#nullable enable using HarmonyLib; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Reflection.Emit; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using static IPA.Logging.Logger; namespace IPA.Logging { internal class StdoutInterceptor : TextWriter { public override Encoding Encoding => Encoding.Default; private bool isStdErr; public override void Write(char value) { Write(value.ToString()); } private string lineBuffer = ""; private readonly object bufferLock = new(); public override void Write(string value) { lock (bufferLock) { // avoid threading issues lineBuffer += value; var parts = lineBuffer.Split(new[] { Environment.NewLine, "\n", "\r" }, StringSplitOptions.None); for (int i = 0; i < parts.Length; i++) { if (i + 1 == parts.Length) // last element lineBuffer = parts[i]; else { var str = parts[i]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(str)) continue; if (!isStdErr && WinConsole.IsInitialized) str = ConsoleColorToForegroundSet(currentColor) + str; if (isStdErr) Logger.stdout.Error(str); else Logger.stdout.Info(str); } } } } private const ConsoleColor defaultColor = ConsoleColor.Gray; private ConsoleColor currentColor = defaultColor; internal static string ConsoleColorToForegroundSet(ConsoleColor col) { if (!WinConsole.UseVTEscapes) return ""; string code = "0"; // reset switch (col) { case ConsoleColor.Black: code = "30"; break; case ConsoleColor.DarkBlue: code = "34"; break; case ConsoleColor.DarkGreen: code = "32"; break; case ConsoleColor.DarkCyan: code = "36"; break; case ConsoleColor.DarkRed: code = "31"; break; case ConsoleColor.DarkMagenta: code = "35"; break; case ConsoleColor.DarkYellow: code = "33"; break; case ConsoleColor.Gray: code = "37"; break; case ConsoleColor.DarkGray: code = "90"; // literally bright black break; case ConsoleColor.Blue: code = "94"; break; case ConsoleColor.Green: code = "92"; break; case ConsoleColor.Cyan: code = "96"; break; case ConsoleColor.Red: code = "91"; break; case ConsoleColor.Magenta: code = "95"; break; case ConsoleColor.Yellow: code = "93"; break; case ConsoleColor.White: code = "97"; break; } return "\x1b[" + code + "m"; } private static StdoutInterceptor? stdoutInterceptor; private static StdoutInterceptor? stderrInterceptor; private static class ConsoleHarmonyPatches { public static void Patch(Harmony harmony) { var console = typeof(Console); var resetColor = console.GetMethod("ResetColor"); var foregroundProperty = console.GetProperty("ForegroundColor"); var setFg = foregroundProperty?.GetSetMethod(); var getFg = foregroundProperty?.GetGetMethod(); try { if (resetColor != null) _ = harmony.Patch(resetColor, transpiler: new HarmonyMethod(typeof(ConsoleHarmonyPatches), nameof(PatchResetColor))); if (foregroundProperty != null) { _ = harmony.Patch(setFg, transpiler: new HarmonyMethod(typeof(ConsoleHarmonyPatches), nameof(PatchSetForegroundColor))); _ = harmony.Patch(getFg, transpiler: new HarmonyMethod(typeof(ConsoleHarmonyPatches), nameof(PatchGetForegroundColor))); } } catch (Exception e) { // Harmony might be fucked because of wierdness in Guid.NewGuid, don't let that kill us Logger.Default.Error("Error installing harmony patches to intercept Console color properties:"); Logger.Default.Error(e); } } public static ConsoleColor GetColor() => stdoutInterceptor!.currentColor; public static void SetColor(ConsoleColor col) => stdoutInterceptor!.currentColor = col; public static void ResetColor() => stdoutInterceptor!.currentColor = defaultColor; public static IEnumerable PatchGetForegroundColor(IEnumerable _) { var getColorM = typeof(ConsoleHarmonyPatches).GetMethod("GetColor"); return new[] { new CodeInstruction(OpCodes.Tailcall), new CodeInstruction(OpCodes.Call, getColorM), new CodeInstruction(OpCodes.Ret) }; } public static IEnumerable PatchSetForegroundColor(IEnumerable _) { var setColorM = typeof(ConsoleHarmonyPatches).GetMethod("SetColor"); return new[] { new CodeInstruction(OpCodes.Ldarg_0), new CodeInstruction(OpCodes.Tailcall), new CodeInstruction(OpCodes.Call, setColorM), new CodeInstruction(OpCodes.Ret) }; } public static IEnumerable PatchResetColor(IEnumerable _) { var resetColor = typeof(ConsoleHarmonyPatches).GetMethod("ResetColor"); return new[] { new CodeInstruction(OpCodes.Tailcall), new CodeInstruction(OpCodes.Call, resetColor), new CodeInstruction(OpCodes.Ret) }; } } private static Harmony? harmony; private static bool usingInterceptor; public static void Intercept() { if (!usingInterceptor) { usingInterceptor = true; EnsureHarmonyLogging(); HarmonyGlobalSettings.DisallowLegacyGlobalUnpatchAll = true; harmony ??= new Harmony("BSIPA Console Redirector Patcher"); stdoutInterceptor ??= new StdoutInterceptor(); stderrInterceptor ??= new StdoutInterceptor { isStdErr = true }; RedirectConsole(); ConsoleHarmonyPatches.Patch(harmony); } } public static void RedirectConsole() { if (usingInterceptor) { Console.SetOut(stdoutInterceptor); Console.SetError(stderrInterceptor); } } private static int harmonyLoggingInited; // I'm not completely sure this is the best place for this, but whatever internal static void EnsureHarmonyLogging() { if (Interlocked.Exchange(ref harmonyLoggingInited, 1) != 0) return; HarmonyLib.Tools.Logger.ChannelFilter = HarmonyLib.Tools.Logger.LogChannel.All & ~HarmonyLib.Tools.Logger.LogChannel.IL; HarmonyLib.Tools.Logger.MessageReceived += (s, e) => { var msg = e.Message; var lvl = e.LogChannel switch { HarmonyLib.Tools.Logger.LogChannel.None => Level.Notice, HarmonyLib.Tools.Logger.LogChannel.Info => Level.Trace, // HarmonyX logs a *lot* of Info messages HarmonyLib.Tools.Logger.LogChannel.IL => Level.Trace, HarmonyLib.Tools.Logger.LogChannel.Warn => Level.Warning, HarmonyLib.Tools.Logger.LogChannel.Error => Level.Error, HarmonyLib.Tools.Logger.LogChannel.Debug => Level.Debug, HarmonyLib.Tools.Logger.LogChannel.All => Level.Critical, _ => Level.Critical, }; Logger.Harmony.Log(lvl, msg); }; } } }