BeatSaberCustomUI Display a keyboard interface to accept user input. The title to be displayed above the keyboard. The starting value of the keyboard. Callback when the text is modified by the user (when any key is pressed basically). Callback when the user successfully submits the changed text. Callback when the user presses the cancel button. Creates a copy of a template button and returns it. The transform to parent the button to. The name of the button to make a copy of. Example: "QuitButton", "PlayButton", etc. The position the button should be anchored to. The size of the buttons RectTransform. Callback for when the button is pressed. The text that should be shown on the button. The icon that should be shown on the button. The newly created button. Creates a copy of a template button and returns it. The transform to parent the button to. The name of the button to make a copy of. Example: "QuitButton", "PlayButton", etc. The position the button should be anchored to. Callback for when the button is pressed. The text that should be shown on the button. The icon that should be shown on the button. The newly created button. Creates a copy of a template button and returns it. The transform to parent the button to. The name of the button to make a copy of. Example: "QuitButton", "PlayButton", etc. Callback for when the button is pressed. The text that should be shown on the button. The icon that should be shown on the button. The newly created button. Creates a copy of a back button. The transform to parent the new button to. Callback for when the button is pressed. The newly created back button. Creates a VRUIViewController of type T, and marks it to not be destroyed. The variation of VRUIViewController you want to create. The newly created VRUIViewController of type T. Creates a CustomMenu, which is basically a custom panel that handles UI transitions for you automatically. The type of CustomMenu to instantiate. The title of the new CustomMenu. The newly created CustomMenu of type T. Creates a loading spinner. The transform to parent the new loading spinner to. The newly created loading spinner. Creates a TextMeshProUGUI component. Thet ransform to parent the new TextMeshProUGUI component to. The text to be displayed. The position the button should be anchored to. The newly created TextMeshProUGUI component. Creates a TextMeshProUGUI component. Thet transform to parent the new TextMeshProUGUI component to. The text to be displayed. The position the text component should be anchored to. The size of the text components RectTransform. The newly created TextMeshProUGUI component. Adds hint text to any component that handles pointer events. Thet transform to parent the new HoverHint component to. The text to be displayed on the HoverHint panel. The newly created HoverHint component. Creates a custom slider. Thet transform to parent the new slider component to. The minimum value of the slider. The maximum value of the slider. The amount to increment the slider by. True if the value represented by the slider is an int, false if it's a float. Callback when the sliders value changes. Creates a color picker. Thet transform to parent the new color picker to. The position the color picker should be anchored to. The size of the color picker's RectTransform. The FlowCoordinator that presented this FlowCoordinator The CustomMenu this FlowCoordinator is representing. Back out to the previous flow coordinator. If set to true, no animation will be shown and the transition will be instant. Back out to the previous flow coordinator with an animation. Whether or not to include a back button when the ViewController is activated. A reference to the page up button, if it exists. A reference to the page down button, if it exists. The TableView associated with the current CustomListViewController. The data to be displayed in the table. An event fired when the user selects a cell in the TableView. The reuse identifier, which is used to recycle cells instead of instantiating new instances of them. The prefab used to instantiate new table cells. Instantiates a new LevelListTableCell (or recycles an old one). This param does nothing, and was left in by mistake. If set to false, the BeatmapCharacteristicImages will be destroyed. Instantiates a new LevelListTableCell (or recycles an old one). If set to false, the BeatmapCharacteristicImages will be destroyed. The CustomFlowCoordinator associated with this CustomMenu. This will not be populated if you have no main CustomViewController. The main CustomViewController associated with this menu. The left CustomViewController associated with this menu. The right CustomViewController associated with this menu. The bottom CustomViewController associated with this menu. Sets up the main CustomViewController. The viewcontroller to set. Whether or not to generate a back button. Optional, a callback when the ViewController becomes active (when you open it). Optional, a callback when the ViewController becomes inactive (when you close it). Sets up the left CustomViewController. The viewcontroller to set. Whether or not to generate a back button. Optional, a callback when the ViewController becomes active (when you open it). Optional, a callback when the ViewController becomes inactive (when you close it). Sets up the right CustomViewController. The viewcontroller to set. Whether or not to generate a back button. Optional, a callback when the ViewController becomes active (when you open it). Optional, a callback when the ViewController becomes inactive (when you close it). Sets up the bottom CustomViewController. The viewcontroller to set. Whether or not to generate a back button. Optional, a callback when the ViewController becomes active (when you open it). Optional, a callback when the ViewController becomes inactive (when you close it). Opens the menu. If set to true, no animation will be shown and the transition will be instant. Opens the menu with an animation. Closes the menu. If set to true, no animation will be shown and the transition will be instant. Closes the menu with an animation. The event that's fired when the back button is pressed. A reference to the current back button, if it exists. When set to true, a back button will be automatically generated. The event that's fired when the CustomViewController is activated (when you open it). The event that's fired when the CustomViewController is deactivated (when you close it). Clears any back button callbacks. Sets the color while also updating all associated components. The to set the preview image Get the color of a sprite contained in an on pointer click The given by OnPointerDown The instance Initialize the (should be called after assigning the variable) Method called when the pointer is clicked inside the Some informations about the pointer Method called when the pointer is released inside the Some informations about the pointer Method called when the pointer is exiting the Some informations about the pointer