- #nullable enable
- using IPA.AntiMalware;
- using IPA.Config;
- using IPA.Injector.Backups;
- using IPA.Loader;
- using IPA.Logging;
- using IPA.Utilities;
- using Microsoft.Win32;
- using Mono.Cecil;
- using Mono.Cecil.Cil;
- using System;
- using System.Diagnostics;
- using System.IO;
- using System.Linq;
- using System.Reflection;
- using System.Threading.Tasks;
- using UnityEngine;
- using static IPA.Logging.Logger;
- using MethodAttributes = Mono.Cecil.MethodAttributes;
- #if NET3
- using Net3_Proxy;
- using Path = Net3_Proxy.Path;
- using File = Net3_Proxy.File;
- using Directory = Net3_Proxy.Directory;
- #endif
- namespace IPA.Injector
- {
- /// <summary>
- /// The entry point type for BSIPA's Doorstop injector.
- /// </summary>
- // ReSharper disable once UnusedMember.Global
- internal static class Injector
- {
- private static Task? pluginAsyncLoadTask;
- private static Task? permissionFixTask;
- //private static string otherNewtonsoftJson = null;
- // ReSharper disable once UnusedParameter.Global
- internal static void Main(string[] args)
- { // entry point for doorstop
- // At this point, literally nothing but mscorlib is loaded,
- // and since this class doesn't have any static fields that
- // aren't defined in mscorlib, we can control exactly what
- // gets loaded.
- _ = args;
- try
- {
- var arguments = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs();
- MaybeInitializeConsole(arguments);
- SetupLibraryLoading();
- EnsureDirectories();
- // this is weird, but it prevents Mono from having issues loading the type.
- var unused = StandardLogger.PrintFilter;
- #region // Above hack explanation
- /*
- * Due to an unknown bug in the version of Mono that Unity uses, if the first access to StandardLogger
- * is a call to a constructor, then Mono fails to load the type correctly. However, if the first access is to
- * the above static property (or maybe any, but I don't really know) it behaves as expected and works fine.
- */
- #endregion
- Default.Debug("Initializing logger");
- SelfConfig.ReadCommandLine(arguments);
- SelfConfig.Load();
- DisabledConfig.Load();
- if (AntiPiracy.IsInvalid(Environment.CurrentDirectory))
- {
- Default.Error("Invalid installation; please buy the game to run BSIPA.");
- return;
- }
- CriticalSection.Configure();
- Logging.Logger.Injector.Debug("Prepping bootstrapper");
- // make sure to load the game version and check boundaries before installing the bootstrap, because that uses the game assemblies property
- GameVersionEarly.Load();
- SelfConfig.Instance.CheckVersionBoundary();
- SetOpenXRRuntime(arguments);
- // updates backup
- InstallBootstrapPatch();
- AntiMalwareEngine.Initialize();
- Updates.InstallPendingUpdates();
- Loader.LibLoader.SetupAssemblyFilenames(true);
- pluginAsyncLoadTask = PluginLoader.LoadTask();
- permissionFixTask = PermissionFix.FixPermissions(new DirectoryInfo(Environment.CurrentDirectory));
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- Console.WriteLine(e);
- }
- }
- public static void SetOpenXRRuntime(string[] arguments)
- {
- if (arguments == null)
- return;
- string targetRuntime = string.Empty;
- for (int i = 0; i < arguments.Length; i++)
- {
- if (arguments[i] == "-vrmode" && i + 1 < arguments.Length)
- {
- targetRuntime = arguments[i + 1];
- break;
- }
- }
- if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(targetRuntime))
- return;
- targetRuntime = targetRuntime.ToLower(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
- //This forces the OpenXRLoader to error as there is no OpenXR Runtime found, which is intentional as a mod can then select it
- switch (targetRuntime)
- {
- case "none":
- case "fpfc":
- case "controllable":
- Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("XR_RUNTIME_JSON", targetRuntime); //By checking the env variable you can see what caused the override while still causing the fail
- return;
- }
- string registryPath = @"SOFTWARE\Khronos\OpenXR\1\AvailableRuntimes";
- RegistryKey baseKey = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(registryPath);
- string foundRuntime = string.Empty;
- if (baseKey != null)
- {
- foreach (string valueName in baseKey.GetValueNames())
- {
- if (Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(valueName).ToLower().Contains(targetRuntime))
- {
- foundRuntime = valueName;
- break;
- }
- }
- baseKey.Close();
- }
- if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(foundRuntime))
- Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("XR_RUNTIME_JSON", foundRuntime);
- //This is not stored within CommandLineValues.Debug as you can check the environment variable
- }
- private static void MaybeInitializeConsole(string[] arguments)
- {
- var i = 0;
- while (i < arguments.Length)
- {
- if (arguments[i++] == "--verbose")
- {
- if (i == arguments.Length)
- {
- WinConsole.Initialize(WinConsole.AttachParent);
- return;
- }
- WinConsole.Initialize(int.TryParse(arguments[i], out int processId) ? processId : WinConsole.AttachParent);
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- private static void EnsureDirectories()
- {
- string path;
- if (!Directory.Exists(path = Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "UserData")))
- _ = Directory.CreateDirectory(path);
- if (!Directory.Exists(path = Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "Plugins")))
- _ = Directory.CreateDirectory(path);
- }
- private static void SetupLibraryLoading()
- {
- if (loadingDone) return;
- loadingDone = true;
- Loader.LibLoader.Configure();
- }
- private static void InstallBootstrapPatch()
- {
- var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
- var cAsmName = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName();
- var managedPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location)!;
- var dataDir = new DirectoryInfo(managedPath).Parent!.Name;
- var gameName = dataDir.Substring(0, dataDir.Length - 5);
- Logging.Logger.Injector.Debug("Finding backup");
- var backupPath = Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "IPA", "Backups", gameName);
- var bkp = BackupManager.FindLatestBackup(backupPath);
- if (bkp == null)
- Logging.Logger.Injector.Warn("No backup found! Was BSIPA installed using the installer?");
- // TODO: Investigate if this ever worked properly.
