- ---
- uid: articles.start.dev
- title: Making your own mod
- ---
- # Making a mod
- ## Overview
- What follows is a *very* barebones, and frankly not very useful plugin class, even as a starting point,
- but it should be enough to give a decent idea of how to do quick upgrades of existing mods for those who want to.
- [!code-cs[Plugin.cs](./dev-resources/Plugin.cs?range=1-3,6-8,12-16,29-37,39,50-51,52-55,60-63,65-)]
- There are basically 4 major concepts here:
- 1. <xref:IPA.Logging.Logger>, the logging system.
- 2. <xref:IPA.PluginAttribute>, which declares that this class is a plugin and how it should behave.
- 3. <xref:IPA.InitAttribute>, which declares the constructor (and optionally other methods) as being
- used for initialization.
- 4. The lifecycle event attributes <xref:IPA.OnStartAttribute> and <xref:IPA.OnExitAttribute>.
- I reccommend you read the docs for each of those to get an idea for what they do.
- It is worth noting that this example is of a mod that *cannot* be enabled and disabled at runtime, as marked by
- [RuntimeOptions.SingleStartInit](xref:IPA.RuntimeOptions.SingleStartInit).
- ### What can be changed
- Before we go adding more functionality, its worth mentioning that that is not the *only* way to have a plugin set up.
- For starters, we can add another *method* marked `[Init]`, and it will be called after the constructor, with the same
- injected parameters, if those are applicable.
- [!code-cs[Plugin.cs#Init(Logger)](./dev-resources/Plugin.cs?range=40-44)]
- If you only had a method marked `[Init]`, and no constructors marked `[Init]`, then the plugin type must expose a
- public default constructor. If multiple constructors are marked `[Init]`, only the one with the most parameters will
- be called.
- You may also mark as many methods as you wish with `[Init]` and all of them will be called, in no well-defined order on
- initialization. The same is true for `[OnStart]` and `[OnExit]`, respectively.
- ## From Scratch
- If you are starting from scratch, you will need one other thing to get your plugin up and running: a manifest.
- A basic manifest for that might look a little like this:
- [!code-json[manifest.json](./dev-resources/manifest.json?range=1,3,4,6-12,14-19,23-)]
- There is a lot going on there, but most of it should be decently obvious. Among the things that *aren't* immediately obvious,
- are
- - `id`: This represents a unique identifier for the mod, for use by package managers such as BeatMods. It may be null if the
- mod chooses not to support those.
- - `features`: Don't worry about this for now, this is a not-very-simple thing that will be touched on later.
- In addition, there are a few gatchas with it:
- - `description`: This can be either a string or an array representing different lines. Markdown formatting is permitted.
- - `gameVersion`: This should match *exactly* with the application version of the game being targeted. While this is not enforced
- by BSIPA, mod repositories like BeatMods may require it match, and it is good practice regardless.
- - `version`: This must be a valid SemVer version number for your mod.
- In order for your plugin to load, the manifest must be embedded into the plugin DLL as an embedded resource. This can be set in
- the Visual Studio file properties panel under `Build Action`, or in the `.csproj` like so:
- [!code-xml[Demo.csproj#manifest](./dev-resources/Demo.csproj?range=12-13,15)]
- At this point, if the main plugin source file and the manifest are in the same source location, and the plugin class is using the
- project's default namespace, the plugin will load just fine. However, this is somewhat difficult both to explain and verify, so I
- recommend you use the the `misc.plugin-hint` field in your manifest. It can be used like so:
- [!code-json[manifest.json#misc.plugin-hint](./dev-resources/manifest.json?range=20-22)]
- With this, you can set `plugin-hint` to the full typename of your plugin type, and it will correctly load. This is a hint though,
- and will also try it as a namespace if it fails to find the plugin type. If that fails, it will then fall back to using the manifest's
- embedded namespace.
- ### A less painful description
- If you want to have a relatively long or well-formatted description for your mod, it may start to become painful to embed it in a list
- of JSON strings in the manifest. Luckily, there is a way to handle this.
- The first step is to create another embedded file, but this time it should be a Markdown file, perhaps `description.md`. It may contain
- something like this:
- [!code-markdown[description.md](./dev-resources/description.md)]
- Then, in your manifest description, have the first line be something look like this, but replacing `Demo.description.md` with the fully
- namespaced name of the resource:
- [!code-json[manifest.json#description](./dev-resources/manifest.json?range=5)]
- Now, when loaded into memory, if anything reads your description metadata, they get the content of that file instead of the content of the
- manifest key.
