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39 lines
886 B

  1. ::from ./bsinstalldir.txt
  2. "Beat Saber_Data/
  3. ""Managed/
  4. """Assembly-CSharp.dll
  5. """Unity.TextMeshPro.dll
  6. """UnityEngine.
  7. """"dll?alias=UnityEngine.Net4.dll
  8. """"xml?alias=UnityEngine.Net4.xml
  9. """"UnityWebRequestModule.
  10. """""dll?alias=UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.Net4.dll
  11. """""xml?alias=UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.Net4.xml
  12. """"CoreModule.
  13. """""dll?alias=UnityEngine.CoreModule.Net4.dll
  14. """""xml?alias=UnityEngine.CoreModule.Net4.xml
  15. """"TextRenderingModule.
  16. """""dll
  17. """""xml
  18. """"AssetBundleModule.
  19. """""dll
  20. """""xml
  21. """"UI
  22. """"".dll
  23. """""Module.
  24. """"""dll
  25. """"""xml
  26. "Plugins/
  27. ""BeatSaberCustomUI.
  28. """dll
  29. ::startopt
  30. ::from ./mdinstalldir.txt
  31. "MuseDash_Data/
  32. ""Managed/
  33. """UnityEngine.
  34. """"dll?alias=UnityEngine.Net3.dll
  35. """"UnityWebRequestModule.
  36. """""dll?alias=UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.Net3.dll
  37. """"CoreModule.
  38. """""dll?alias=UnityEngine.CoreModule.Net3.dll
  39. ::endopt