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- <article class="content wrap" id="_content" data-uid="articles.command_line">
- <h1 id="the-command-line">The Command Line</h1>
- <p>BSIPA has 2 command lines: the installer, and the game.</p>
- <p>Their documentation is below.</p>
- <div class="tabGroup" id="tabgroup_8icGlBCLD4">
- <ul role="tablist">
- <li role="presentation">
- <a href="#tabpanel_8icGlBCLD4_installer" role="tab" aria-controls="tabpanel_8icGlBCLD4_installer" data-tab="installer" tabindex="0" aria-selected="true">The Installer (<code>IPA.exe</code>)</a>
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- <a href="#tabpanel_8icGlBCLD4_game" role="tab" aria-controls="tabpanel_8icGlBCLD4_game" data-tab="game" tabindex="-1">The Game</a>
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- </ul>
- <section id="tabpanel_8icGlBCLD4_installer" role="tabpanel" data-tab="installer">
- <p>The installer has quite a few options, which are documented inline with the <code>-h</code> or <code>--help</code> flag.</p>
- <p>This is what it currently looks like:</p>
- <pre><code name="IPA command line" title="the result of IPA.exe -h">usage:
- flags:
- -h, --help
- prints this message
- -w, --waitfor=PID
- waits for the specified PID to exit
- -f, --force
- forces the operation to go through
- -r, --revert
- reverts the IPA installation
- -n, --nowait
- doesn't wait for user input after the operation
- -s, --start=ARGUMENTS
- uses the specified arguments to start the game after the patch/unpatch
- -l, --launch
- uses positional parameters as arguments to start the game after patch/unpatch
- -R, --no-revert
- prevents a normal installation from first reverting
- </code></pre></section>
- <section id="tabpanel_8icGlBCLD4_game" role="tabpanel" data-tab="game" aria-hidden="true" hidden="hidden">
- <p>The game <em>also</em> gets quite a few command line options, though there isn't anything as convenient as a help page for them.</p>
- <p>Here's a quick list of what they are and what they do.</p>
- <ul>
- <li><p><code>--verbose</code></p>
- <blockquote><p>Makes a console appear with log information at startup.</p>
- </blockquote>
- </li>
- <li><p><code>--debug</code></p>
- <blockquote><p>Enables the loading of debug information in Mono. The debugging information must be in the portable PDB format,
- in the same location as the DLL that it's for.</p>
- <p>This option also forces BSIPA to show all debug messages in the console, as well as where they were called.</p>
- <p>This overrides the config settings <code>Debug.ShowDebug</code> and <code>Debug.ShowCallSource</code>.</p>
- </blockquote>
- </li>
- <li><p><code>--trace</code></p>
- <blockquote><p>Enables trace level messages. By default, they do not ever enter the message queue, and thus cost almost nothing.
- When this or the config option is used, they are added and logged with the same rules as Debug messages.</p>
- <p>This overrides the config setting <code>Debug.ShowTrace</code>.</p>
- </blockquote>
- </li>
- <li><p><code>--mono-debug</code></p>
- <blockquote><p>Enables the built-in Mono soft debugger engine.</p>
- <p>By default, it acts as a client, and requires that there be a soft
- debugger server running on port 10000 on <code>localhost</code>.</p>
- <p>Implies <code>--debug</code>.</p>
- </blockquote>
- </li>
- <li><p><code>--server</code></p>
- <blockquote><p>Does nothing on its own.</p>
- <p>When paired with <code>--mono-debug</code>, this option makes the Mono soft debugger act in server mode. It begins listening on
- port 10000 on any address, and will pause startup (with no window) until a debugger is connected. I recommend using
- SDB, but that is a command line debugger and a lot of people don't care for those.</p>
- </blockquote>
- </li>
- <li><p><code>--no-yeet</code></p>
- <blockquote><p>Disables mod yeeting.</p>
- <p>By default, whenever BSIPA detects that the game is now running a newer version than previous runs, it will move all
- mods to another folder and not load them. (They still get checked for updates though.) When this is enabled, that
- behaviour is disabled.</p>
- <p>Overrides the config setting <code>YeetMods</code>.</p>
- </blockquote>
- </li>
- <li><p><code>--condense-logs</code></p>
- <blockquote><p>Reduces the number of log files BSIPA will output for a given session.</p>
- <p>By default, BSIPA will create a subfolder in the <code>Logs</code> folder for each mod sublog, as well as each mod. This disables
- that behaviour, and restricts it to only create a global log and mod logs.</p>
- <p>Overrides the config setting <code>Debug.CondenseModLogs</code>.</p>
- </blockquote>
- </li>
- <li><p><code>--no-updates</code></p>
- <blockquote><p>Disables automatic updating.</p>
- <p>By default, BSIPA will check <a href="http://beatmods.com">BeatMods</a> for all of the loaded mods to see if there is a new version
- avaliable. If there is, it will be downloaded and installed on the next run. This flag disables that behaviour.</p>
- <p>Overrides the config settings <code>Updates.AutoCheckUpdates</code> and <code>Updates.AutoUpdate</code>.</p>
- </blockquote>
- </li>
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