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16 lines
614 B

  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  2. <Project DefaultTargets="PostBuild" xmlns="" ToolsVersion="4.0">
  3. <PropertyGroup>
  4. <OPath></OPath>
  5. <SolDir></SolDir>
  6. </PropertyGroup>
  7. <UsingTask TaskName="AssemblyRename" AssemblyFile="$(SolDir)BuildTools\AssemblyRenameStep\bin\$(Configuration)\AssemblyRenameStep.dll" />
  8. <Target Name="PostBuild">
  9. <Message Text="Relocating" Importance="normal" />
  10. <ItemGroup>
  11. <ToRename Include="$(OPath)Libs\**\*.dll" />
  12. </ItemGroup>
  13. <AssemblyRename Assemblies="@(ToRename)" />
  14. </Target>
  15. </Project>