- # Installing BSIPA
- > [!NOTE]
- > This guide assumes that you are starting completely fresh.
- 1. Grab a release from the GitHub [Releases page](https://github.com/beat-saber-modding-group/BeatSaber-IPA-Reloaded/releases).
- Make sure to download `BSIPA.zip`, as `ModList.zip` contains the Beat Saber mod for showing your mods in-game, not the loader itself.
- 2. Extract the zip into your game installation directory. There should now be a folder named `IPA` and a file named `IPA.exe` in
- the same folder as the game executable.
- For example, if you are installing BSIPA in Beat Saber, it might look like this after extraction:
- ![What your game directory may look like after extracting BSIPA](../images/install-extracted.png)
- 3. Run `IPA.exe` by double clicking it. A console window should pop up, and eventually, a gold message asking you to press a key
- will appear. Here is an example of a successful installation:
- ![A successful installation](../images/install-successful.png)
- > [!NOTE]
- > In some cases, this may fail, something like this: ![A failing installation](../images/install-failed.png)
- >
- > In these cases, try dragging the game executable over `IPA.exe`.
- After installing, your game directory should look something like this:
- ![A properly installed BSIPA](../images/install-correct.png)
- > [!NOTE]
- > At this point it is recommended to run the game once before continuing, to ensure that things are installed correctly.
- >
- > The first run should create a `UserData` folder with `Beat Saber IPA.json` and `Disabled Mods.json`, as well as a
- > `Logs` folder with several subfolders with their own files. If these are created, then the installation was very
- > likely successful.
- >
- > [!TIP]
- > If you are not installing BSIPA on Beat Saber, you probably want to go to the config at `UserData/Beat Saber IPA.json`
- > and set both of the following to `false`:
- >
- > ```json
- > {
- > ...
- > "Updates": {
- > "AutoUpdate": false,
- > "AutoCheckUpdates": false
- > },
- > ...
- > }
- > ```
- 4. From here, just place all of your plugins in the `Plugins` folder, and you're all set!
- Many plugins will come in a zip such that the root of the zip represents the game install directory, so all you may have to
- do is extract the plugin into the game installation folder.
- Thats really all you have to do! The installation should persist across game updates for as long as `winhttp.dll` is present in
- the game directory, though your plugins will be moved to a different folder when it does update so things don't break horribly.