arguments See . ## How To Develop See [Developing](xref:articles.start.dev) for more information. ## How To Keep The Game Patched BSIPA will automatically repatch the game when it updates, as long as `winhttp.dll` is present in the install directory.