using IPA.Config; using IPA.Updating.BeatMods; using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using UnityEngine; using static IPA.Updating.BeatMods.Updater; namespace BSIPA_ModList { internal class DownloadObject { public enum States { ToDownload, Downloading, Installing, Failed, Completed } public DependencyObject Mod; public Sprite Icon; public States State = States.ToDownload; public double Progress = 0; } internal class DownloadController : MonoBehaviour { private static DownloadController _instance; public static DownloadController Instance { get { if (_instance == null) _instance = Create(); return _instance; } } public static DownloadController Create() { var inst = new GameObject("BSIPA Modlist Download Controller").AddComponent(); if (SelfConfig.SelfConfigRef.Value.Updates.AutoCheckUpdates) inst.StartCoroutine(inst.StartUpdateCheck()); return inst; } private IEnumerator StartUpdateCheck() { yield return null; CheckForUpdates(); } private readonly List downloads = new List(); private readonly Dictionary lookup = new Dictionary(); internal IReadOnlyList Downloads => downloads; public event Action OnCheckForUpdates; public event Action OnCheckForUpdatesComplete; public event Action OnDownloadStateChanged; public event Action OnDownloaderListChanged; private enum States { Start, Checking, UpdatesFound, Downloading, Done, DoneWithNoUpdates } private States _state = States.Start; private States State { get => _state; set { _state = value; OnDownloadStateChanged?.Invoke(); } } public bool CanCheck => State == States.Start || IsDone; public bool CanDownload => State == States.UpdatesFound; public bool CanReset => State == States.UpdatesFound; public bool IsChecking => State == States.Checking; public bool IsDownloading => State == States.Downloading; public bool IsDone => State == States.Done || State == States.DoneWithNoUpdates; public bool HadUpdates => State == States.Done; public void Awake() => DontDestroyOnLoad(this); public void CheckForUpdates() { if (!CanCheck) throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid state for CheckForUpdates to be called"); State = States.Checking; OnCheckForUpdates?.Invoke(); Updater.Instance.CheckForUpdates(UpdateCheckComplete); } public void ResetCheck(bool resetCache = false) { if (!CanReset) throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid state for ResetCheck to be called"); Clear(); State = States.Start; if (resetCache) ResetRequestCache(); } private void Clear() { downloads.Clear(); lookup.Clear(); OnDownloaderListChanged?.Invoke(); } private void Add(DownloadObject obj) { downloads.Add(obj); lookup.Add(obj.Mod, obj); } private void Remove(DependencyObject obj) { downloads.Remove(lookup[obj]); lookup.Remove(obj); OnDownloaderListChanged?.Invoke(); } private void UpdateCheckComplete(List found) { State = States.UpdatesFound; OnCheckForUpdatesComplete?.Invoke(found.Count); foreach (var dep in found) Add(new DownloadObject { Mod = dep, Icon = dep.IsLegacy ? Utilities.DefaultIPAIcon : Utilities.GetIcon(dep.LocalPluginMeta?.Metadata), State = DownloadObject.States.ToDownload, Progress = 0 }); OnDownloaderListChanged?.Invoke(); if (downloads.Count == 0) OnAllDownloadsCompleted(false); else if (SelfConfig.SelfConfigRef.Value.Updates.AutoUpdate) StartDownloads(); } public void StartDownloads() { if (!CanDownload) throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid state for StartDownloads to be called"); State = States.Downloading; Updater.Instance.StartDownload(downloads.Select(d => d.Mod), _DownloadStart, _DownloadProgress, _DownloadFailed, _DownloadFinished, _InstallFailed, _InstallFinished); } private void _DownloadStart(DependencyObject obj) { var dl = lookup[obj]; dl.Progress = 0; dl.State = DownloadObject.States.Downloading; } private void _DownloadProgress(DependencyObject obj, long totalBytes, long currentBytes, double progress) { lookup[obj].Progress = progress; } private void _DownloadFailed(DependencyObject obj, string error) { lookup[obj].State = DownloadObject.States.Failed; } private void _DownloadFinished(DependencyObject obj) { lookup[obj].State = DownloadObject.States.Installing; } private void _InstallFailed(DependencyObject obj, Exception error) { lookup[obj].State = DownloadObject.States.Failed; } private void _InstallFinished(DependencyObject obj, bool didError) { if (!didError) lookup[obj].State = DownloadObject.States.Completed; StartCoroutine(RemoveModFromList(obj)); } private IEnumerator RemoveModFromList(DependencyObject obj) { yield return new WaitForSeconds(1f); Remove(obj); if (downloads.Count == 0) OnAllDownloadsCompleted(true); } private void OnAllDownloadsCompleted(bool hadUpdates) { State = hadUpdates ? States.Done : States.DoneWithNoUpdates; } } }