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  73. <h1 id="the-command-line">The Command Line</h1>
  74. <p>BSIPA has 2 command lines: the installer, and the game.</p>
  75. <p>Their documentation is below.</p>
  76. <div class="tabGroup" id="tabgroup_lvD3mivo-k">
  77. <ul role="tablist">
  78. <li role="presentation">
  79. <a href="#tabpanel_lvD3mivo-k_installer" role="tab" aria-controls="tabpanel_lvD3mivo-k_installer" data-tab="installer" tabindex="0" aria-selected="true">The Installer (<code>IPA.exe</code>)</a>
  80. </li>
  81. <li role="presentation">
  82. <a href="#tabpanel_lvD3mivo-k_game" role="tab" aria-controls="tabpanel_lvD3mivo-k_game" data-tab="game" tabindex="-1">The Game</a>
  83. </li>
  84. </ul>
  85. <section id="tabpanel_lvD3mivo-k_installer" role="tabpanel" data-tab="installer">
  86. <p>The installer has quite a few options, which are documented inline with the <code>-h</code> or <code>--help</code> flag.</p>
  87. <p>This is what it currently looks like:</p>
  88. <pre><code name="IPA command line" title="the result of IPA.exe -h">usage:
  90. flags:
  91. -h, --help
  92. prints this message
  93. -v, --version
  94. prints the version that will be installed and is currently installed
  95. -w, --waitfor=PID
  96. waits for the specified PID to exit
  97. -f, --force
  98. forces the operation to go through
  99. -r, --revert
  100. reverts the IPA installation
  101. -n, --nowait
  102. doesn&#39;t wait for user input after the operation
  103. -s, --start=ARGUMENTS
  104. uses the specified arguments to start the game after the patch/unpatch
  105. -l, --launch
  106. uses positional parameters as arguments to start the game after patch/unpatch
  107. -R, --no-revert
  108. prevents a normal installation from first reverting
  109. </code></pre></section>
  110. <section id="tabpanel_lvD3mivo-k_game" role="tabpanel" data-tab="game" aria-hidden="true" hidden="hidden">
  111. <p>The game <em>also</em> gets quite a few command line options, though there isn&#39;t anything as convenient as a help page for them.</p>
  112. <p>Here&#39;s a quick list of what they are and what they do.</p>
  113. <ul>
  114. <li><p><code>--verbose</code></p>
  115. <blockquote><p>Makes a console appear with log information at startup.</p>
  116. <p>Optionally, an explicit process ID can be specified to start the game with an external console. This allows it to be
  117. launched via Steam without being interrupted by its &quot;Allow game launch?&quot; if launched directly from the <code>.exe</code>.</p>
  118. <p>Example for Beat Saber using PowerShell:</p>
  119. <pre><code>.\steam.exe -applaunch 620980 --verbose $PID
  120. </code></pre><p>Do note that this isn&#39;t going to work from an elevated terminal.</p>
  121. </blockquote>
  122. </li>
  123. <li><p><code>--debug</code></p>
  124. <blockquote><p>Enables the loading of debug information in Mono. The debugging information must be in the portable PDB format,
  125. in the same location as the DLL that it&#39;s for.</p>
  126. <p>This option also forces BSIPA to show all debug messages in the console, as well as where they were called.</p>
  127. <p>This overrides the config settings <code>Debug.ShowDebug</code> and <code>Debug.ShowCallSource</code>.</p>
  128. </blockquote>
  129. </li>
  130. <li><p><code>--trace</code></p>
  131. <blockquote><p>Enables trace level messages. By default, they do not ever enter the message queue, and thus cost almost nothing.
  132. When this or the config option is used, they are added and logged with the same rules as Debug messages.</p>
  133. <p>This overrides the config setting <code>Debug.ShowTrace</code>.</p>
  134. </blockquote>
  135. </li>
  136. <li><p><code>--mono-debug</code></p>
  137. <blockquote><p>Enables the built-in Mono soft debugger engine.</p>
  138. <p>By default, it acts as a client, and requires that there be a soft
  139. debugger server running on port 10000 on <code>localhost</code>.</p>
  140. <p>Implies <code>--debug</code>.</p>
  141. </blockquote>
  142. </li>
  143. <li><p><code>--server</code></p>
  144. <blockquote><p>Does nothing on its own.</p>
  145. <p>When paired with <code>--mono-debug</code>, this option makes the Mono soft debugger act in server mode. It begins listening on
  146. port 10000 on any address, and will pause startup (with no window) until a debugger is connected. I recommend using
  147. SDB, but that is a command line debugger and a lot of people don&#39;t care for those.</p>
  148. </blockquote>
  149. </li>
  150. <li><p><code>--no-yeet</code></p>
  151. <blockquote><p>Disables mod yeeting.</p>
  152. <p>By default, whenever BSIPA detects that the game is now running a newer version than previous runs, it will move all
  153. mods to another folder and not load them. (They still get checked for updates though.) When this is enabled, that
  154. behaviour is disabled.</p>
  155. <p>Overrides the config setting <code>YeetMods</code>.</p>
  156. </blockquote>
  157. </li>
  158. <li><p><code>--condense-logs</code></p>
  159. <blockquote><p>Reduces the number of log files BSIPA will output for a given session.</p>
  160. <p>By default, BSIPA will create a subfolder in the <code>Logs</code> folder for each mod sublog, as well as each mod. This disables
  161. that behaviour, and restricts it to only create a global log and mod logs.</p>
  162. <p>Overrides the config setting <code>Debug.CondenseModLogs</code>.</p>
  163. </blockquote>
  164. </li>
  165. <li><p><code>--plugin-logs</code></p>
  166. <blockquote><p>Causes each plugins&#39; log messages to be written to files in their own folder for ease of debugging.</p>
  167. <p>This was the default through 4.1.6, however is now disabled by default.</p>
  168. <p>Overrides the config setting <code>Debug.CreateModLogs</code>.</p>
  169. </blockquote>
  170. </li>
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