- // this is a critical section because if you exit in here, assembly can die
- using var critSec = CriticalSection.ExecuteSection();
- var readerParameters = new ReaderParameters
- {
- ReadWrite = false,
- InMemory = true,
- ReadingMode = ReadingMode.Immediate
- };
- Logging.Logger.Injector.Debug("Ensuring patch on UnityEngine.CoreModule exists");
- #region Insert patch into UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll
- var unityPath = Path.Combine(managedPath, "UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll");
- using var unityAsmDef = AssemblyDefinition.ReadAssembly(unityPath, readerParameters);
- var unityModDef = unityAsmDef.MainModule;
- bool modified = false;
- foreach (var asmref in unityModDef.AssemblyReferences)
- {
- if (asmref.Name == cAsmName.Name)
- {
- if (asmref.Version != cAsmName.Version)
- {
- asmref.Version = cAsmName.Version;
- modified = true;
- }
- }
- }
- var application = unityModDef.GetType("UnityEngine", "Camera");
- if (application == null)
- {
- Logging.Logger.Injector.Critical("UnityEngine.CoreModule doesn't have a definition for UnityEngine.Camera!"
- + "Nothing to patch to get ourselves into the Unity run cycle!");
- goto endPatchCoreModule;
- }
- MethodDefinition? cctor = null;
- foreach (var m in application.Methods)
- if (m.IsRuntimeSpecialName && m.Name == ".cctor")
- cctor = m;
- var cbs = unityModDef.ImportReference(((Action)CreateBootstrapper).Method);
- if (cctor == null)
- {
- cctor = new MethodDefinition(".cctor",
- MethodAttributes.RTSpecialName | MethodAttributes.Static | MethodAttributes.SpecialName,
- unityModDef.TypeSystem.Void);
- application.Methods.Add(cctor);
- modified = true;
- var ilp = cctor.Body.GetILProcessor();
- ilp.Emit(OpCodes.Call, cbs);
- ilp.Emit(OpCodes.Ret);
- }
- else
- {
- var ilp = cctor.Body.GetILProcessor();
- for (var i = 0; i < Math.Min(2, cctor.Body.Instructions.Count); i++)
- {
- var ins = cctor.Body.Instructions[i];
- switch (i)
- {
- case 0 when ins.OpCode != OpCodes.Call:
- ilp.Replace(ins, ilp.Create(OpCodes.Call, cbs));
- modified = true;
- break;
- case 0:
- {
- var methodRef = ins.Operand as MethodReference;
- if (methodRef?.FullName != cbs.FullName)
- {
- ilp.Replace(ins, ilp.Create(OpCodes.Call, cbs));
- modified = true;
- }
- break;
- }
- case 1 when ins.OpCode != OpCodes.Ret:
- ilp.Replace(ins, ilp.Create(OpCodes.Ret));
- modified = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (modified)
- {
- string tempFilePath = Path.GetTempFileName();
- bkp?.Add(unityPath);
- unityAsmDef.Write(tempFilePath);
- File.Delete(unityPath);
- File.Move(tempFilePath, unityPath);
- }
- endPatchCoreModule:
- #endregion Insert patch into UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll
- sw.Stop();
- Logging.Logger.Injector.Info($"Installing bootstrapper took {sw.Elapsed}");
- }
- private static bool bootstrapped;
- private static void CreateBootstrapper()
- {
- if (bootstrapped) return;
- bootstrapped = true;
- Application.logMessageReceivedThreaded += delegate (string condition, string stackTrace, LogType type)
- {
- var level = UnityLogRedirector.LogTypeToLevel(type);
- UnityLogProvider.UnityLogger.Log(level, $"{condition}");
- UnityLogProvider.UnityLogger.Log(level, $"{stackTrace}");
- };
- StdoutInterceptor.EnsureHarmonyLogging();
- // need to reinit streams singe Unity seems to redirect stdout
- StdoutInterceptor.RedirectConsole();
- AntiYeetPatch.Apply();
- var bootstrapper = new GameObject("NonDestructiveBootstrapper").AddComponent<Bootstrapper>();
- bootstrapper.Destroyed += Bootstrapper_Destroyed;
- }
- private static bool loadingDone;
- private static void Bootstrapper_Destroyed()
- {
- // wait for plugins to finish loading
- pluginAsyncLoadTask?.Wait();
- permissionFixTask?.Wait();
- Default.Debug("Plugins loaded");
- Default.Debug(string.Join(", ", PluginLoader.PluginsMetadata.StrJP()));
- _ = PluginComponent.Create();
- }
- }
- }