- ### Configuring your plugin
- Something that many plugins want and need is configuration. Fortunately, BSIPA provides a fairly powerful configuration system out of the
- box. To start using it, first create a config class of some kind. Lets take a look at a fairly simple example of this:
- [!code-cs[PluginConfig.cs#basic](./dev-resources/PluginConfig.cs?range=9-10,12,15-17,28-30,69-)]
- Notice how the class is both marked `public` **and** is not marked `sealed`. For the moment, both of these are necessary. Also notice that
- all of the members are properties. While this doesn't change much now, it will be significant in the near future.
- Now, how do we get this object off of disk? Simple. Back in your plugin class, change your `[Init]` constructor to look like this:
- [!code-cs[Plugin.cs#config-init](./dev-resources/Plugin.cs?range=17-24,26)]
- For this to compile, though, we will need to add a few `using`s:
- [!code-cs[Plugin.cs#usings](./dev-resources/Plugin.cs?range=4,5)]
- With just this, you have your config automatically loading from disk! It's even reloaded when it gets changed mid-game! You can now access
- it from anywhere by simply accessing `PluginConfig.Instance`. Make sure you don't accidentally reassign this though, as then you will loose
- your only interaction with the user's preferences.
- By default, it will be named the same as is in your plugin's manifest's `name` field, and will use the built-in `json` provider. This means
- that the file that will be loaded from will be `UserData/Demo Plugin.json` for our demo plugin. You can, however, control both of those by
- applying attributes to the <xref:IPA.Config.Config> parameter, namely <xref:IPA.Config.Config.NameAttribute> to control the name, and
- <xref:IPA.Config.Config.PreferAttribute> to control the type. If the type preferences aren't registered though, it will just fall back to JSON.
- ***
- But what about more complex types than just `int` and `float`? What if you want sub-objects?
- Those are supported natively, and so are very easy to set up. We just add this to the config class:
- [!code-cs[PluginConfig.cs#sub-basic](./dev-resources/PluginConfig.cs?range=18-19,21,25,31,33)]
- Now this object will be automatically read from disk too.
- But there is one caveat to this: because `SubThingsObject` is a reference type, *`SubThings` can be null*.
- This is often undesireable. The obvious solution may be to simply change it to a `struct`, but that is both not supported *and* potentially
- undesirable for other reasons we'll get to later.
- Instead, you can use <xref:IPA.Config.Stores.Attributes.NonNullableAttribute>. Change the definition of `SubThings` to this:
- [!code-cs[PluginConfig.cs#sub-basic-nonnull](./dev-resources/PluginConfig.cs?range=32-33)]
- And add this to the `using`s:
- [!code-cs[PluginConfig.cs#includes-attributes](./dev-resources/PluginConfig.cs?range=4)]
- This attribute tells the serializer that `null` is an invalid value for the config object. This does, however, require that *you* take extra care
- ensure that it never becomes null in code, as that will break the serializer.
- ***
- What about collection types?
- Well, you can use those too, but you have to use something new: a converter.
- You may be familiar with them if you have used something like the popular Newtonsoft.Json library before. In BSIPA, they lie in the
- <xref:IPA.Config.Stores.Converters> namespace. All converters either implement <xref:IPA.Config.Stores.IValueConverter> or derive from
- <xref:IPA.Config.Stores.ValueConverter`1>. You will mostly use them with an <xref:IPA.Config.Stores.Attributes.UseConverterAttribute>.
- To use them, we'll want to import them:
- [!code-cs[PluginConfig.cs#includes-attributes](./dev-resources/PluginConfig.cs?range=1,3,5)]
- Then add a field, for example a list field:
- [!code-cs[PluginConfig.cs#list-basic](./dev-resources/PluginConfig.cs?range=35-36)]
- This uses a converter that is provided with BSIPA for <xref:System.Collections.Generic.List`1>s specifically. It converts the list to
- an ordered array, which is then written to disk as a JSON array.
- We could also potentially want use something like a <xref:System.Collections.Generic.HashSet`1>. Lets start by looking at the definition
- for such a member, then deciphering what exactly it means:
- [!code-cs[PluginConfig.cs#set-basic](./dev-resources/PluginConfig.cs?range=38-39)]
- The converter we're using here is <xref:IPA.Config.Stores.Converters.CollectionConverter`2>, a base type for converters of all kinds of
- collections. In fact, the <xref:IPA.Config.Stores.Converters.ListConverter`1> is derived from this, and uses it for most of its implementation.
- If a type implements <xref:System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1>, <xref:IPA.Config.Stores.Converters.CollectionConverter`2> can convert it.
- It, like most other BSIPA provided aggregate converters, provides a type argument overload <xref:IPA.Config.Stores.Converters.CollectionConverter`3>
- to compose other converters with it to handle unusual element types.
- ***